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  • Accelerating Biosafety Capacity Building to Ensure National Biosecurity

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Biosafety is an essential part of the national security system, which is related to people’s lives and health, the country’s long#2;term stability, and sustainable development, which is the bottom line that must be guaranteed. The international biosafety situation is grim and complex, while domestic biosafety faces challenges. Therefore, biosafety capacity building has become an international hot spot, among which scientific and technological innovation, talent training, and infrastructure platform construction are the top priorities. Although China has achieved strategic results in the rapid identification of pathogens, research, and development of specific vaccines and medicine in fighting against COVID-19 by relying on scientific research, it has shown the urgency for scientific and technological innovation in biosafety. Therefore, China has developed a strategic plan on“promoting the modernization of the national security system and capabilities, resolutely safeguarding national security and social stability” included in the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Hence, it is suggested to promote biosafety capacity building further to improve China’s biosecurity system, protect people’s health, ensure national security, and maintain long-term peace and stability by improving the layout of scientific and technological frontiers, promoting the construction of biosafety discipline, training of more special talents, and infrastructure platform construction.

  • Current Situation and Future of Biological Collections of Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: With the increasing impact of global environmental change and human activities on biodiversity, human beings will face significant needs in the areas of biodiversity awareness, conservation and sustainable use, and national biosafety. The Biological Collections of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) include the Biological Collections/Museums belonging to 18 scientific research institutes of CAS. It is the main place for preservation, research, and scientific education of animal, plant, fungus, and fossil specimens in China. Among them, there are two institutes who are leading the National Animal Collection and the National Herbarium, respectively, which are listed into the National Science and Technology Infrastructure of China. The collection reserve, management, and utilization of specimens in the Biological Collections of CAS represent the overall level of strategic biological resources in China. It plays an irreplaceable role in the protection and sustainable utilization of national biological resources and plays an important supporting and ensuring role in national biological safety. Based on a comprehensive analysis of its overall status, the basic orientation, composition and layout characteristics of the Biological Collections of CAS, the scale, composition and characteristics of the specimen collection, and comparison with those of the developed countries were expounded in the present paper. The authors also systematically summarized achievements of CAS relied on Biological Collections in the fields of strategic biological resources collection and preservation, classical taxonomic research, Fauna and Flora compilation, specimen information digitization, science popularization, and so on, and expounded their supporting role in frontier scientific research, major national needs, and national economy. In addition, the key problems about collecting, preserving, researching, and sustainable utilizing biological specimen resources, information and data sharing, as well as the “bottleneck” problems restricting the operation and development of Biological Collections were analyzed, and a specific ideas for the construction of the National Biological Collection, the outlook of the plan for collecting biological specimens resources and operation mode of Biological Collections in the future were proposed.

  • Important Supporting Role of Biological Specimen in Biodiversity Conservation and Research

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Biological specimens are important materials in the field of biological research and non-renewable strategic biological resources. The specimen collection of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is the center of conservation, research, and scientific education. It plays an irreplaceable role in the research and protection of biodiversity in China. Biological specimens can provide important information in three dimensions: species, space, and time. The use of different levels of such information supports the research areas of species cognition, biodiversity cataloging, protection and management of endangered species, prevention and control of alien invasion, biodiversity monitoring, and species distribution pattern and biodiversity change. Biological specimens have great potential for biodiversity research and conservation. In the future, the construction and management of specimen resources need to be committed to more comprehensive collection, strengthen the acquisition of in-depth information and the construction of data integration platform, so as to better contribute to the construction of ecological civilization and biodiversity conservation in China.