  • The FAST Core Array

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文仪器与技术 提交时间: 2024-04-16 合作期刊: 《天文技术与仪器(英文)》

    摘要:The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) Core Array is a proposed extension of FAST, integrating 24 secondary 40-m antennas implanted within 5 km of the FAST site. This original array design will combine the unprecedented sensitivity of FAST with a high angular resolution (4.3" at a frequency of 1.4 GHz), thereby exceeding the capabilities at similar frequencies of next-generation arrays such as the Square Kilometre Array Phase 1 or the next-generation Very Large Array. This article presents the technical specifications of the FAST Core Array, evaluates its potential relatively to existing radio telescope arrays, and describes its expected scientific prospects. The proposed array will be equipped with technologically advanced backend devices, such as real-time signal processing systems. A phased array feed receiver will be mounted on FAST to improve the survey efficiency of the FAST Core Array, whose broad frequency coverage and large field of view( FOV) will be essential to study transient cosmic phenomena such as fast radio bursts and gravitational wave events, to conduct surveys and resolve structures in neutral hydrogen galaxies, to monitor or detect pulsars, and to investigate exoplanetary systems. Finally, the FAST Core Array can strengthen China's major role in the global radio astronomy community, owing to a wide range of potential scientific applications from cosmology to exoplanet science.

  • The Jiao Tong University Spectroscopic Telescope Project

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文仪器与技术 提交时间: 2024-02-07 合作期刊: 《天文技术与仪器(英文)》

    摘要:The Jiao Tong University Spectroscopic Telescope (JUST) is a 4.4-meter f/6.0 segmented-mirror telescope dedicated to spectroscopic observations. The JUST primary mirror is composed of 18 hexagonal segments, each with a diameter of 1.1 m. JUST provides two Nasmyth platforms for placing science instruments. One Nasmyth focus fits a field of view of 10 ′ and the other has an extended field of view of 1.2° with correction optics. A tertiary mirror is used to switch between the two Nasmyth foci. JUST will be installed at a site at Lenghu in Qinghai Province, China, and will conduct spectroscopic observations with three types of instruments to explore the dark universe, trace the dynamic universe, and search for exoplanets: (1) a multi-fiber (2000 fibers) medium-resolution spectrometer (R=4 000−5 000) to spectroscopically map galaxies and large-scale structure; (2) an integral field unit (IFU) array of 500 optical fibers and/or a long-slit spectrograph dedicated to fast follow-ups of transient sources for multi-messenger astronomy; (3) a high-resolution spectrometer (R~100 000) designed to identify Jupiter analogs and Earth-like planets, with the capability to characterize the atmospheres of hot exoplanets.