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  • Attach Importance to Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Speed Up Strategic Blueprint of Standardization

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: At the beginning of the 14th Five-Year Plan, China has further promoted high-quality and in-depth development of social economy, and made clear the action plan for transformation of intellectual property related work from the pursuit of quantity to high#2;quality development. Among them, how to stimulate the vitality of innovation subject through intellectual property protection is a systematic work, which needs in-depth study. Standard is an important part of global governance system and the national governance system, and an important way and means of national governance, which belongs to the scope of public power.From the perspective of intellectual property work aimed at protecting the innovation achievements from individuals or teams, the application and implementation of standards should become the key to the implement of intellectual property protection and innovation protection only by providing consistent support and guarantee for the whole chain of creation, application, protection, management and service of intellectual property rights, and ensuring the formation of work rules with clear power boundary, reasonable division of labor, consistent responsibility and power, and efficient operation, can we further help stimulate the vitality of innovation subjects, and build into an innovative country with the high-quality development of China’s social economy.