• A New Residual Distribution Hydrodynamics Solver for Astrophysical Simulations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Many astrophysical systems can only be accurately modelled when the behaviour of their baryonic gas components is well understood. The residual distribution (RD) family of partial differential equation (PDE) solvers produce approximate solutions to the corresponding fluid equations. We present a new implementation of the RD method. The solver efficiently calculates the evolution of the fluid, with up to second order accuracy in both time and space, across an unstructured triangulation, in both 2D and 3D. We implement a novel variable time stepping routine, which applies a drifting mechanism to greatly improve the computational efficiency of the method. We conduct extensive testing of the new implementation, demonstrating its innate ability to resolve complex fluid structures, even at very low resolution. We can resolve complex structures with as few as 3-5 resolution elements, demonstrated by Kelvin-Helmholtz and Sedov blast tests. We also note that we find cold cloud destruction time scales consistent with those predicted by a typical PPE solver, albeit the exact evolution shows small differences. The code includes three residual calculation modes, the LDA, N and blended schemes, tailored for scenarios from smooth flows (LDA), to extreme shocks (N), and both (blended). We compare our RD solver results to state-of-the-art solvers used in other astrophysical codes, demonstrating the competitiveness of the new approach, particularly at low resolution. This is of particular interest in large scale astrophysical simulations, where important structures, such as star forming gas clouds, are often resolved by small numbers of fluid elements.

  • Searching Extra-tidal Features around the Globular Cluster Whiting 1

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Whiting 1 is a faint and young globular cluster in the halo of the Milky Way, and was suggested to have originated in the Sagittarius spherical dwarf galaxy (Sgr dSph). In this paper, we use the deep DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys to explore tentative spatial connection between Whiting 1 and the Sgr dSph. We redetermine the fundamental parameters of Whiting 1 and use the best-fitting isochrone (age $\tau$=6.5 Gyr, metalicity Z=0.005 and $\rm d_{\odot}$=26.9 kpc) to construct a theoretical matched filter for the extra-tidal features searching. Without any smooth technique to the matched filter density map, we detect a round-shape feature with possible leading and trailing tails on either side of the cluster. This raw image is not totally new compared to old discoveries, but confirms that no more large-scale features can be detected under a depth of r<=22.5 mag. In our results, the whole feature stretches 0.1-0.2 degree along the orbit of Whiting 1, which gives a much larger area than the cluster core. The tails on both sides of the cluster align along the orbital direction of the Sgr dSph as well as the cluster itself, which implies that these debris are probably stripped remnants of Whiting 1 by the Milky Way.