  • The interstellar medium distribution, gas kinematics, and system dynamics of the far-infrared luminous quasar SDSS J2310+1855 at $z=6.0$

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-21

    摘要: We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) sub-kiloparsec- to kiloparsec-scale resolution observations of the [C ii], CO (98), and OH+ (1101) lines along with their dust continuum emission toward the far-infrared (FIR) luminous quasar SDSS J231038.88+185519.7 at z = 6.0031, to study the interstellar medium distribution, the gas kinematics, and the quasar-host system dynamics. We decompose the intensity maps of the [C ii] and CO (98) lines and the dust continuum with two-dimensional elliptical Srsic models. The [C ii] brightness follows a flat distribution with a Srsic index of 0.59. The CO (98) line and the dust continuum can be fit with an unresolved nuclear component and an extended Srsic component with a Srsic index of 1, which may correspond to the emission from an active galactic nucleus dusty molecular torus and a quasar host galaxy, respectively. The different [C ii] spatial distribution may be due to the effect of the high dust opacity, which increases the FIR background radiation on the [C ii] line, especially in the galaxy center, significantly suppressing the [C ii] emission profile. The dust temperature drops with distance from the center. The effective radius of the dust continuum is smaller than that of the line emission and the dust mass surface density, but is consistent with that of the star formation rate surface density. This may indicate that the dust emission is a less robust tracer of the dust and gas distribution but is a decent tracer of the obscured star formation activity. The OH+ (1101) line shows a P-Cygni profile with an absorption at 400 km/s, which may indicate an outflow with a neutral gas mass of (6.2 1.2) 108 M along the line of sight. We employed a three-dimensional tilted ring model to fit the [C ii] and CO (98) data cubes. The two lines are both rotation dominated and trace identical disk geometries and gas motions. This suggest that the [C ii] and CO (98) gas are coplanar and corotating in this quasar host galaxy. The consistent circular velocities measured with [C ii] and CO (98) lines indicate that these two lines trace a similar gravitational potential. We decompose the circular rotation curve measured from the kinematic model fit to the [C ii] line into four matter components (black hole, stars, gas, and dark matter). The quasar-starburst system is dominated by baryonic matter inside the central few kiloparsecs. We constrain the black hole mass to be 2.97+0.51 0.77 109 M ; this is the first time that the dynamical mass of a black hole has been measured at z 6. This mass is consistent with that determined using the scaling relations from quasar emission lines. A massive stellar component (on the order of 109 M ) may have already existed when the Universe was only 0.93 Gyr old. The relations between the black hole mass and the baryonic mass of this quasar indicate that the central supermassive black hole may have formed before its host galaxy.

  • The interstellar medium distribution, gas kinematics, and system dynamics of the far-infrared luminous quasar SDSS J2310+1855 at $z=6.0$

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present ALMA sub-kpc- to kpc-scale resolution observations of the [CII], CO(9-8), and OH$^{+}$\,($1_{1}$--$0_{1}$) lines along with their dust continuum emission toward the FIR luminous quasar SDSS J231038.88+185519.7 at $z = 6.0031$. The [CII] brightness follows a flat distribution with a Sersic index of 0.59. The CO(9-8) line and the dust continuum can be fit with an unresolved nuclear component and an extended Sersic component with a Sersic index of ~1. The dust temperature drops with distance from the center. The effective radius of the dust continuum is smaller than that of the line emission and the dust mass surface density, but is consistent with that of the star formation rate surface density. The OH$^{+}$\,($1_{1}$--$0_{1}$) line shows a P-Cygni profile with an absorption, which may indicate an outflow with a neutral gas mass of $(6.2\pm1.2)\times10^{8} M_{\odot}$ along the line of sight. We employed a 3D tilted ring model to fit the [CII] and CO(9-8) data cubes. The two lines are both rotation dominated and trace identical disk geometries and gas motions. We decompose the circular rotation curve measured from the kinematic model fit to the [CII] line into four matter components (black hole, stars, gas, and dark matter). The quasar-starburst system is dominated by baryonic matter inside the central few kiloparsecs. We constrain the black hole mass to be $2.97^{+0.51}_{-0.77}\times 10^{9}\,M_{\odot}$; this is the first time that the dynamical mass of a black hole has been measured at $z\sim6$. A massive stellar component (on the order of $10^{9}\,M_{\odot}$) may have already existed when the Universe was only ~0.93 Gyr old. The relations between the black hole mass and the baryonic mass of this quasar indicate that the central supermassive black hole may have formed before its host galaxy. [Abridged version. Please see the full abstract in the manuscript.]

  • Brightest Cluster Galaxy Formation in the z=4.3 Protocluster SPT2349-56: Discovery of a Radio-Loud AGN

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We have observed the z=4.3 protocluster SPT2349-56 with ATCA with the aim of detecting radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) amongst the ~30 submillimeter galaxies identified in the structure. We detect the central complex of SMGs at 2.2\,GHz with a luminosity of L_2.2=(4.42pm0.56)x10^{25} W/Hz. The ASKAP also detects the source at 888 MHz, constraining the radio spectral index to alpha=-1.6pm0.3, consistent with ATCA non-detections at 5.5 and 9GHz, and implying L_1.4(rest)=(2.4pm0.3)x10^{26}W/Hz. This radio luminosity is about 100 times higher than expected from star formation, assuming the usual FIR-radio correlation, which is a clear indication of an AGN driven by a forming brightest cluster galaxy (BCG). None of the SMGs in SPT2349-56 show signs of AGN in any other diagnostics available to us (notably 12CO out to J=16, OH163um, CII/IR, and optical spectra), highlighting the radio continuum as a powerful probe of obscured AGN in high-z protoclusters. No other significant radio detections are found amongst the cluster members, consistent with the FIR-radio correlation. We compare these results to field samples of radio sources and SMGs, along with the 22 SPT-SMG gravitational lenses also observed in the ATCA program, as well as powerful radio galaxies at high redshifts. Our results allow us to better understand the effects of this gas-rich, overdense environment on early supermassive black hole (SMBH) growth and cluster feedback. We estimate that (3.3pm0.7)x10^{38} W of power are injected into the growing ICM by the radio-loud AGN, whose energy over 100Myr is comparable to the binding energy of the gas mass of the central halo. The AGN power is also comparable to the instantaneous energy injection from supernova feedback from the 23 catalogued SMGs in the core region of 120kpc projected radius. The SPT2349-56 radio-loud AGN may be providing strong feedback on a nascent ICM.