  • Resonant Damping of Kink Modes in Solar Coronal Slabs

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We examine resonantly damped kink modes in straight coronal slabs, paying special attention to the effects of the formulation for the transverse density distribution ("profile"). We work in the framework of pressure-less, gravity-free, resistive magnetohydrodynamics, and we adopt the dissipative-eigenmode perspective. The density profile is restricted to be one-dimensional, but nonetheless allowed to take a generic form characterized by a continuous transition layer connecting a uniform interior to a uniform exterior. A dispersion relation (DR) is derived in the thin-boundary limit, yielding analytical expressions for the eigenfrequencies that generalize known results in various aspects. We find that the analytical rather than the numerical solutions to the thin-boundary DR serve better the purpose for validating our self-consistent resistive solutions. More importantly, the eigenfrequencies are found to be sensitive to profile specifications, the ratio of the imaginary to the real part readily varying by a factor of two when one profile is used in place of another. Our eigenmode computations are also examined in the context of impulsively excited kink waves, suggesting the importance of resonant absorption for sufficiently oblique components when the spatial scale of the exciter is comparable to the slab half-width.

  • Oblique Quasi-Kink Modes in Solar Coronal Slabs Embedded in an Asymmetric Magnetic Environment: Resonant Damping, Phase and Group Diagrams

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: There has been considerable interest in magnetoacoustic waves in static, straight, field-aligned, one-dimensional equilibria where the exteriors of a magnetic slab are different between the two sides. We focus on trapped, transverse fundamental, oblique quasi-kink modes in pressureless setups where the density varies continuously from a uniform interior (with density $\rho_{\rm i}$) to a uniform exterior on either side (with density $\rho_{\rm L}$ or $\rho_{\rm R}$), assuming $\rho_{\rm L}\le\rho_{\rm R}\le\rho_{\rm i}$. The continuous structuring and oblique propagation make our study new relative to pertinent studies, and lead to wave damping via the Alfv$\acute{\rm e}$n resonance. We compute resonantly damped quasi-kink modes as resistive eigenmodes, and isolate the effects of system asymmetry by varying $\rho_{\rm i}/\rho_{\rm R}$ from the ``Fully Symmetric'' ($\rho_{\rm i}/\rho_{\rm R}=\rho_{\rm i}/\rho_{\rm L}$) to the ``Fully Asymmetric'' limit ($\rho_{\rm i}/\rho_{\rm R}=1$). We find that the damping rates possess a nonmonotonic $\rho_{\rm i}/\rho_{\rm R}$-dependence as a result of the difference between the two Alfv$\acute{\rm e}$n continua, and resonant absorption occurs only in one continuum when $\rho_{\rm i}/\rho_{\rm R}$ is below some threshold. We also find that the system asymmetry results in two qualitatively different regimes for the phase and group diagrams. The phase and group trajectories lie essentially on the same side (different sides) relative to the equilibrium magnetic field when the configuration is not far from a ``Fully Asymmetric'' (``Fully Symmetric'') one. Our numerical results are understood by making analytical progress in the thin-boundary limit, and discussed for imaging observations of axial standing modes and impulsively excited wavetrains.

  • Three-Dimensional Propagation of Kink Wave Trains in Solar Coronal Slabs

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Impulsively excited wave trains are of considerable interest in solar coronal seismology. To our knowledge, however, it remains to examine the three-dimensional (3D) dispersive propagation of impulsive kink waves in straight, field-aligned, symmetric, low-beta, slab equilibria that are structured only in one transverse direction. We offer a study here, starting with an analysis of linear oblique kink modes from an eigenvalue problem perspective. Two features are numerically found for continuous and step structuring alike, one being that the group and phase velocities may lie on opposite sides of the equilibrium magnetic field ($\vec{B}_0$), and the other being that the group trajectories extend only to a limited angle from $\vec{B}_0$. We justify these features by making analytical progress for the step structuring. More importantly, we demonstrate by a 3D time-dependent simulation that these features show up in the intricate interference patterns of kink wave trains that arise from a localized initial perturbation. In a plane perpendicular to the direction of inhomogeneity, the large-time slab-guided patterns are confined to a narrow sector about $\vec{B}_0$, with some wavefronts propagating toward $\vec{B}_0$. We conclude that the phase and group diagrams lay the necessary framework for understanding the complicated time-dependent behavior of impulsive waves.

  • Three-Dimensional Propagation of Kink Wave Trains in Solar Coronal Slabs

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Impulsively excited wave trains are of considerable interest in solar coronal seismology. To our knowledge, however, it remains to examine the three-dimensional (3D) dispersive propagation of impulsive kink waves in straight, field-aligned, symmetric, low-beta, slab equilibria that are structured only in one transverse direction. We offer a study here, starting with an analysis of linear oblique kink modes from an eigenvalue problem perspective. Two features are numerically found for continuous and step structuring alike, one being that the group and phase velocities may lie on opposite sides of the equilibrium magnetic field ($\vec{B}_0$), and the other being that the group trajectories extend only to a limited angle from $\vec{B}_0$. We justify these features by making analytical progress for the step structuring. More importantly, we demonstrate by a 3D time-dependent simulation that these features show up in the intricate interference patterns of kink wave trains that arise from a localized initial perturbation. In a plane perpendicular to the direction of inhomogeneity, the large-time slab-guided patterns are confined to a narrow sector about $\vec{B}_0$, with some wavefronts propagating toward $\vec{B}_0$. We conclude that the phase and group diagrams lay the necessary framework for understanding the complicated time-dependent behavior of impulsive waves.

  • Oblique Quasi-Kink Modes in Solar Coronal Slabs Embedded in an Asymmetric Magnetic Environment: Resonant Damping, Phase and Group Diagrams

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: There has been considerable interest in magnetoacoustic waves in static, straight, field-aligned, one-dimensional equilibria where the exteriors of a magnetic slab are different between the two sides. We focus on trapped, transverse fundamental, oblique quasi-kink modes in pressureless setups where the density varies continuously from a uniform interior (with density $\rho_{\rm i}$) to a uniform exterior on either side (with density $\rho_{\rm L}$ or $\rho_{\rm R}$), assuming $\rho_{\rm L}\le\rho_{\rm R}\le\rho_{\rm i}$. The continuous structuring and oblique propagation make our study new relative to pertinent studies, and lead to wave damping via the Alfv$\acute{\rm e}$n resonance. We compute resonantly damped quasi-kink modes as resistive eigenmodes, and isolate the effects of system asymmetry by varying $\rho_{\rm i}/\rho_{\rm R}$ from the ``Fully Symmetric'' ($\rho_{\rm i}/\rho_{\rm R}=\rho_{\rm i}/\rho_{\rm L}$) to the ``Fully Asymmetric'' limit ($\rho_{\rm i}/\rho_{\rm R}=1$). We find that the damping rates possess a nonmonotonic $\rho_{\rm i}/\rho_{\rm R}$-dependence as a result of the difference between the two Alfv$\acute{\rm e}$n continua, and resonant absorption occurs only in one continuum when $\rho_{\rm i}/\rho_{\rm R}$ is below some threshold. We also find that the system asymmetry results in two qualitatively different regimes for the phase and group diagrams. The phase and group trajectories lie essentially on the same side (different sides) relative to the equilibrium magnetic field when the configuration is not far from a ``Fully Asymmetric'' (``Fully Symmetric'') one. Our numerical results are understood by making analytical progress in the thin-boundary limit, and discussed for imaging observations of axial standing modes and impulsively excited wavetrains.