您选择的条件: Rui Zhuang
  • LAMOST MRS-N Observations of the W80 Region

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The spectral observations and analysis for the W80 Region are presented by using the data of Medium-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey of Nebulae (MRS-N) with the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopy Telescope (LAMOST). A total of 2982 high-quality nebular spectra have been obtained in the 20 square degree field of view (FoV) which covers the W80 complex, and the largest sample of spectral data have been established for the first time. The relative intensities, radial velocities (RVs), and Full Widths at Half Maximum (FWHMs) are measured with the high spectral resolution of LAMOST MRS, for H$\alpha$ $\lambda$ 6563 \AA, [\ion{N}{ii}] $\lambda$$\lambda$ 6548 \AA, 6584 \AA \ , and [\ion{S}{ii}] $\lambda$$\lambda$ 6716 \AA, 6731 \AA \ emission lines. In the field of view of whole W80 Region, the strongest line emissions are found to be consistent with the bright nebulae, NGC 7000, IC 5070, and LBN 391, and weak line emissions also truly exist in the Middle Region, where no bright nebulae are detected by the wide-band optical observations. The large-scale spectral observations to the W80 Region reveal the systematic spatial variations of RVs and FWHMs, and several unique structural features. A 'curved feature' to the east of the NGC 7000, and a 'jet feature' to the west of the LBN 391 are detected to be showing with larger radial velocities. A 'wider FWHM region' is identified in the eastern part of the NGC 7000. The variations of [\ion{S}{ii}] / H${\alpha}$ ratios display a gradient from southwest to northeast in the NGC 7000 region, and manifest a ring shape around the 'W80 bubble' ionized by an O-type star in the L935. Further spectral and multi-band observations are guaranteed to investigate in detail the structural features.

  • Delta interferometer: A polarization sensitive interferometer

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: A new type of polarization sensitive interferometer is proposed, which is named as Delta interferometer due to the geometry of the simplest interferometer looks like Greek letter, Delta. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that this type of interferometer is proposed. The main difference between Delta interferometer and other existed interferometer, such as Michelson interferometer, Mach-Zehnder interferometer, Young\rq{}s double-slit interferometer, is that the two interfering paths are asymmetrical in Delta interferometer, which makes it polarization sensitive. The visibility of the first-order interference pattern observed in Delta interferometer is dependent on the polarization of the incidental light. Optical coherence theory is employed to interpret the phenomenon and a single-mode continuous-wave laser is employed to verify the theoretical predictions. The theoretical and experimental results are consistent. Delta interferometer provides a perfect tool to study the reflection of electric field in different polarizations and may find applications in polarization sensitive scenarios.

  • Simple and efficient way to generate superbunching pseudothermal light

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: By modulating the intensity of laser light before the rotating groundglass, the well-known pseudothermal light source can be modified into superbunching pseudothermal light source, in which the degree of second-order coherence of the scattered light is larger than 2. With the modulated intensities following binary distribution, we experimentally observed the degree of second- and third-order coherence equaling 20.45 and 227.07, which is much larger than the value of thermal or pseudothermal light, 2 and 6, respectively. Numerical simulation predicts that the degree of second-order coherence can be further improved by tuning the parameters of binary distribution. It is also predicted that the quality of temporal ghost imaging can be improved with this superbunching pseudothermal light. This simple and efficient superbunching pseudothermal light source provides an interesting alternative to study the second- and higher-order interference of light in these scenarios where thermal or pseudothermal light source were employed.