• Network and Health: Research on the Formation Mechanism of Network Users' Health Knowledge System

    分类: 数字出版 >> 数字技术 提交时间: 2023-07-23

    摘要: In order to investigate what factors strengthen the construction of health knowledge system of Internet users and reveal the social impact of the fact that audiences’ health knowledge system formed through the Internet.This paper investigates the relationship between health anxiety of Internet users and their autonomy of searching health knowledge from the perspective of the Use and Gratification Approach, and explored the relationship between health knowledge system of Internet users and medical cognition from the perspective of the Cognitive Balance Theory. This study used questionnaire method and a total of 168 valid questionnaires were collected. The study found that health anxiety and the Internet's precise push mechanism strengthen the construction of online users' knowledge system.At the same time, the study found that the audience's trust in offline medical care is reduced when they excessively acquire health knowledge and build their knowledge system through the Internet, which may lead to the phenomenon of doctor-patient "micro-conflict".