您选择的条件: Yi-Ming Hu
  • Dark-siren Cosmology with Decihertz Gravitational-wave Detectors

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Gravitational waves (GWs) originated from mergers of stellar-mass binary black holes (SBBHs) are considered as dark sirens in cosmology since they usually do not have electromagnetic counterparts. In order to study cosmos with these events, we not only need the luminosity distances extracted from GW signals, but also require the redshift information of sources via, say, matching GW sky localization with galaxy catalogs. Based on such a methodology, we explore how well decihertz GW detectors, DO-Optimal and DECIGO, can constrain cosmological parameters. Using Monte-Carlo simulated dark sirens, we find that DO-Optimal can constrain the Hubble parameter to ${\sigma_{H_0}} / {H_0}\, \lesssim 0.23\%$ when estimating $H_0$ alone, while DECIGO performs better by a factor of 5 with ${\sigma_{H_0}} / {H_0}\lesssim 0.043\%$. Such a good precision of $H_0$ will shed light on the $H_0$ tension. For multiple-parameter estimation, DECIGO can still reach a level of relative uncertainty smaller than $7\%$. The reason why decihertz detectors perform well is explained by their large numbers of SBBH GW events with good distance and angular resolution.

  • Constraining the cosmological parameters using gravitational wave observations of massive black hole binaries and statistical redshift information

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Space-borne gravitational wave detectors like TianQin are expected to detect GW signals emitted by the mergers of massive black hole binaries. Luminosity distance information can be obtained from GW observations, and one can perform cosmological inference if redshift information can also be extracted, which would be straightforward if an electromagnetic counterpart exists. In this paper, we concentrate on the conservative scenario where the EM counterparts are not available, and comprehensively study if cosmological parameters can be inferred through a statistical approach, utilizing the non-uniform distribution of galaxies as well as the black hole mass-host galaxy bulge luminosity relationship. By adopting different massive black hole binary merger models, and assuming different detector configurations, we conclude that the statistical inference of cosmological parameters is indeed possible. TianQin is expected to constrain the Hubble constant to a relative error of about 4%-7%, depending on the underlying model. The multidetector network of TianQin and LISA can significantly improve the precision of cosmological parameters. In the most favorable model, it is possible to achieve a level of 1.7% with a network of TianQin and LISA. We find that without EM counterparts, constraints on all other parameters need a larger number of events or more precise sky localization of GW sources, which can be achieved by the multidetector network or under a favorable model for massive black hole mergers. However, in the optimistic case, where EM counterparts are available, one can obtain useful constraints on all cosmological parameters in the Lambda-CDM cosmology, regardless of the population model. Moreover, we can also constrain the equation of state of the dark energy without the EM counterparts, and it is even possible to study the evolution of EoS of the DE when the EM counterparts are observed.

  • Detecting the stochastic gravitational wave background with the TianQin detector

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The detection of stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) is among the leading scientific goals of the space-borne gravitational wave observatory, which would have significant impact on astrophysics and fundamental physics. In this work, we developed a data analysis software, \texttt{TQSGWB}, which can extract isotropic SGWB using the Bayes analysis method based on the TianQin detector. We find that for the noise cross spectrum, there are imaginary components and they play an important role in breaking the degeneracy of the position noise in the common laser link. When the imaginary corrections are considered, the credible regions of the position noise parameters are reduced by two orders of magnitude. We demonstrate that the parameters of various signals and instrumental noise could be estimated directly in the absence of a Galactic confusion foreground through Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. With only a three-month observation, we find that TianQin could be able to confidently detect SGWBs with energy density as low as $\Omega_{\rm PL} = 1.3 \times 10^{-12}$, $\Omega_{\rm Flat} = 6.0 \times 10^{-12}$, and $\Omega_{\rm SP} = 9.0 \times 10^{-12}$, for power-law, flat, and single-peak models respectively.

  • An implementation of Galactic white dwarf binary data analysis for MLDC-3.1

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The space-borne gravitational wave detectors will observe a large population of double white dwarf binaries in the Milky Way. However, the search for double white dwarfs in the gravitational wave data will be time-consuming due to the large number of templates involved and antenna response calculation. In this paper, we implement an iterative combinatorial algorithm to search for double white dwarfs in MLDC-3.1 data. To quickly determine the rough parameters of the target sources, the following algorithms are adopted in a coarse search process: (1) using the downsampling method to reduce the number of original data points; (2) using the undersampling method to speed up the generation of a single waveform template; (3) using the stochastic template bank method to quickly construct the waveform template bank while achieving high coverage of the parameter space; (4) Combining the FFT acceleration algorithm with the stochastic template bank to reduce the calculation time of a single template. A fine search process is applied to further determine the parameters of the signals based on the coarse search, for which we adopt the particle swarm optimization. Finally, we detected $\mathcal{O}(10^4)$ double white dwarf signals, validating the feasibility of our method.

  • Constrains on the electric charges of the binary black holes with GWTC-1 events

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Testing black hole's charged property is a fascinating topic in modified gravity and black hole astrophysics. In the first Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog (GWTC-1), ten binary black hole merger events have been formally reported, and these gravitational wave signals have significantly enhanced our understanding of the black hole. In this paper, we try to constrain the amount of electric charge with the parameterized post-Einsteinian framework by treating the electric charge as a small perturbation in a Bayesian way. We find that the current limits in our work are consistent with the result of Fisher information matrix method in previous works. We also develop a waveform model considering a leading order charge effect for binary black hole inspiral.

  • The impacts of A/E channels on stochastic gravitational wave background detection

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The method of time delay interferometry (TDI) is proposed to cancel the laser noise in space-borne gravitational-wave detectors. Among all different TDI combinations, the most commonly used ones are the orthogonal channels A, E and T, where A and E are signal-sensitive and T is signal-insensitive. Meanwhile, for the detection of stochastic gravitational-wave background, one needs to introduce the overlap reduction function to characterize the correlation between channels. For the calculation of overlap reduction function, it is often convenient to work in the low-frequency approximation, and assuming the equal-arm Michelson channels. However, if one wishes to work on the overlap reduction function of $\rm A/E$ channels, then the low-frequency approximation fails. We derive the exact form of overlap reduction function for $\rm A/E$ channels. Based on the overlap reduction function, we calculate the sensitivity curves of TianQin, TianQin I+II and TianQin + LISA. We conclude that the detection sensitivity calculated with $\rm A/E$ channels is mostly consistent with that obtained from the equal-arm Michelson channels.

  • Characterization of silicon microstrip sensors for space astronomy

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Silicon microstrip detectors are widely used in experiments for space astronomy. Before the detector is assembled, extensive characterization of the silicon microstrip sensors is indispensable and challenging. This work electrically evaluates a series of sensor parameters, including the depletion voltage, bias resistance, metal strip resistance, total leakage current, strip leakage current, coupling capacitance, and interstrip capacitance. Two methods are used to accurately measure the strip leakage current, and the test results match each other well. In measuring the coupling capacitance, we extract the correct value based on a SPICE model and two-port network analysis. In addition, the expression of the measured bias resistance is deduced based on the SPICE model.

  • Detecting the stochastic gravitational wave background with the TianQin detector

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The detection of stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) is among the leading scientific goals of the space-borne gravitational wave observatory, which would have significant impact on astrophysics and fundamental physics. In this work, we developed a data analysis software, \texttt{TQSGWB}, which can extract isotropic SGWB using the Bayes analysis method based on the TianQin detector. We find that for the noise cross spectrum, there are imaginary components and they play an important role in breaking the degeneracy of the position noise in the common laser link. When the imaginary corrections are considered, the credible regions of the position noise parameters are reduced by two orders of magnitude. We demonstrate that the parameters of various signals and instrumental noise could be estimated directly in the absence of a Galactic confusion foreground through Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. With only a three-month observation, we find that TianQin could be able to confidently detect SGWBs with energy density as low as $\Omega_{\rm PL} = 1.3 \times 10^{-12}$, $\Omega_{\rm Flat} = 6.0 \times 10^{-12}$, and $\Omega_{\rm SP} = 9.0 \times 10^{-12}$, for power-law, flat, and single-peak models respectively.

  • Construction and Validation of a Geometry-based Mathematical Model for the Hard X-ray Imager

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Quantitative and analytical analysis of modulation process of the collimator is a great challenge, and is also of great value to the design and development of Fourier transform imaging telescopes. The Hard X-ray Imager (HXI), as one of the three payloads onboard the Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory(ASO-S) mission, adopts modulating Fourier-Transformation imaging technique and will be used to explore mechanism of energy release and transmission in solar flare activities. As an important step to reconstruct the images of solar flares, accurate modulation functions of HXI are needed. In this paper, a mathematical model is developed to analyze the modulation function under a simplified condition first. Then its behavior under six degrees of freedom is calculated after adding the rotation matrix and translation change to the model. In addition, unparalleled light and extended sources also are considered so that our model can be used to analyze the X-ray beam experiment. Next, applied to the practical HXI conditions, the model has been confirmed not only by Geant4 simulations but also by some verification experiments. Furthermore, how this model helps to improve the image reconstruction process after the launch of ASO-S is also presented.

  • Constraining the Hubble constant to a precision of about 1% using multi-band dark standard siren detections

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Gravitational wave signal from the inspiral of stellar-mass binary black hole can be used as standard sirens to perform cosmological inference. This inspiral covers a wide range of frequency bands, from the millihertz band to the audio-band, allowing for detections by both space-borne and ground-based gravitational wave detectors. In this work, we conduct a comprehensive study on the ability to constrain the Hubble constant using the dark standard sirens, or gravitational wave events that lack electromagnetic counterparts. To acquire the redshift information, we weight the galaxies within the localization error box with photometric information from several bands and use them as a proxy for the binary black hole redshift. We discover that TianQin is expected to constrain the Hubble constant to a precision of roughly $30\%$ through detections of $10$ gravitational wave events; in the most optimistic case, the Hubble constant can be constrained to a precision of $< 10 \%$, assuming TianQin I+II. In the optimistic case, the multi-detector network of TianQin and LISA is capable of constraining the Hubble constant to within $5\%$ precision. It is worth highlighting that the multi-band network of TianQin and Einstein Telescope is capable of constraining the Hubble constant to a precision of about $1\%$. We conclude that inferring the Hubble constant without bias from photo-z galaxy catalog is achievable, and we also demonstrate self-consistency using the P$-$P plot. On the other hand, high-quality spectroscopic redshift information is crucial for improving the estimation precision of Hubble constant.

  • A Higher Probability of Detecting Lensed Supermassive Black Hole Binaries by LISA

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves (GWs) is a powerful probe of the matter distribution in the universe. Here we revisit the wave-optics effects induced by dark matter (DM) halos on the GW signals of merging massive black hole binaries (MBHBs), and we study the possibility of discerning these effects using the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). In particular, we include the halos in the low-mass range of $\rm 10^5-10^8\, M_\odot$ since they are the most numerous according to the cold DM model. We simulate the lensed signals corresponding to a wide range of impact parameters, and we find distinguishable deviation from the standard best-fit GW templates even when the impact parameter is as large $y\simeq50$. Consequently, we estimate that over $(0.1-1.6)\%$ of the MBHBs in the mass range of $\rm 10^{5.0}-10^{6.5}\, M_\odot$ and the redshift range of $4-10$ should show detectable wave-optics effects. This probability is one order of magnitude higher than that derived in previous works. The uncertainty comes mainly from the mass function of the DM halos. Not detecting any signal during the LISA mission would imply that DM halos with $\rm 10^5-10^8\, M_\odot$ are less numerous than what the cold DM model predicts.

  • Science with the TianQin Observatory: Preliminary Results on Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this work, we study the prospect of detecting the stochastic gravitational-wave background with the TianQin Observatory. We consider sources of both astrophysical-origin and cosmological-origin, including stellar-mass binary black holes, binary neutron stars, Galactic white dwarves, inflation, first-order phase transitions, and cosmic defects. For the detector configurations, we consider TianQin, TianQin I+II, and TianQin + LISA. We study the detectability of stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds with both the cross correlation and null channel methods, and present the corresponding power-law integrated sensitivity curves. We introduce the definition of the "joint foreground" with a network of detectors. With the joint foreground, the number of resolved double white dwarves in the Galaxy will be increased by 5$-$22\% compared with a simple combination of individual detectors. The astrophysical background is expected to be detectable with a signal-to-noise ratio of 100 after 5 years of operation and dominated by the extragalactic double white dwarves. On the other hand, due to the uncertain nature of underlying models, we can only estimate the detection capability of the cosmological background for specific cases.

  • Dark-siren Cosmology with Decihertz Gravitational-wave Detectors

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Gravitational waves (GWs) originated from mergers of stellar-mass binary black holes (SBBHs) are considered as dark sirens in cosmology since they usually do not have electromagnetic counterparts. In order to study cosmos with these events, we not only need the luminosity distances extracted from GW signals, but also require the redshift information of sources via, say, matching GW sky localization with galaxy catalogs. Based on such a methodology, we explore how well decihertz GW detectors, DO-Optimal and DECIGO, can constrain cosmological parameters. Using Monte-Carlo simulated dark sirens, we find that DO-Optimal can constrain the Hubble parameter to ${\sigma_{H_0}} / {H_0}\, \lesssim 0.23\%$ when estimating $H_0$ alone, while DECIGO performs better by a factor of 5 with ${\sigma_{H_0}} / {H_0}\lesssim 0.043\%$. Such a good precision of $H_0$ will shed light on the $H_0$ tension. For multiple-parameter estimation, DECIGO can still reach a level of relative uncertainty smaller than $7\%$. The reason why decihertz detectors perform well is explained by their large numbers of SBBH GW events with good distance and angular resolution.

  • The impacts of A/E channels on stochastic gravitational wave background detection

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The method of time delay interferometry (TDI) is proposed to cancel the laser noise in space-borne gravitational-wave detectors. Among all different TDI combinations, the most commonly used ones are the orthogonal channels A, E and T, where A and E are signal-sensitive and T is signal-insensitive. Meanwhile, for the detection of stochastic gravitational-wave background, one needs to introduce the overlap reduction function to characterize the correlation between channels. For the calculation of overlap reduction function, it is often convenient to work in the low-frequency approximation, and assuming the equal-arm Michelson channels. However, if one wishes to work on the overlap reduction function of $\rm A/E$ channels, then the low-frequency approximation fails. We derive the exact form of overlap reduction function for $\rm A/E$ channels. Based on the overlap reduction function, we calculate the sensitivity curves of TianQin, TianQin I+II and TianQin + LISA. We conclude that the detection sensitivity calculated with $\rm A/E$ channels is mostly consistent with that obtained from the equal-arm Michelson channels.

  • An implementation of Galactic white dwarf binary data analysis for MLDC-3.1

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The space-borne gravitational wave detectors will observe a large population of double white dwarf binaries in the Milky Way. However, the search for double white dwarfs in the gravitational wave data will be time-consuming due to the large number of templates involved and antenna response calculation. In this paper, we implement an iterative combinatorial algorithm to search for double white dwarfs in MLDC-3.1 data. To quickly determine the rough parameters of the target sources, the following algorithms are adopted in a coarse search process: (1) using the downsampling method to reduce the number of original data points; (2) using the undersampling method to speed up the generation of a single waveform template; (3) using the stochastic template bank method to quickly construct the waveform template bank while achieving high coverage of the parameter space; (4) Combining the FFT acceleration algorithm with the stochastic template bank to reduce the calculation time of a single template. A fine search process is applied to further determine the parameters of the signals based on the coarse search, for which we adopt the particle swarm optimization. Finally, we detected $\mathcal{O}(10^4)$ double white dwarf signals, validating the feasibility of our method.

  • Lensing by primordial black holes: constraints from gravitational wave observations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Primordial black holes (PBHs) have been proposed to explain at least a portion of dark matter. Observations have put strong constraints on PBHs in terms of the fraction of dark matter which they can represent, $f_{\rm PBH}$, across a wide mass range -- apart from the stellar-mass range of $20M_\odot\lesssim M_{\rm PBH}\lesssim 100M_\odot$. In this paper, we explore the possibility that such PBHs could serve as point-mass lenses capable of altering the gravitational-wave (GW) signals observed from binary black hole (BBH) mergers along their line-of-sight. We find that careful GW data analysis could verify the existence of such PBHs based on the $fitting~factor$ and odds ratio analyses. When such a lensed GW signal is detected, we expect to be able to measure the redshifted mass of the lens with a relative error $\Delta M_{\rm PBH}/M_{\rm PBH}\lesssim0.3$. If no such lensed GW events were detected despite the operation of sensitive GW detectors accumulating large numbers of BBH mergers, it would translate into a stringent constraint of $f_{\rm PBH}\lesssim 10^{-2}-10^{-5}$ for PBHs with a mass larger than $\sim10M_\odot$ by the Einstein Telescope after one year of running, and $f_{\rm PBH}\lesssim 0.2$ for PBHs with mass greater than $\sim 50M_\odot$ for advanced LIGO after ten years of running.

  • Construction and Validation of a Geometry-based Mathematical Model for the Hard X-ray Imager

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Quantitative and analytical analysis of modulation process of the collimator is a great challenge, and is also of great value to the design and development of Fourier transform imaging telescopes. The Hard X-ray Imager (HXI), as one of the three payloads onboard the Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory(ASO-S) mission, adopts modulating Fourier-Transformation imaging technique and will be used to explore mechanism of energy release and transmission in solar flare activities. As an important step to reconstruct the images of solar flares, accurate modulation functions of HXI are needed. In this paper, a mathematical model is developed to analyze the modulation function under a simplified condition first. Then its behavior under six degrees of freedom is calculated after adding the rotation matrix and translation change to the model. In addition, unparalleled light and extended sources also are considered so that our model can be used to analyze the X-ray beam experiment. Next, applied to the practical HXI conditions, the model has been confirmed not only by Geant4 simulations but also by some verification experiments. Furthermore, how this model helps to improve the image reconstruction process after the launch of ASO-S is also presented.