您选择的条件: Ya Xu
  • Expected geoneutrino signal at JUNO using local integrated 3-D refined crustal model

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Geoneutrinos are a unique tool that brings to the surface information about our planet, in particular, its radiogenic power, insights formation and chemical composition. To date, only the KamLAND and Borexino experiments observed geoneutrino, with the former characterized by low concentration of heat-producing elements in the Earth in contrast to the latter that sets tight upper limits on the power of a georeactor hypothesized. With respect to the results yielded therefrom, a small discrepancy has been identified. On this account, next generation experiments like JUNO are needed if it is to provide definitive results with respect to the Earth's radiogenic power, and to fully exploit geoneutrinos to better understand deep Earth. An accurate a priori prediction of the crustal contribution plays an important role in enabling the translation of a particle physics measurement into geo-scientific questions. The existing GIGJ model of JUNO only focused on constructing a geophysical model of the local crust, without local geochemical data. Another existing JULOC includes both data, but only able to be achieved for the top layer of the upper crust, not in deep vertical. This paper reports on the development of JUNO's first 3-D integrated model, JULOC-I, which combines seismic, gravity, rock sample and thermal flow data with new building method, solved the problem in vertical depth. JULOC-I results show higher than expected geoneutrino signals are mainly attributable to higher U and Th in southern China than that found elsewhere on Earth. Moreover, the high level of accuracy of the JULOC-I model, complemented by 10 years of experimental data, indicates that JUNO has an opportunity to test different mantle models. Predictions by JULOC-I can be tested after JUNO goes online and higher accuracy local crustal model continue to play an important role to improve mantle measurements precision.

  • Expected geoneutrino signal at JUNO using local integrated 3-D refined crustal model

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Geoneutrinos are a unique tool that brings to the surface information about our planet, in particular, its radiogenic power, insights formation and chemical composition. To date, only the KamLAND and Borexino experiments observed geoneutrino, with the former characterized by low concentration of heat-producing elements in the Earth in contrast to the latter that sets tight upper limits on the power of a georeactor hypothesized. With respect to the results yielded therefrom, a small discrepancy has been identified. On this account, next generation experiments like JUNO are needed if it is to provide definitive results with respect to the Earth's radiogenic power, and to fully exploit geoneutrinos to better understand deep Earth. An accurate a priori prediction of the crustal contribution plays an important role in enabling the translation of a particle physics measurement into geo-scientific questions. The existing GIGJ model of JUNO only focused on constructing a geophysical model of the local crust, without local geochemical data. Another existing JULOC includes both data, but only able to be achieved for the top layer of the upper crust, not in deep vertical. This paper reports on the development of JUNO's first 3-D integrated model, JULOC-I, which combines seismic, gravity, rock sample and thermal flow data with new building method, solved the problem in vertical depth. JULOC-I results show higher than expected geoneutrino signals are mainly attributable to higher U and Th in southern China than that found elsewhere on Earth. Moreover, the high level of accuracy of the JULOC-I model, complemented by 10 years of experimental data, indicates that JUNO has an opportunity to test different mantle models. Predictions by JULOC-I can be tested after JUNO goes online and higher accuracy local crustal model continue to play an important role to improve mantle measurements precision.