• 最大邓熵三角中的白银比

    分类: 数学 >> 离散数学和组合数学 提交时间: 2022-03-18

    摘要: 帕斯卡三角是二项式系数的三角形式,由它可以得到斐波那契数列和黄金比(约等于1.618)。一个问题是:帕斯卡三角中是否能得到白银比(约等于2.414)?本文首先基于最大邓熵的质量函数分布,建立了一个最大邓熵三角(MDET),这是一个类帕斯卡三角(Pascal-like triangle)。推导了MDET数列的通项公式,并分析了MDET数列中的极限比。经典的帕斯卡三角左右对称,通过对角加(Diagonal sum)只能得到一种数列斐波那契数列,其极限比为黄金比。与帕斯卡三角不同,本文所提出的MDET是非对称结构,通过右对角加与左对角加可以生成两种数列右MDET数列和左MDET数列。本文证明了右MDET数列中的极限比收敛于白银比,而左MDET数列中的极限比收敛于数值2。本文通过数值算例说明了所提出的MDET及其数列的性质。

  • QZNs: Quantum Z-numbers

    分类: 计算机科学 >> 计算机科学的集成理论 提交时间: 2021-04-12

    摘要: Because of the efficiency of modeling fuzziness and vagueness, Z-number plays an important role in real practice. However, Z-numbers, defined in the real number field, lack the ability to process the quantum information in quantum environment. It is reasonable to generalize Z-number into its quantum counterpart. In this paper, we propose quantum Z-numbers (QZNs), which are the quantum generalization of Z-numbers. In addition, seven basic quantum fuzzy operations of QZNs and their corresponding quantum circuits are presented and illustrated by numerical examples. Moreover, based on QZNs, a novel quantum multi-attributes decision making (MADM) algorithm is proposed and applied in medical diagnosis. The results show that, with the help of quantum computation, the proposed algorithm can make diagnoses correctly and efficiently.