您选择的条件: Yuren Zhou
  • SDSS-IV MaNGA: Global Properties of Kinematically Misaligned Galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We select 456 gas-star kinematically misaligned galaxies from the internal Product Launch-10 of MaNGA survey, including 74 star-forming (SF), 136 green-valley (GV) and 206 quiescent (QS) galaxies. We find that the distributions of difference between gas and star position angles for galaxies have three local peaks at $\sim0^{\circ}$, $90^{\circ}$, $180^{\circ}$. The fraction of misaligned galaxies peaks at $\log(M_*/M_{\odot})\sim10.5$ and declines to both low and high mass end. This fraction decreases monotonically with increasing SFR and sSFR. We compare the global parameters including gas kinematic asymmetry $V_{\mathrm{asym}}$, HI detection rate and mass fraction of molecular gas, effective radius $R_e$, S\'{e}rsic index $n$ as well as spin parameter $\lambda_{R_e}$ between misaligned galaxies and their control samples. We find that the misaligned galaxies have lower HI detection rate and molecular gas mass fraction, smaller size, higher S\'{e}rsic index and lower spin parameters than their control samples. The SF and GV misaligned galaxies are more asymmetric in gas velocity fields than their controls. These observational evidences point to the gas accretion scenario followed by angular momentum redistribution from gas-gas collision, leading to gas inflow and central star formation for the SF and GV misaligned galaxies. We propose three possible origins of the misaligned QS galaxies: (1) external gas accretion; (2) merger; (3) GV misaligned galaxies evolve into QS galaxies.

  • SDSS-IV MaNGA : spatial resolved properties of kinematically misaligned galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We select 456 galaxies with kinematically misaligned gas and stellar components from 9546 parent galaxies in MaNGA, and classify them into 72 star-forming galaxies, 142 green-valley galaxies and 242 quiescent galaxies. Comparing the spatial resolved properties of the misaligned galaxies with control samples closely match in the D$_n$4000 and stellar velocity dispersion, we find that: (1) the misaligned galaxies have lower values in $V_{\rm gas}/{\sigma}_{\rm gas}$ and $V_{\rm star}/{\sigma}_{\rm star}$ (the ratio between ordered to random motion of gas and stellar components) across the entire galaxies than their control samples; (2) the star-forming and green-valley misaligned galaxies have enhanced central concentrated star formation than their control galaxies. The difference in stellar population between quiescent misaligned galaxies and control samples is small; (3) gas-phase metallicity of the green valley and quiescent misaligned galaxies are lower than the control samples. For the star forming misaligned galaxies, the difference in metallicity between the misaligned galaxies and their control samples strongly depends on how we select the control samples. All these observational results suggest external gas accretion influences the evolution of star forming and green valley galaxies, not only in kinematics/morphologies, but also in stellar populations. However, the quiescent misaligned galaxies have survived from different formation mechanisms.

  • Misaligned gas accretion as a formation pathway of S0 galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We select 753 S0 galaxies from the internal Product Lauch-10 of MaNGA survey (MPL-10) and find that $\sim$11% of S0 galaxies show gas-star kinematic misalignments, which is higher than the misaligned fraction in spiral ($\sim$1%) and elliptical galaxies ($\sim$6%) in MPL-10. If we only consider the emission-line galaxies (401 emission-line S0s), the misaligned fraction in S0s increases to $\sim$20%. In S0s, the kinematic misalignments are more common than the merger remnant features ($\sim$8%). Misaligned S0s have lower masses of stellar components and dark matter halos than S0s with merger remnant features. Based on the $NUV-r$ versus $M_*$ diagram, we split galaxies into three populations: blue cloud (BC), green valley (GV) and red sequence, finding that BC and GV misaligned S0s have positive $\mathrm{D}_n4000$ radial gradients which indicates younger stellar population in the central region than the outskirts. Through comparing the misaligned S0s with a control sample for the whole S0 galaxy sample, we find that the BC and GV misaligned S0s show younger stellar population at $R\lesssim R_e$ and older population at $R\gtrsim R_e$ than the control samples. Considering the high incidence of kinematic misalignments in S0 galaxies and the properties of environments and stellar populations, we propose misaligned gas accretion as an important formation pathway for S0s.

  • Misaligned gas accretion as a formation pathway of S0 galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We select 753 S0 galaxies from the internal Product Lauch-10 of MaNGA survey (MPL-10) and find that $\sim$11% of S0 galaxies show gas-star kinematic misalignments, which is higher than the misaligned fraction in spiral ($\sim$1%) and elliptical galaxies ($\sim$6%) in MPL-10. If we only consider the emission-line galaxies (401 emission-line S0s), the misaligned fraction in S0s increases to $\sim$20%. In S0s, the kinematic misalignments are more common than the merger remnant features ($\sim$8%). Misaligned S0s have lower masses of stellar components and dark matter halos than S0s with merger remnant features. Based on the $NUV-r$ versus $M_*$ diagram, we split galaxies into three populations: blue cloud (BC), green valley (GV) and red sequence, finding that BC and GV misaligned S0s have positive $\mathrm{D}_n4000$ radial gradients which indicates younger stellar population in the central region than the outskirts. Through comparing the misaligned S0s with a control sample for the whole S0 galaxy sample, we find that the BC and GV misaligned S0s show younger stellar population at $R\lesssim R_e$ and older population at $R\gtrsim R_e$ than the control samples. Considering the high incidence of kinematic misalignments in S0 galaxies and the properties of environments and stellar populations, we propose misaligned gas accretion as an important formation pathway for S0s.