• Strengthen Ex Situ Conservation of Plants and Promote Protection and Utilization of Plant Resources

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Plant resources are the basis of human survival and development. Due to human and natural disturbance, plant diversity is facing a serious threat. Ex situ conservation is an important way to remove the threat. Botanical garden and germplasm bank are the main institutions of ex situ conservation. A total of 105 634 species of plants have been ex situ protected in the global botanical gardens, accounting for about 30% of the global total, and more than 40% of the threatened species have been protected. More than 3 million crop germplasm resources have been collected in more than 500 germplasm banks around the world. China’s botanical gardens ex situ protected more than 20000 native plants, accounting for about 60% of the total species; the National Crop Germplasm Bank and resource nurseries preserved more than 500000 germplasm resources. While strengthening plant conservation, ex situ plant protection institutions have carried out a lot of scientific research and resource utilization. In order to promote the ex situ conservation of plant diversity and green development, this study also reviewed the research progress of ex situ conservation of plants, and put forward some suggestions on strengthening ex situ conservation of plants in China.