• Thoughts and Suggestions on Development of Earth Sciences in China

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Earth Sciences is a multi-disciplinary science, which takes the interaction of Earth’s various spheres and their resources and environmental effects as the research object. As a comprehensive and systematic science that not only expands the frontier of human knowledge but also serves the social and economic development of human beings, Earth Sciences not only studies the past and reveals the evolution history of the Earth, but also faces the future and provides solutions for the sustainable development of human beings. Based on the analysis of the international development trends of Earth Sciences and the summary of the development status and sci-tech funding of Earth Sciences in China, this study proposed that the future development direction and research plan of Earth Sciences in China should be arranged from the perspective of system science and national needs; and from the perspective of the Earth system as a whole, while attention should be paid to the interaction of various spheres and elements in the Earth system and their influence on the social and economic development of human beings. It is extremely necessary to guide the development directions of Earth Sciences research with “Four Orientations”, carry out major scientific research in an organized way, and improve the mechanisms of sci-tech funding and evaluation, so that the research achievements can better serve the national major strategic needs.

  • From Strategy Consulting Research to Science of Think Tank

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Think tank researches are the main element to advance the modernization of China's capacity for governance, and they are multidisciplinary related to many research areas. The suggestions of think tank researches may have massive influences as long as they are adapted. In this study, we recommend that the think tank researches should be advanced to the science of think tank. The think tank researches should follow the widely recognized scientific research character–falsifiability. Based on solid data and evidences, think tank researches build objective models, develop qualitative methods and quantitative tools, and generate objective strategic consulting proposals with predictive ability. By controllable error correction and falsification process, we gradually eliminate the concurrence of causes and the plurality of causes in the models and methods, get the general conclusion and then the models and methods will be verified when applied.

  • Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and Karl Popper’s Three Worlds

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Base on the view of material monism, this paper explains how quantum mechanics describes the objectivity of the microscopic world. It points out that the challenge posed by the Copenhagen interpretation to the fundamental problem of philosophy is not essential, due to its adoption of the wave-packet collapse hypothesis which is non-unique to implement repeatable measurement. Therefore, the conclusion that matter and consciousness are inseparable is not rigorous either from scientific or from philosophical perspective. With regard to Karl Popper’s philosophy of “three worlds”, our quantum theory of measurement describes how the multiple observers probe into the micro system to obtain the objective knowledge about the microworld with objective quantum measurements, thus gives an ontological interpretation to the objective knowledge world (World 3) of Popper: the material world (World 1) interacts with the materialized carrier of spiritual perception world (World 2), forming the correlations or entanglements between the two worlds. These correspond to all mental perception including the subjective world. Here, the objective part, which can be defined by the objective quantum measurement, constitutes the objective knowledge world (World 3) of micro system. As the objective knowledge world emerges, the information flows from the material world to the subjective object. The direction of information flow defines the materialized carrier of spiritual perception, that is different from the usual material world.