您选择的条件: Guoliang Li
  • Local Group Dwarf Galaxy Detection Limit in the CSST survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We predict the dwarf galaxy detection limits for the upcoming Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST) survey that will cover 17,500 deg$^{2}$ of the sky with a wide field of view of 1.1 deg$^2$. The point-source depth reaches 26.3 mag in the $g$ band and 25.9 mag in the $i$ band. Constructing mock survey data based on the designed photometric bands, we estimate the recovery rate of artificial dwarf galaxies from mock point-source photometric catalogues. The detection of these artificial dwarf galaxies is strongly dependent on their distance, magnitude and size, in agreement with searches in current surveys. We expect CSST to enable the detection of dwarf galaxies with $M_V = -3.0$ and $\mu_{250} = 32.0$ mag/arcsec$^2$ (surface-brightness limit for a system of half-light radius $r_{\rm h}$ = 250 pc at 400 kpc, and $M_V = -4.9$ and $\mu_{250} = 30.5$ mag/arcsec$^2$ around the Andromeda galaxy. Beyond the Local Group, the CSST survey will achieve $M_V = -5.8$, and $\mu_{250}$ = 29.7 mag/arcsec$^2$ in the distance range of 1--2 Mpc, opening up an exciting discovery space for faint field dwarf galaxies. With its optical bands, wide survey footprint, and space resolution, CSST will undoubtedly expand our knowledge of low-mass dwarf galaxies to an unprecedented volume.

  • Tolerance For the Pixelation Effect in Shear Measurement

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Images taken by space telescopes typically have a superb spatial resolution, but a relatively poor sampling rate due to the finite CCD pixel size. Beyond the Nyquist limit, it becomes uncertain how much the pixelation effect may affect the accuracy of galaxy shape measurement. It is timely to study this issue given that a number of space-based large-scale weak lensing surveys are planned. Using the Fourier_Quad method, we quantify the shear recovery error as a function of the sampling factor Q, i.e., the ratio between the FWHM of the point-spread-function (PSF) and the pixel size of the CCD, for different PSFs and galaxies of different sizes and noise levels. We show that sub-percent-level accuracy in shear recovery is achievable with single-exposure images for $Q\lesssim 2$. The conclusion holds for galaxies much smaller than the PSF, and those with a significant level of noise.

  • Local Group Dwarf Galaxy Detection Limit in the CSST survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We predict the dwarf galaxy detection limits for the upcoming Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST) survey that will cover 17,500 deg$^{2}$ of the sky with a wide field of view of 1.1 deg$^2$. The point-source depth reaches 26.3 mag in the $g$ band and 25.9 mag in the $i$ band. Constructing mock survey data based on the designed photometric bands, we estimate the recovery rate of artificial dwarf galaxies from mock point-source photometric catalogues. The detection of these artificial dwarf galaxies is strongly dependent on their distance, magnitude and size, in agreement with searches in current surveys. We expect CSST to enable the detection of dwarf galaxies with $M_V = -3.0$ and $\mu_{250} = 32.0$ mag/arcsec$^2$ (surface-brightness limit for a system of half-light radius $r_{\rm h}$ = 250 pc at 400 kpc, and $M_V = -4.9$ and $\mu_{250} = 30.5$ mag/arcsec$^2$ around the Andromeda galaxy. Beyond the Local Group, the CSST survey will achieve $M_V = -5.8$, and $\mu_{250}$ = 29.7 mag/arcsec$^2$ in the distance range of 1--2 Mpc, opening up an exciting discovery space for faint field dwarf galaxies. With its optical bands, wide survey footprint, and space resolution, CSST will undoubtedly expand our knowledge of low-mass dwarf galaxies to an unprecedented volume.

  • An Improved GPU-Based Ray-Shooting Code For Gravitational Microlensing

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present an improved inverse ray-shooting code based on GPUs for generating microlensing magnification maps. In addition to introducing GPUs for acceleration, we put the efforts in two aspects: (i) A standard circular lens plane is replaced by a rectangular one to reduce the number of unnecessary lenses as a result of an extremely prolate rectangular image plane. (ii) Interpolation method is applied in our implementation which has achieved an significant acceleration when dealing with large number of lenses and light rays required by high resolution maps. With these applications, we have greatly reduced the running time while maintaining high accuracy: the speed has been increased by about 100 times compared with ordinary GPU based IRS code and GPU-D code when handling large number of lenses. If encountered the high resolution situation up to $10000^2$ pixels, resulting in almost $10^{11}$ light rays, the running time can also be reduced by two orders of magnitude.

  • Forecast of observing time delay of the strongly lensed quasars with Muztagh-Ata 1.93m telescope

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: As a completely independent method, the measurement of time delay of strongly lensed quasars (TDSL) are crucial to resolve the Hubble tension. Extensive monitoring is required but so far limited to a small sample of strongly lensed quasars. Together with several partner institutes, Beijing Normal University is constructing a 1.93m reflector telescope at the Muztagh-Ata site in west China, which has the world class observing conditions. The telescope will be equipped with both a three-channel imager/photometer which covers $3500-11000$ Angstrom wavelength band, and a low-medium resolution ($\lambda/\delta\lambda=500/2000/7500$) spectrograph. In this paper, we investigate the capability of Muztagh-Ata 1.93m telescope in measuring time delays of strongly lensed quasars. We generate mock strongly lensed quasar systems and light curves with microlensing effects based on five known strongly lensed quasars, i.e., RX J1131-1231, HE 0435-1223, PG 1115+080, WFI 2033-4723 and SDSS 1206+4332. In particular, RX J1131-1231 is generated with lens modeling in this work. Due to lack of enough information, we simulate the other 4 systems with the public data without lens modeling. According to simulations, for RX J1131-like systems (wide variation in time delay between images) the TDSL measurement can be achieved with the precision about $\Delta t=0.5$ day with 4 seasons campaign length and 1 day cadence. This accuracy is comparable to the up-coming TDCOSMO project. And it would be better when the campaign length keeps longer and with high cadence. As a result, the capability of Muztagh-Ata 1.93m telescope allows it to join the network of TDSL observatories. It will enrich the database for strongly lensed quasar observations and make more precise measurements of time delays, especially considering the unique coordinate of the site.

  • The spherical Fast Multipole Method (sFMM) for Gravitational Lensing Simulation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we present a spherical Fast Multipole Method (sFMM) for ray tracing simulation of gravitational lensing (GL) on a curved sky. The sFMM is a non-trivial extension of the Fast Multiple Method (FMM) to sphere $\mathbb S^2$, and it can accurately solve the Poisson equation with time complexity of $O(N)\log(N)$, where $N$ is the number of particles. It is found that the time complexity of the sFMM is near $O(N)$ and the computational accuracy can reach $10^{-10}$ in our test. In addition, compared with the Fast Spherical Harmonic Transform (FSHT), the sFMM is not only faster but more accurate, as it has the ability to reserve high-frequency components of the density field. These merits make the sFMM an optimum method to simulate the gravitational lensing on a curved sky, which is the case for upcoming large-area sky surveys, such as the Vera Rubin Observatory and the China Space Station Telescope.

  • FRBs Lensed by Point Masses I. Lens Mass Estimation for Doubly Imaged FRBs

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are bright radio transient events with durations on the order of milliseconds. The majority of FRB sources discovered so far have a single peak, with the exception of a few showing multiple-peaked profiles, the origin of which is unknown. In this work, we show that the strong lensing effect of a point mass or a point mass $+$ external shear on a single-peak FRB can produce double peaks (i.e. lensed images). In particular, the leading peak will always be more magnified and hence brighter than the trailing peak for a point-mass lens model, while the point-mass $+$ external shear lens model can produce a less magnified leading peak. We find that, for a point-mass lens model, the combination of lens mass $M$ and redshift $z_l$ in the form of $M(1+z_l)$ can be directly computed from two observables -- the delayed time $\Delta t$ and the flux ratio of the leading peak to the trailing peak $R$. For a point-mass $+$ external shear lens model, upper and lower limits in $M(1+z_l)$ can also be obtained from $\Delta t$ and $R$ for a given external shear strength. In particular, tighter lens mass constraints can be achieved when the observed $R$ is larger. Lastly, we show the process of constraining lens mass using the observed values of $\Delta t$ and $R$ of two double-peaked FRB sources, i.e. FRB 121002 and FRB 130729, as references, although the double-peaked profiles are not necessarily caused by strong lensing.

  • FRBs Lensed by Point Masses II. The multi-peaked FRBs from the point view of microlensing

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The microlensing effect has developed into a powerful technique for a diverse range of applications including exoplanet discoveries, structure of the Milky Way, constraints on MAssive Compact Halo Objects, and measurements of the size and profile of quasar accretion discs. In this paper, we consider a special type of microlensing events where the sources are fast radio bursts with $\sim$milliseconds (ms) durations for which the relative motion between the lens and source is negligible. In this scenario, it is possible to temporally resolve the individual microimages. As a result, a method beyond the inverse ray shooting (IRS) method, which only evaluates the total magnification of all microimages, is needed. We therefore implement an algorithm for identifying individual microimages and computing their magnifications and relative time delays. We validate our algorithm by comparing to analytical predictions for a single microlens case and find excellent agreement. We show that the superposition of pulses from individual microimages produces a light curve that appears as multi-peaked FRBs. The relative time delays between pulses can reach 0.1--1 ms for stellar-mass lenses and hence can already be resolved temporally by current facilities. Although not yet discovered, microlensing of FRBs will become regular events and surpass the number of quasar microlensing events in the near future when $10^{4-5}$ FRBs are expected to be discovered on a daily basis. Our algorithm provides a way of generating the microlensing light curve that can be used for constraining stellar mass distribution in distant galaxies.

  • Towards Super-resolution via Iterative multi-exposure Coaddition

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this article, we provide an alternative up-sampling and PSF deconvolution method for the iterative multi-exposure coaddition. Different from the previous works, the new method has a ratio-correction term, which allows the iterations to converge more rapidly to an accurate representation of the underlying image than those with difference-correction terms. By employing this method, one can coadd the under-sampled multi-exposures to a super-resolution and obtain a higher peak signal-to-noise ratio. A set of simulations show that we can take many advantages of the new method, e.g. in the signal-to-noise ratio, the average deviation of all source fluxes, super-resolution, and source distortion ratio, etc., which are friendly to astronomical photometry and morphology, and benefits faint source detection and shear measurement of weak gravitational lensing. It provides an improvement in fidelity over the previous works tested in this paper.

  • Effects of galaxy intrinsic alignment on weak lensing peak statistics

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The galaxy intrinsic alignment (IA) is a dominant source of systematics in weak lensing (WL) studies. In this paper, by employing large simulations with semi-analytical galaxy formation, we investigate the IA effects on WL peak statistics. Different simulated source galaxy samples of different redshift distributions are constructed, where both WL shear and IA signals are included. Convergence reconstruction and peak statistics are then performed for these samples. Our results show that the IA effects on peak abundances mainly consist of two aspects. One is the additional contribution from IA to the shape noise. The other is from the satellite IA that can affect the peak signals from their host clusters significantly. The latter depends on the level of inclusion in a shear sample of the satellite galaxies of the clusters that contribute to WL peaks, and thus is sensitive to the redshift distribution of source galaxies. We pay particular attention to satellite IA and adjust it artificially in the simulations to analyze the dependence of the satellite IA impacts on its strength. This information can potentially be incorporated into the modeling of WL peak abundances, especially for high peaks physically originated from massive clusters of galaxies, and thus to mitigate the IA systematics on the cosmological constraints derived from WL peaks.

  • Wave effect of gravitational waves intersected with a microlens field: a new algorithm and supplementary study

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The increase in gravitational wave (GW) events has allowed receiving strong lensing image pairs of GWs. However, the wave effect (diffraction and interference) due to the microlens field contaminates the parameter estimation of the image pair, which may lead to a misjudgment of strong lensing signals. To quantify the influence of the microlens field, researchers need a large sample of statistical research. Nevertheless, due to the oscillation characteristic, the Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction integral's computational time hinders this aspect's study. Although many algorithms are available, most cannot be well applied to the case where the microlens field is embedded in galaxy/galaxy clusters. This work proposes a faster and more accurate algorithm for studying the wave optics effect of microlenses embedded in different types of strong lensing images. Additionally, we provide a quantitative estimation criterion for the lens plane boundary for the Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction integral. This algorithm can significantly facilitate the study of wave optics, particularly in the case of microlens fields embedded in galaxy/galaxy clusters.

  • Detection of Cosmic Magnification via Galaxy Shear -- Galaxy Number Density Correlation from HSC Survey Data

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We propose a novel method to detect cosmic magnification signals by cross-correlating foreground convergence fields constructed from galaxy shear measurements with background galaxy positional distributions, namely shear-number density correlation. We apply it to the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP) survey data. With 27 non-independent data points and their full covariance, $\chi_0^2\approx 34.1$ and $\chi_T^2\approx 24.0$ with respect to the null and the cosmological model with the parameters from HSC shear correlation analyses in Hamana et al. 2020 (arXiv:1906.06041), respectively. The Bayes factor of the two is $\log_{10}B_{T0}\approx 2.2$ assuming equal model probabilities of null and HSC cosmology, showing a clear detection of the magnification signals. Theoretically, the ratio of the shear-number density and shear-shear correlations can provide a constraint on the effective multiplicative shear bias $\bar m$ using internal data themselves. We demonstrate the idea with the signals from our HSC-SSP mock simulations and rescaling the statistical uncertainties to a survey of $15000\deg^2$. For two-bin analyses with background galaxies brighter than $m_{lim}=23$, the combined analyses lead to a forecasted constraint of $\sigma(\bar m) \sim 0.032$, $2.3$ times tighter than that of using the shear-shear correlation alone. Correspondingly, $\sigma(S_8)$ with $S_8=\sigma_8(\Omega_\mathrm{m}/0.3)^{0.5}$ is tightened by $\sim 2.1$ times. Importantly, the joint constraint on $\bar m$ is nearly independent of cosmological parameters. Our studies therefore point to the importance of including the shear-number density correlation in weak lensing analyses, which can provide valuable consistency tests of observational data, and thus to solidify the derived cosmological constraints.

  • Effects of galaxy intrinsic alignment on weak lensing peak statistics

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The galaxy intrinsic alignment (IA) is a dominant source of systematics in weak lensing (WL) studies. In this paper, by employing large simulations with semi-analytical galaxy formation, we investigate the IA effects on WL peak statistics. Different simulated source galaxy samples of different redshift distributions are constructed, where both WL shear and IA signals are included. Convergence reconstruction and peak statistics are then performed for these samples. Our results show that the IA effects on peak abundances mainly consist of two aspects. One is the additional contribution from IA to the shape noise. The other is from the satellite IA that can affect the peak signals from their host clusters significantly. The latter depends on the level of inclusion in a shear sample of the satellite galaxies of the clusters that contribute to WL peaks, and thus is sensitive to the redshift distribution of source galaxies. We pay particular attention to satellite IA and adjust it artificially in the simulations to analyze the dependence of the satellite IA impacts on its strength. This information can potentially be incorporated into the modeling of WL peak abundances, especially for high peaks physically originated from massive clusters of galaxies, and thus to mitigate the IA systematics on the cosmological constraints derived from WL peaks.

  • About One-point Statistics of the Ratio of Two Fourier-transformed Cosmic Fields and an Application

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Fourier transformation is an effective and efficient operation of Gaussianization at the one-point level. Using a set of N-body simulation data, we verified that the one-point distribution functions of the dark matter momentum divergence and density fields closely follow complex Gaussian distributions. The one-point distribution function of the quotient of two complex Gaussian variables is introduced and studied. Statistical theories are then applied to model one-point statistics about the growth of individual Fourier mode of the dark matter density field, which can be obtained by the ratio of two Fourier transformed cosmic fields. Our simulation results proved that the models based on the Gaussian approximation are impressively accurate, and our analysis revealed many interesting aspects about the growth of dark matter's density fluctuation in Fourier space.

  • The spherical Fast Multipole Method (sFMM) for Gravitational Lensing Simulation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we present a spherical Fast Multipole Method (sFMM) for ray tracing simulation of gravitational lensing (GL) on a curved sky. The sFMM is a non-trivial extension of the Fast Multiple Method (FMM) to sphere $\mathbb S^2$, and it can accurately solve the Poisson equation with time complexity of $O(N)\log(N)$, where $N$ is the number of particles. It is found that the time complexity of the sFMM is near $O(N)$ and the computational accuracy can reach $10^{-10}$ in our test. In addition, compared with the Fast Spherical Harmonic Transform (FSHT), the sFMM is not only faster but more accurate, as it has the ability to reserve high-frequency components of the density field. These merits make the sFMM an optimum method to simulate the gravitational lensing on a curved sky, which is the case for upcoming large-area sky surveys, such as the Vera Rubin Observatory and the China Space Station Telescope.