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  • Layout of Basic Research Based on Think Tank Double Helix Methodology

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The layout of basic research is a typical multi-stakeholder and multi-disciplinary comprehensive policy research, which is suitable to be guided by the think tank double helix methodology. Firstly, the study summarizes the “organization” and theoretical understanding of basic research layout. Secondly, based on MIPS logical hierarchy method and DIIS process fusion method, the study analyzes the fusion mechanism of “discipline layout” and “task layout” of basic research. Finally, the study puts forward the promotion strategies and measures of the future basic research layout from four aspects: system layout, discipline layout, task layout, and international layout.

  • Strategy of Scientific and Technological Powerhouse in New Era

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Scientific and technological powerhouse is the core of a fully modernized country, and the scientific and technological modernization is an important part of modernization with Chinese characteristics. To grasp the new development stage, implement the new development concept, build the new development pattern, and promote the high-quality development, it is urgent to systematically promote the construction of scientific and technological powerhouse (STP) in the new era from the perspective of strategic system. Firstly, define the strategic connotation and establish the strategic system analysis framework of “strategic environment-strategic objectives-strategic capabilities#2;strategic actions”. Secondly, analyze the strategic environment for constructing an STP, accurately study and judge the general trend of long#2;term development and firmly grasp the strategic opportunities of science and technology. Thirdly, enrich the strategic goal of constructing an STP, enter the ranks and forefront of innovative countries, and constructing an STP. Fourthly, enhance the strategic capacity of constructing an STP, build a national innovation system, and strengthen strategic scientific and technological force and strategic talent force. Finally, deepen the strategic action of constructing an STP, implement the innovation driven development strategy, and promote sci-tech self-reliance and self#2;strengthening at higher levels.

  • Strengthen Strategic Support of Science and Technology Power to Great Modernized Country

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The building of science and technology (S&T) power is strategically important to develop China into a great modernized socialist country. This study first analyzed the significance of building an S&T power, summarized the international experience of constructing an S&T power, and the historical process of building an S&T power with Chinese characteristics. We also analyzed the long-term and phased unity of achieving socialist modernization and building S&T power, explored the stage tasks of building S&T power. At the new historical starting point to build an S&T power, China must further improve the quality of scientific and technological innovation elements, build a modern innovation system, and improve the guarantee measures for building an S&T power.

  • Promoting Organized Basic Research: Strategic Layout and Strategic Capacity in Science and Technology

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Focusing on “organized basic research”, this study reviews the main experience of major countries in promoting “organized basic research” from three aspects, namely, driving scientific and technological innovation, coordinating the strategic layout, and clarifying the division of strategic capacity in science and technology. Then, from the two perspectives, i.e., task layout of five types of “organized basic research”, and main orientation of strategic capacity in science and technology of three types of institution, the study analyzes the promotion ideas of “organized basic research” in China in the new era. Finally, the study puts forward the ways to improve implementation mechanism of “organized basic research” in China from four aspects, namely, scientific problem selection mechanism, resource allocation mechanism, organizational model, and management mode.

  • Building Ten Types of New Infrastructure System for a Great Modern Power

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: From the perspective of human historical development process, this study analyzes the connotation evolution and system composition of infrastructure. Measured by the intergenerational leap in infrastructure, this study discusses the connotation and characteristics of new infrastructure in the era of knowledge and intelligent society. From the two dimensions of form and content, the study also puts forward that the new infrastructure system includes technology and digital infrastructure, infrastructure upgrading, infrastructure digitalization, national security, and governance infrastructure in the next 30 years. Based on the eight “economic and social foundation and strategic systems” and two basic systems of “scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation”, this study discusses the composition and structure of ten types of new infrastructure system for a great modern power by 2050. Finally, combined with the current situation, the study puts forward some policy suggestions to promote the construction of new infrastructure system for a great modern power from the three aspects of strategic layout, investment plan, and project reserve.