您选择的条件: Li Zhengchun
  • Research on IP Slice Marketing Strategy from the Perspective of Cultural Industry Management

    分类: 数字出版 >> 数字技术 提交时间: 2023-07-23

    摘要: We found that a large number of accounts began to follow the main accounts, including Luo Yonghao and Xiao Yang Ge, and played the video clips of the main accounts, but it was difficult to understand the financial circulation and business philosophy. We observed that these sub-accounts will use Xiao Yang Ge, Luo Yonghao and other IP or Internet celebrities' goods links for sale. So this paper using the theory of economies of scale, and combined with the depth interview of related industry practitioners, final analysis get IP slice marketing model, that is, first apply for authorization to become a sub-account, then start editing according to the material provided by the main account, send video with goods links for video content distribution after editing is completed, get traffic through short videos, earn relevant commission for selling goods, and finally share money according to the selling ratio.