您选择的条件: Cai-Na Hao
  • Deep Observations of CO and Free-Free Emission in Ultraluminous Infrared QSO IRAS F07599+6508

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Infrared quasi-stellar objects (IR QSOs) are a rare subpopulation selected from ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) and have been regarded as promising candidates of ULIRG-to-optical QSO transition objects. Here we present NOEMA observations of the CO(1-0) line and 3 mm continuum emission in an IR QSO IRAS F07599+6508 at $z=0.1486$, which has many properties in common with Mrk 231. The CO emission is found to be resolved with a major axis of $\sim$6.1 kpc that is larger than the size of $\sim$4.0 kpc derived for 3 mm continuum. We identify two faint CO features located at a projected distance of $\sim$11.4 and 19.1 kpc from the galaxy nucleus, respectively, both of which are found to have counterparts in the optical and radio bands and may have a merger origin. A systematic velocity gradient is found in the CO main component, suggesting that the bulk of molecular gas is likely rotationally supported. Based on the radio-to-millimeter spectral energy distribution and IR data, we estimate that about 30$\%$ of the flux at 3 mm arises from free-free emission and infer a free-free-derived star formation rate of 77 $M_\odot\ {\rm yr^{-1}}$, close to the IR estimate corrected for the AGN contribution. We find a high-velocity CO emission feature at the velocity range of about -1300 to -2000 km s$^{-1}$. Additional deep CO observations are needed to confirm the presence of a possible very high-velocity CO extension of the OH outflow in this IR QSO.

  • Dark against luminous matter around isolated central galaxies: a comparative study between modern surveys and Illustris-TNG

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Based on independent shear measurements using the DECaLS/DR8 imaging data, we measure the weak lensing signals around isolated central galaxies (ICGs) from SDSS/DR7 at $z\sim0.1$. The projected stellar mass density profiles of surrounding satellite galaxies are further deduced, using photometric sources from the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) survey (pDR3). The signals of ICGs $+$ their extended stellar halos are taken from Wang et al.(2021). All measurements are compared with predictions by the Illustris-TNG300-1 simulation. We find, overall, a good agreement between observation and TNG300. In particular, a correction to the stellar mass of massive observed ICGs is applied based on the calibration of He et al.(2013), which brings a much better agreement with TNG300 predicted lensing signals at $\log_{10}M_\ast/M_\odot>11.1$. In real observation, red ICGs are hosted by more massive dark matter halos, have more satellites and more extended stellar halos than blue ICGs at fixed stellar mass. However, in TNG300 there are more satellites around blue ICGs at fixed stellar mass, and the outer stellar halos of red and blue ICGs are similar. The stellar halos of TNG galaxies are more extended compared with real observed galaxies, especially for blue ICGs with $\log_{10}M_\ast/M_\odot>10.8$. We find the same trend for TNG100 galaxies and for true halo central galaxies. The tensions between TNG and real galaxies might indicate that satellite disruptions are stronger in TNG. In both TNG300 and observation, satellites approximately trace the underlying dark matter distribution beyond $0.1R_{200}$, but the fraction of total stellar mass in TNG300 does not show the same radial distribution as real galaxies.

  • HI content of massive red spiral galaxies observed by FAST

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: A sample of 279 massive red spirals was selected optically by Guo et al. (2020), among which 166 galaxies have been observed by the ALFALFA survey. In this work, we observe HI content of the rest 113 massive red spiral galaxies using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). 75 of the 113 galaxies have HI detection with a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) greater than 4.7. Compared with the red spirals in the same sample that have been observed by the ALFALFA survey, galaxies observed by FAST have on average a higher S/N, and reach to a lower HI mass. To investigate why many red spirals contain a significant amount of HI mass, we check color profiles of the massive red spirals using images observed by the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys. We find that galaxies with HI detection have bluer outer disks than the galaxies without HI detection, for both ALFALFA and FAST samples. For galaxies with HI detection, there exists a clear correlation between galaxy HI mass and g-r color at outer radius: galaxies with higher HI masses have bluer outer disks. The results indicate that optically selected massive red spirals are not fully quenched, and the HI gas observed in many of the galaxies may exist in their outer blue disks.

  • Star formation histories of massive red spiral galaxies in the local universe

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate the star formation histories (SFHs) of massive red spiral galaxies with stellar mass $M_\ast>10^{10.5}M_\odot$, and make comparisons with blue spirals and red ellipticals of similar masses. We make use of the integral field spectroscopy from the SDSS-IV/DR15 MaNGA sample, and estimate spatially resolved SFHs and stellar population properties of each galaxy by applying a Bayesian spectral fitting code to the MaNGA spectra. We find that both red spirals and red ellipticals have experienced only one major star formation episode at early times, and the result is independent of the adopted SFH model. On average, more than half of their stellar masses were formed $>$10 Gyrs ago, and more than 90\% were formed $>6$ Gyrs ago. The two types of galaxies show similarly flat profiles in a variety of stellar population parameters: old stellar ages indicated by $D4000$ (the spectral break at around 4000\AA), high stellar metallicities, large Mgb/Fe ratios indicating fast formation, and little stellar dust attenuation. In contrast, although blue spirals also formed their central regions $>$10 Gyrs ago, both their central regions and outer disks continuously form stars over a long timescale. Our results imply that, massive red spirals are likely to share some common processes of formation (and possibly quenching) with massive red ellipticals in the sense that both types were formed at $z > 2$ through a fast formation process.Possible mechanisms for the formation and quenching of massive red spirals are discussed.