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  • Large-scale Dynamics of Winds Driven by Line Force from a Thin Accretion Disk

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Winds play a significant role in active galactic nuclei feedback process. Previous simulations studying winds only focus on a small dynamical range. Therefore, it is unknown how far the winds can go and what the properties of the winds will be if they can move to large radii. We perform simulations to study the large scale dynamics of winds driven by line force. We find that the properties of the winds depend on both black hole mass ($M_{BH}$) and accretion disk luminosity. When the accretion disk luminosity is $0.6L_{edd}$ ($L_{edd}$ being Eddington luminosity), independent of $M_{BH}$, the winds have kinetic energy flux exceeding $1\% L_{edd}$ and can escape from the black hole potential. For the case with the accretion disk luminosity equaling 0.3$L_{edd}$, the strength of the winds decreases with the decrease of $M_{BH}$. If $M_{BH}$ decreases from $10^9$ to $10^6$ solar mass ($M_\odot$), the winds kinetic energy flux decreases from $\sim 0.01 L_{edd}$ to $ \sim 10^{-6} L_{edd}$. In case of $M_{BH}\geq 10^7 M_\odot$, winds can escape from black hole potential. In the case of $M_{BH}=10^6 M_\odot$, the winds can not escape. We find that for the ultra-fast winds observed in hard X-ray bands (\citealt{Gofford et al. 2015}), the observed dependence of the mass flux and the kinetic energy flux on accretion disk luminosity can be well produced by line force driven winds model. We also find that the properties of the ultra-fast winds observed in soft X-ray bands can be explained by the line force driven winds model.

  • Can warm absorbers be driven by ultra-fast outflows?

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Warm absorbers (WAs) located approximately in the region of $1-1000$ parsecs are common phenomena in many active galactic nuclei (AGNs). The driving mechanism of WAs is still under debate. Ultra-fast outflows (UFOs) which are launched very close to the central black hole are also frequently observed in AGNs. When UFOs move outwards, they will collide with the interstellar medius (ISM) gas. In this paper, we study the possibility that whether WAs can be generated by the interaction between ISM gas and the UFOs. We find that under some ISM gas conditions, WAs can be generated. However, the covering factor of WAs is much smaller than that given by observations. This indicates that other mechanisms should also be at work. We also find that the properties of the WAs mainly depend on the density of the ISM injected into the computational domain from the outer radial boundary (1000 parsec). The higher the density of the ISM is, the higher the mass flux and kinetic power of the WAs will be. The kinetic power of the UFO driven WAs is much less than $1\%$ of the bolometric luminosity of its host AGNs. Therefore, the UFO driven WAs might not contribute sufficient feedback to its host galaxy.

  • The origin of the optical/ultraviolet emission of optical/ultraviolet tidal disruption events

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: One of the most prominent problems of optical/ultraviolet (UV) tidal disruption events (TDEs) is the origin of their optical/UV emission. It has been proposed that the soft X-rays produced by the stellar debris accretion disk can be reprocessed into optical/UV photons by a surrounding optically thick envelope or outflow. However, there is still no detailed models for this mechanism. In this paper, by performing hydrodynamic simulations with radiative transfer, we calculate the optical/UV emission of the circularized stellar debris accretion flow/outflow system. We find that the optical/UV photons can be generated by reprocessing the emission of the accretion flow in the optically thick outflows. The model can well interpret the observed emission properties of optical/UV TDEs, including the emission radius, the radiation temperature and the luminosity, as well as the evolution of these quantities with time, providing a strong theoretical basis for understanding the origin of optical/UV TDEs.