您选择的条件: Shuo Li
  • S-type stars discovered in Medium-Resolution Spectra of LAMOST DR9

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we report on 606 S-type stars identified from Data Release 9 of the LAMOST medium-resolution spectroscopic (MRS) survey, and 539 of them are reported for the first time. The discovery of these stars is a three-step process, i.e., selecting with the ZrO band indices greater than 0.25, excluding non-S-type stars with the iterative Support Vector Machine method, and finally retaining stars with absolute bolometric magnitude larger than -7.1. The 606 stars are consistent with the distribution of known S-type stars in the color-magnitude diagram. We estimated the C/Os using the [C/Fe] and [O/Fe] provided by APOGEE and the MARCS model for S-type stars, respectively, and the results of the two methods show that C/Os of all stars are larger than 0.5. Both the locations on the color-magnitude diagram and C/Os further verify the nature of our S-type sample. Investigating the effect of TiO and atmospheric parameters on ZrO with the sample, we found that log g has a more significant impact on ZrO than Teff and [Fe/H], and both TiO and log g may negatively correlate with ZrO. According to the criterion of Tian et al. (2020), a total of 238 binary candidates were found by the zero-point-calibrated radial velocities from the officially released catalog of LAMOST MRS and the catalog of Zhang et al. (2021). A catalog of these 606 S-type stars is available from the following link https://doi.org/10.12149/101097.

  • Identification and parameter determination of F-type Herbig stars from LAMOST DR8

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We identify 20 F-type Herbig stars and provide a list of 22 pre-main-sequence candidates from LAMOST DR8. The effective temperature, distance, extinction, stellar luminosity, mass, and radius are derived for each Herbig star based on optical spectra, photometry, Gaia EDR3 parallaxes, and pre-main-sequence evolutionary tracks. According to spectral energy distributions, 19 F-type Herbig stars belong to Class II YSOs, and one belongs to the flat-spectrum class. Four have Spitzer IRS spectra, of which three show extremely weak polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emissions, and three with both amorphous and crystalline silicate emissions share the similar parameters and are at the same evolutionary stage. We detect a solar-nearby outbursting EXor Herbig star J034344.48+314309.3, possible precursor of a Herbig Ae star. Intense emission lines of HI, HeI, OI, NaI, and CaII originated from the rapid accretion during the outbursts are detected in its optical spectra, and silicate emission features are detected in its infrared spectrum. We also make a statistic analysis on the disk properties of all known Herbig stars using the defined infrared spectral indices. The proportion of Herbig stars with moderate infrared excesses decreases as effective temperature increases. The majority of the precursors (F-, G-, or K- type) have moderate infrared excesses. Hotter Herbig stars tend to have a larger proportion with large infrared excesses. The trends may be due to the fact that hotter stars have larger areas of re-emitting dust, although there is some scatter due to the particularities of each disk.

  • Revisit the rate of tidal disruption events: the role of the partial tidal disruption event

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Tidal disruption of stars in dense nuclear star clusters containing supermassive central black holes (SMBH) is modeled by high-accuracy direct N-body simulation. Stars getting too close to the SMBH are tidally disrupted and a tidal disruption event (TDE) happens. TDEs probe properties of SMBH, their accretion disks, and the surrounding nuclear stellar cluster. In this paper we compare rates of full tidal disruption events (FTDE) with partial tidal disruption events (PTDE). Since a PTDE does not destroy the star, a leftover object emerges; we use the term 'leftover star' for it; two novel effects occur in the simulation: (1) variation of the leftover star's mass and radius, (2) variation of the leftover star's orbital energy. After switching on these two effects in our simulation, the number of FTDEs is reduced by roughly 28%, and the reduction is mostly due to the ejection of the leftover stars from PTDEs coming originally from relatively large distance. The number of PTDEs is about 75% higher than the simple estimation given by Stone et al. (2020), and the enhancement is mainly due to the multiple PTDEs produced by the leftover stars residing in the diffusive regime. We compute the peak mass fallback rate for the PTDEs and FTDEs recorded in the simulation, and find 58% of the PTDEs have peak mass fallback rate exceeding the Eddington limit, and the number of super-Eddington PTDEs is 2.3 times the number of super-Eddington FTDEs.

  • A catalog of early-type H{\alpha} emission line stars and 58 newly confirmed Herbig Ae/Bes from LAMOST DR7

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We derive a catalog of early-type emission-line stars including 30,048 spectra of 25,886 stars from LAMOST DR7, in which 3,922 have Simbad records. The sample is obtained using K-Nearest Neighbor and Random Forest methods and visually inspected. The spectra are classified into 3 morphological types (10 subtypes) based on H$\alpha$ emission line profiles. Some spectra contaminated by nebula emission lines such as from HII regions are flagged in the catalog. We also provide a specific sub-catalog of 101 stars with the stellar wind by calculating stellar wind or accretion flow velocities based on P Cygni or inverse P Cygni profiles, in which 74\% of them having velocities below 400km/s. More important, with two color-color diagrams (H-K, K- W1) and (H-K, J-H) of a collection of known Herbig Ae/Be stars (HAeBes) and classical Ae/Be stars (CAeBes), we propose an updated criterion to separate HAeBes from CAeBes. By the criterion, we select 201 HAeBes candidates and 5,547 CAeBes candidates from the sample. We confirmed 66 of the 201 HAeBes by using both WISE images and LAMOST spectra and present a specific HAeBe sub-catalog, in which 58 are newly identified. In addition, the WISE colors (W1-W2, W1- W3, and W1-W4) show the distribution consistency between our confirmed HAeBes and that of the known HAeBes. Most of the 66 confirmed HAeBes locate in the lower edge of the main sequence of hot end in the HR diagram, while the distances of about 77\% exceed 1Kpc, which enlarges the number of far distant known HAeBes.