• Morphological Decomposition of the Early-type Spiral Galaxy M81 (NGC 3031)

    分类: 天文学 >> 星系和宇宙学 提交时间: 2023-12-08

    摘要: This paper presents a morphological investigation of the early-type spiral galaxy M81 (NGC 3031) through decomposition by fitting radial profiles of surface brightness using the software GALFIT, aimed at exploring structural components of M81 and quantifying their morphology. In this work, we adopt 6 types of decompositions with different numbers of morphological components, among which the most complicated one contains 5 components such as a bulge, a disk, a pair of outer spiral arms, a pair of inner spiral arms, and a galactic nucleus. The results show that, M81 hosts a classical bulge with the Sersic index 5.0; the morphology and the luminosity for the bulge are almost constant in the different decomposition types. The disk of M81 has the Sersic index 1.2 but the morphology and the luminosity are found sensitive to the inclusion of the inner spiral arms in the decomposition or not. The results of this work indicate that the combination of individual substructures has a considerable impact on the morphology of the galaxy as a mixture. On the basis of the results, the usability of the different types of decomposition is suggested in this work. The three-component decomposition, i.e., bulge + disk + nucleus, is applicable to statistics of large samples of galaxies; more complicated decomposition with spiral arms taken into account is suitable for precise measurements of individual galaxies in small samples. This work is based on the single-band Spitzer-The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) 4.5 m image. In the future, we will carry out multi-wavelength decomposition, for the purpose of investigating spectral energy distributions and stellar population properties for the galactic substructures, and thereby deduce their formation history and evolution processes.

  • Combination of a reaction cell and an ultra-high vacuum system for the in situ preparation and characterization of a model catalyst

    分类: 核科学技术 >> 辐射物理与技术 提交时间: 2023-06-01

  • Lithospheric loading model for large impact basin where mantle plug presents

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Lithosphere is an outer rigid part of the terrestrial body, usually consisting of the crust and part of the mantle. Characterizing the physical properties of the lithosphere is critical in investigating its evolution. By modeling mass-related loads within the lithosphere, physical parameters such as the elastic thickness of the lithosphere can be inferred from gravity and topography data. In the impact basin region, however, the low topography-gravity correlation and the sharp change in admittance from negative to positive within a narrow spheric harmonic degree make this model inapplicable. In this work, we incorporated mantle uplift structures commonly formed in impact basin regions into the lithospheric loading model. The crustal-mantle boundary of this mantle uplift structure is inferred from the global crustal thickness model. The gravity anomaly of the deflected lithosphere is calculated at the surface and crustal-mantle boundary, then the theoretical gravity admittance and correlation can be compared with the observed data. We sampled parameters using this mantle loading model at Argyre and Isidis basin on Mars with a novel crustal thickness model from the InSight mission. Our work suggests that proper modelling of the impact-induced load is critical to understanding the physical properties of the planetary lithosphere in the basin region.

  • Lithospheric loading model for large impact basin where mantle plug presents

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Lithosphere is an outer rigid part of the terrestrial body, usually consisting of the crust and part of the mantle. Characterizing the physical properties of the lithosphere is critical in investigating its evolution. By modeling mass-related loads within the lithosphere, physical parameters such as the elastic thickness of the lithosphere can be inferred from gravity and topography data. In the impact basin region, however, the low topography-gravity correlation and the sharp change in admittance from negative to positive within a narrow spheric harmonic degree make this model inapplicable. In this work, we incorporated mantle uplift structures commonly formed in impact basin regions into the lithospheric loading model. The crustal-mantle boundary of this mantle uplift structure is inferred from the global crustal thickness model. The gravity anomaly of the deflected lithosphere is calculated at the surface and crustal-mantle boundary, then the theoretical gravity admittance and correlation can be compared with the observed data. We sampled parameters using this mantle loading model at Argyre and Isidis basin on Mars with a novel crustal thickness model from the InSight mission. Our work suggests that proper modelling of the impact-induced load is critical to understanding the physical properties of the planetary lithosphere in the basin region.