• Sub-radiant states for imperfect quantum emitters coupled by a nanophotonic waveguide

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-25

    摘要: Coherent interactions between quantum emitters in tailored photonic structures is a fundamental building block for future quantum technologies, but remains challenging to observe in complex solid-state environments, where the role of decoherence must be considered. Here, we investigate the optical interaction between two quantum emitters mediated by one-dimensional waveguides in a realistic solid-state environment, focusing on the creation, population and detection of a sub-radiant state, in the presence of dephasing. We show that as dephasing increases, the signatures of sub-radiance quickly vanish in intensity measurements yet remain pronounced in photon correlation measurements, particularly when the two emitters are pumped separately so as to populate the sub-radiant state efficiently. The applied Green's tensor approach is used to model a photonic crystal waveguide, including the dependence on the spatial position of the integrated emitter. The work lays out a route to the experimental realization of sub-radiant states in nanophotonic waveguides containing solid-state emitters.

  • White dwarf binary modulation can help stochastic gravitational wave background search

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: For the stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds (SGWBs) search centred at the milli-Hz band, the galactic foreground produced by white dwarf binaries (WDBs) within the Milky Way contaminates the extra-galactic signal severely. Because of the anisotropic distribution pattern of the WDBs and the motion of the spaceborne gravitational wave interferometer constellation, the time-domain data stream will show an annual modulation. This property is fundamentally different from those of the SGWBs. In this Letter, we propose a new filtering method for the data vector based on the annual modulation phenomenon. We apply the resulted inverse variance filter to the LISA data challenge. The result shows that for the weaker SGWB signal, such as energy density $\Omega_{\rm astro}=5\times10^{-12}$, the filtering method can enhance the posterior distribution peak prominently. For the stronger signal, such as $\Omega_{\rm astro}=15\times10^{-12}$, the method can improve the Bayesian evidence from `substantial' to `strong' against null hypotheses. This method is model-independent and self-contained. It does not ask for other types of information besides the gravitational wave data.

  • White dwarf binary modulation can help stochastic gravitational wave background search

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: For the stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds (SGWBs) search centred at the milli-Hz band, the galactic foreground produced by white dwarf binaries (WDBs) within the Milky Way contaminates the extra-galactic signal severely. Because of the anisotropic distribution pattern of the WDBs and the motion of the spaceborne gravitational wave interferometer constellation, the time-domain data stream will show an annual modulation. This property is fundamentally different from those of the SGWBs. In this Letter, we propose a new filtering method for the data vector based on the annual modulation phenomenon. We apply the resulted inverse variance filter to the LISA data challenge. The result shows that for the weaker SGWB signal, such as energy density $\Omega_{\rm astro}=5\times10^{-12}$, the filtering method can enhance the posterior distribution peak prominently. For the stronger signal, such as $\Omega_{\rm astro}=15\times10^{-12}$, the method can improve the Bayesian evidence from `substantial' to `strong' against null hypotheses. This method is model-independent and self-contained. It does not ask for other types of information besides the gravitational wave data.

  • Resolving Galactic binaries in LISA data using particle swarm optimization and cross-validation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The space-based gravitational wave (GW) detector LISA is expected to observe signals from a large population of compact object binaries, comprised predominantly of white dwarfs, in the Milky Way. Resolving individual sources from this population against its self-generated confusion noise poses a major data analysis problem. We present an iterative source estimation and subtraction method to address this problem based on the use of particle swarm optimization (PSO). In addition to PSO, a novel feature of the method is the cross-validation of sources estimated from the same data using different signal parameter search ranges. This is found to greatly reduce contamination by spurious sources and may prove to be a useful addition to any multi-source resolution method. Applied to a recent mock data challenge, the method is able to find $O(10^4)$ Galactic binaries across a signal frequency range of $[0.1,15]$ mHz, and, for frequency $\gtrsim 4$ mHz, reduces the residual data after subtracting out estimated signals to the instrumental noise level.

  • Heralded entanglement distribution between two absorptive quantum memories

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Owing to the inevitable loss in communication channels, the distance of entanglement distribution is limited to approximately 100 kilometres on the ground. Quantum repeaters can circumvent this problem by using quantum memory and entanglement swapping. As the elementary link of a quantum repeater, the heralded distribution of two-party entanglement between two remote nodes has only been realized with built-in-type quantum memories. These schemes suffer from the trade-off between multiplexing capacity and deterministic properties and hence hinder the development of efficient quantum repeaters. Quantum repeaters based on absorptive quantum memories can overcome such limitations because they separate the quantum memories and the quantum light sources. Here we present an experimental demonstration of heralded entanglement between absorptive quantum memories. We build two nodes separated by 3.5 metres, each containing a polarization-entangled photon-pair source and a solid-state quantum memory with bandwidth up to 1 gigahertz. A joint Bell-state measurement in the middle station heralds the successful distribution of maximally entangled states between the two quantum memories with a fidelity of 80.4 $\pm$ 2.2 per cent ($\pm$1 standard deviation). The quantum nodes and channels demonstrated here can serve as an elementary link of a quantum repeater. Moreover, the wideband absorptive quantum memories used in the nodes are compatible with deterministic entanglement sources and can simultaneously support multiplexing, which paves the way for the construction of practical solid-state quantum repeaters and high-speed quantum networks.