Your conditions: 李佳霁
  • Research progress on application of external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine in nursing of ulcerative colitis

    Subjects: Nursing >> Nursing submitted time 2023-09-12

    Abstract: Ulcerative colitis (UC), as a refractory chronic non-specific inflammatory bowel disease of the straight colon, has been listed as one of the modern refractory diseases by the World Health Organization, which seriously affects the normal life of patients. In recent years, the incidence of ulcerative colitis in China has shown an increasing trend. This article expounds the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine therapy in the treatment of ulcerative colitis from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine enema, acupoint catgut embedding, acupuncture and moxibustion, acupoint application and Chinese medicine suppository, and explains the auxiliary effect of traditional Chinese medicine nursing on patients with ulcerative colitis from the aspects of diet, emotion and discharge guidance, so as to provide certain theoretical support for clinical treatment and nursing of UC.

  • Research progress and clinical application of auricular point sticking therapy in elderly patients with insomnia

    Subjects: Nursing >> Nursing submitted time 2023-09-11

    Abstract:  Sleep is a normal physiological activity of human beings. Normal sleep can remove the potential neurotoxic waste accumulated in the central nervous system, and promote the plasticity of synapses to promote memory and learning. The interconversion of sleep and wakefulness is achieved through the interaction of various neurotransmitters and endogenous sleep-promoting substances in the brain, which are regulated by circadian rhythms and homeostasis of the internal environment. However, with the acceleration of the pace of modern life, night and day reversal caused by various bad living habits such as staying up late, irregular diet, and insomnia caused by internal and external environment disorders are becoming more and more common, which directly affects people's physical and mental health. Studies have shown that auricular point pressure bean therapy can stimulate the corresponding acupoints, dredge the whole body qi and blood operation, regulate the function of the viscera, has a good effect on insomnia, and the operation is simple, easy to master, no adverse reactions. From the perspective of health economics, the auricular pressure pill method meets the needs of society, and does not increase excessive medical expenses for patients, and is suitable for various medical institutions, even community hospitals and rural health centers.

  • Overview of research progress of bamboo pot therapy

    Subjects: Nursing >> Nursing submitted time 2023-09-11

    Abstract: Bamboo pot therapy of Zhuang medicine is one of the characteristic external treatments of Zhuang medicine. It has the advantages of definite curative effect, simple operation, no toxic side effects, and "simple, convenient, test and quick". It is widely used in internal medicine, surgery and gynecology, and has outstanding effect in treating arthritis. On the basis of the ancients, modern doctors have conducted in-depth research on the operation specifications of this therapy, hoping to grasp the nature of the disease more accurately and use this therapy reasonably. In this paper, the literature on bamboo pot therapy of Zhuang medicine in recent years was reviewed and summarized, so as to explore the research progress of this therapy in clinical treatment.

  • Nursing case report of a patient with primary liver cancer complicated with upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage

    Subjects: Nursing >> Nursing submitted time 2023-08-14

    Abstract: This article summarized the nursing experience of a case of liver cirrhosis complicated with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding, including medication nursing, intake and output management, psychological nursing, and traditional Chinese medicine characteristic technology treatment. Through dialectical nursing, targeted and individualized nursing measures were carried out to regulate the patients' emotions. Using the methods of empathy and taking emotion to scientifically and effectively relieve the patients' anxiety.

  • Research progress and application of fall risk assessment tools in the elderly

    Subjects: Nursing >> Nursing submitted time 2023-03-27


  • The cultivation status of Traditional Chinese Medicine nurses in China

    Subjects: Nursing >> Nursing submitted time 2023-03-06

    Abstract: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) nursing is an important part of TCM. In recent years, the talent team of TCM nursing science has been growing, the quality of employees has been gradually improved, the training of grass-roots talents has been continuously strengthened, and the scientific and technological achievements of high-end talents have becoming more prominent, which plays an increasingly important role in the field of health services and leading the international development of TCM. At the same time, there are some prominent problems, such as the cultivation of high-level academic talents can not meet the needs of nursing discipline development, and the scale of clinical talents is difficult to meet the needs of health services. This paper discussed the development status of talent team in TCM nursing science, so as to provide reference for the construction of TCM nursing talent team.

  • Research progress of meridian massage in patients with poststroke constipation

    Subjects: Nursing >> Nursing submitted time 2023-03-01

    Abstract:中风是一种常见的神经系统急症,是全球第二大死亡原因,是我国成人致死、致残的首位病因 1,2 ,具有高发病率、高致残率、高复发率、高死亡率、高经济负担的特点 3 。而便秘是中风后常见的并发症之一,中风后有29%-79% 4 的病人会出现便秘。便秘引发长期的食物残渣停滞在肠道内会产生硫化氢、氨等有害物质,有害物质的吸收会使周围毛细血管和末稍神经受损,加重病人病情,严重影响患者的生活质量。目前,中风和便秘的人数也有明显的增长,为我们研究中风后便秘提出了客观要求。本文旨在对近年来中西医结合护理应用于中风后便秘的相关研究进行归纳整理,以期为经穴推拿在临床中的应用提供新思路新方法。

  • An innovative model for the whole process of non-contact single nucleic acid collection

    Subjects: Nursing >> Nursing submitted time 2022-12-20

    Abstract:新型冠状病毒(以下简称新冠病毒)是一种正义单链RNA病毒,属于冠状病毒属,与其他常见呼吸道传播病原相比,新冠病毒具有更强的传播能力:(1)新冠病毒人际传播的主要途径是经呼吸道飞沫和密切接触传播。面对面交谈、咳嗽、打喷嚏时产生的飞沫被易感者吸入是最常见的传播模式 1-2 。此外,新冠也可以通过气溶胶传播。(2)接触病毒污染指飞沫沉积在物品表面,接触污染手后,再接触口腔、鼻腔、眼睛等黏膜,导致感染.(3)新冠有大量的无症状患者和轻症患者,这两者在患病人群中占有很大的比例,能够发生无声传播。还可在全年任何时间传播,尤其是冬春季节可能造成大流行,这对新冠疫情提出了常态防控的需求 3 .