您选择的条件: Ranga-Ram Chary
  • Tentative Evidence for Transit Timing Variations of WASP-161b

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report on the detection of transit timing variations (TTV) of WASP-161b by using the combination of TESS data and archival data. The midpoint of the transits in TESS data are offset by $\sim$67 minutes in Jan. 2019, and $\sim$203 minutes in Jan. 2021, based on the ephemeris published in previous work. We are able to reproduce the transit timings from the archival light curve (SSO-Europa; Jan. 2018) and find SSO-Europa timing is consistent with the published ephemeris under a constant period assumption. Conversely, we find that the SSO-Europa transit midpoint indicates a 6.62-minute variation at 4.40 $\sigma$ compared to the prediction obtained from TESS timings, and a constant orbit period assumption. The TTVs could be modeled with a quadratic function, yielding a constant period change. The period derivative $\dot{P}$ is -1.16$\times$10$^{-7}\pm$2.25$\times$10$^{-8}$ days per day (or $-3.65$ s/year), derived from SSO-Europa and TESS timing. Different scenarios, including a decaying period and apsidal precession can potentially explain these TTVs but they both introduce certain inconsistencies. We have obtained CHEOPS observations for two transits in Jan. 2022 to distinguish between different TTV scenarios. We expect the timing to vary by 5 minutes, compared to the timing predicted from SSO-Europa and TESS with a constant period assumption.

  • Revisiting KELT-19Ab, WASP-156b and WASP-121b in the TESS Era

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present a re-analysis of transit depths of KELT-19Ab, WASP-156b, and WASP-121b, including data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). The large $\sim$21$\arcsec$ TESS pixels and point spread function result in significant contamination of the stellar flux by nearby objects. We use Gaia data to fit for and remove this contribution, providing general-purpose software for this correction. We find all three sources have a larger inclination, compared to earlier work. For WASP-121b, we find significantly smaller values (13.5 degrees) of the inclination when using the 30 minutes cadence data compared to the 2 minutes cadence data. Using simulations, we demonstrate that the radius ratio of exoplanet to star ($R_{p}/R_{\ast}$) is biased small relative to data taken with a larger sampling interval although oversampling corrections mitigate the bias. This is particularly important for deriving sub-percent transit differences between bands. We find the radius ratio of exoplanet to star ($R_{p}/R_{\ast}$) in the TESS band is 7.5$\sigma$ smaller than previous work for KELT-19Ab, but consistent to within $\sim$2$\sigma$ for WASP-156b and WASP-121b. The difference could be due to specific choices in the analysis, not necessarily due to the presence of atmospheric features. The result for KELT-19Ab possibly favors a haze-dominated atmosphere. We do not find evidence for the $\sim$0.95\,$\mu$m water feature contaminating transit depths in the TESS band for these stars but show that with photometric precision of 500ppm and with a sampling of about 200 observations across the entire transit, this feature could be detectable in a more narrow $z-$band.

  • How dark the sky: the JWST backgrounds

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We describe the sources of stray light and thermal background that affect JWST observations; report actual backgrounds as measured from commissioning and early science observations; compare those background levels to pre-launch predictions; estimate the impact of the backgrounds on science performance; and explore how the backgrounds probe the achieved configuration of the deployed observatory. We find the observatory is limited by the irreducible astrophysical backgrounds, rather than scattered stray light and thermal self-emission, for all wavelengths $\lambda < 12.5$ micron, thus meeting the level 1 requirement. This result was not assured given the open architecture and thermal challenges of JWST, and is the result of meticulous attention to stray light and thermal issues in the design, construction, integration, and test phases. From background considerations alone, JWST will require less integration time in the near-infrared compared to a system that just met the stray light requirements; as such, JWST will be even more powerful than expected for deep imaging at 1--5 micron. In the mid-infrared, the measured thermal backgrounds closely match pre-launch predictions. The background near 10 micron is slightly higher than predicted before launch, but the impact on observations is mitigated by the excellent throughput of MIRI, such that instrument sensitivity will be as good as expected pre-launch. These measured background levels are fully compatible with JWST's science goals and the Cycle 1 science program currently underway.

  • Tentative Evidence for Transit Timing Variations of WASP-161b

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report on the detection of transit timing variations (TTV) of WASP-161b by using the combination of TESS data and archival data. The midpoint of the transits in TESS data are offset by $\sim$67 minutes in Jan. 2019, and $\sim$203 minutes in Jan. 2021, based on the ephemeris published in previous work. We are able to reproduce the transit timings from the archival light curve (SSO-Europa; Jan. 2018) and find SSO-Europa timing is consistent with the published ephemeris under a constant period assumption. Conversely, we find that the SSO-Europa transit midpoint indicates a 6.62-minute variation at 4.40 $\sigma$ compared to the prediction obtained from TESS timings, and a constant orbit period assumption. The TTVs could be modeled with a quadratic function, yielding a constant period change. The period derivative $\dot{P}$ is -1.16$\times$10$^{-7}\pm$2.25$\times$10$^{-8}$ days per day (or $-3.65$ s/year), derived from SSO-Europa and TESS timing. Different scenarios, including a decaying period and apsidal precession can potentially explain these TTVs but they both introduce certain inconsistencies. We have obtained CHEOPS observations for two transits in Jan. 2022 to distinguish between different TTV scenarios. We expect the timing to vary by 5 minutes, compared to the timing predicted from SSO-Europa and TESS with a constant period assumption.