您选择的条件: Zheng Cai
  • Spatially resolved molecular interstellar medium in a $z=6.6$ quasar host galaxy

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present high spatial resolution (0.4", 2.2kpc) observations of the CO(6-5), CO(7-6) and [CI] lines and dust continuum emission from the interstellar medium in the host galaxy of the quasar J0305$-$3150 at $z=6.6$. These, together with archival [CII] data at comparable spatial resolution, enable studies of the spatial distribution and kinematics between the ISM in different phases. When comparing the radial profiles of CO, [CII] and the dust continuum, we find that the CO and dust continuum exhibit similar spatial distributions, both of which are less extended than the [CII], indicating that the CO and dust continuum are tracing the same gas component, while the [CII] is tracing a more extended one. In addition, we derive the radial profiles of the [CII]/CO, [CII]/far-infrared (FIR), CO/FIR, and dust continuum $S_{98.7 \rm GHz}/S_{258.1 \rm GHz}$ ratios. We find a decreasing $S_{98.7 \rm GHz}/S_{258.1 \rm GHz}$ ratio with radius, possibly indicating a decrease of dust optical depth with increasing radius. We also detect some of the ISM lines and continuum emission in the companion galaxies previously discovered in the field around J0305$-$3150. Through comparing the line-to-line and line-to-FIR ratios, we find no significant differences between the quasar and its companion galaxies.

  • From large-scale environment to CGM angular momentum to star forming activities -- I: star-forming galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The connection between halo gas acquisition through the circumgalactic medium (CGM) and galaxy star formation has long been studied. In this series of two papers, we put this interplay within the context of the galaxy environment on large scales (several hundreds of kpc), which, to a certain degree, maps out various paths for galaxy interactions. We use the IllustrisTNG-100 simulation to demonstrate that the large-scale environment modulates the circumgalactic gas angular momentum, resulting in either enhanced (Paper I) or suppressed (Paper II) star formation inside a galaxy. In this paper (Paper I), we show that the large-scale environment around a star-forming galaxy is often responsible for triggering new episodes of star formation. Such an episodic star formation pattern is well synced with a pulsating motion of the circumgalactic gas, which, on the one hand receives angular momentum modulations from the large-scale environment, yielding in-spiralling gas to fuel the star-forming reservoir, while, on the other hand, is affected by the feedback activities from the galaxy centre. As a result, a present-day star-forming galaxy may have gone through several cycles of star-forming and quiescent phases during its evolutionary history, with the circumgalactic gas carrying out a synchronized cadence of "breathing in and out" motions out to $\sim 100$ kpc.

  • From large-scale environment to CGM angular momentum to star forming activities -- II: quenched galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The gas needed to sustain star formation in galaxies is supplied by the circumgalactic medium (CGM), which in turn is affected by accretion from large scales. In a series of two papers, we examine the interplay between a galaxy's ambient CGM and central star formation within the context of the large-scale environment. We use the IllustrisTNG-100 simulation to show that the influence exerted by the large-scale galaxy environment on the CGM gas angular momentum results in either enhanced (Paper I) or suppressed (Paper II, this paper) star formation inside a galaxy. We find that for present-day quenched galaxies, both the large-scale environments and the ambient CGM have always had higher angular momenta throughout their evolutionary history since at least $z=2$, in comparison to those around present-day star-forming disk galaxies, resulting in less efficient gas inflow into the central star-forming gas reservoirs. A sufficiently high CGM angular momentum, as inherited from the larger-scale environment, is thus an important factor in keeping a galaxy quenched, once it is quenched. The process above naturally renders two key observational signatures: (1) a coherent rotation pattern existing across multiple distances from the large-scale galaxy environment, to the circumgalactic gas, to the central stellar disk; and (2) an anti-correlation between galaxy star-formation rates and orbital angular momenta of interacting galaxy pairs or groups.

  • A [C II] 158$\mu$m Emitter Associated with an OI Absorber at the End of the Reionization Epoch

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The physical and chemical properties of the circumgalactic medium (CGM) at $z\gtrsim6$ have been studied successfully through the absorption in the spectra of background Quasi-Stellar Objects (QSOs). One of the most crucial questions is to investigate the nature and location of the source galaxies that give rise to these early metal absorbers. Theoretical models suggest that momentum-driven outflows from typical star-forming galaxies can eject metals into the CGM and the intergalactic medium (IGM) at z=5-6. Deep, dedicated surveys have searched for Ly$\alpha$ emission associated with strong CIV absorbers at $z\approx 6$, but only a few Ly$\alpha$ emitter candidates have been detected. Interpreting these detections is moreover ambiguous because Ly$\alpha$ is a resonant line, raising the need for complementary techniques for detecting absorbers' host galaxies. Here, using Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), we report a [C II] 158$\mu$m emitter associated with a strong low-ionization absorber, OI, at $z=5.978$. The projected impact parameter between OI and [C II] emitter is 20.0 kpc. The measured [C II] luminosity is $7.0\times 10^7$ solar luminosities. Further analysis indicates that strong OI absorbers may reside in the circumgalactic medium of massive halos one to two orders of magnitude more massive than expected values.

  • Improved Lyman Alpha Tomography using Optimized Reconstruction with Constraints on Absorption (ORCA)

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this work, we propose an improved approach to reconstruct the three-dimensional intergalactic medium from observed Lyman-$\alpha$ forest absorption features. We present our new method, the Optimized Reconstruction with Constraints on Absorption (ORCA), which outperforms the current baseline Wiener Filter (WF) when tested on mock Lyman Alpha forest data generated from hydrodynamical simulations. We find that both reconstructed flux errors and cosmic web classification improve substantially with ORCA, equivalent to 30-40\% additional sight-lines with the standard WF. We use this method to identify and classify extremal objects, i.e. voids and (proto)-clusters, and find improved reconstruction across all summary statistics explored. We apply ORCA to existing Lyman Alpha forest data from the COSMOS Lyman Alpha Mapping and Tomography Observations (CLAMATO) Survey and compare it to the WF reconstruction.

  • MAMMOTH-Subaru V. Effects of Cosmic Variance on Ly$\alpha$ Luminosity Functions at $z=2.2-2.3$

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Cosmic variance introduces significant uncertainties into galaxy number density properties when surveying the high-z Universe with a small volume, such uncertainties produce the field-to-field variance of galaxy number $\sigma_{g}$ in observational astronomy. This uncertainty significantly affects the Luminosity Functions (LF) measurement of Lya Emitters (LAEs). For most previous Lya LF studies, $\sigma_{g}$ is often adopted from predictions by cosmological simulations, but barely confirmed by observations. Measuring cosmic variance requires a huge sample over a large volume, exceeding the capabilities of most astronomical instruments. In this study, we demonstrate an observational approach for measuring the cosmic variance contribution for $z\approx2.2$ Lya LFs. The LAE candidates are observed using narrowband and broadband of the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC), with 8 independent fields, making the total survey area $\simeq11.62$deg$^2$ and a comoving volume of $\simeq8.71\times10^6$Mpc$^3$. These eight fields are selected using the project of MAMMOTH. We report a best-fit Schechter function with parameters $\alpha=-1.75$ (fixed), $L_{Ly\alpha}^{*}=5.18_{-0.40}^{+0.43} \times 10^{42}$erg s$^{-1}$ and $\phi_{Lya}^{*}=4.87_{-0.55}^{+0.54}\times10^{-4}$Mpc$^{-3}$ for the overall Lya LFs. After clipping out the regions that can bias the cosmic variance measurements, we calculate $\sigma_{g}$, by sampling LAEs within multiple pointings assigned on the field image. We investigate the relation between $\sigma_{g}$ and survey volume $V$, and fit a simple power law: $\sigma_g=k\times(\frac{V_{\rm eff}}{10^5 {\rm Mpc}^3})^{\beta}$. We find best-fit values of $-1.209_{-0.106}^{+0.106}$ for $\beta$ and $0.986_{-0.100}^{+0.108}$ for k. We compare our measurements with predictions from simulations and find that the cosmic variance of LAEs might be larger than that of general star-forming galaxies.

  • MAMMOTH-Subaru IV. Large Scale Structure and Clustering Analysis of Ly$\alpha$ Emitters and Ly$\alpha$ Blobs at $z=2.2-2.3$

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report the large scale structure and clustering analysis of Ly$\alpha$ emitters (LAEs) and Ly$\alpha$ blobs (LABs) at $z=2.2-2.3$. Using 3,341 LAEs, 117 LABs, and 58 bright (Ly$\alpha$ luminosity $L_{\rm Ly\alpha}>10^{43.4}$ erg s$^{-1}$) LABs at $z=2.2-2.3$ selected with Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC), we calculate the LAE overdensity to investigate the large scale structure at $z=2$. We show that 74% LABs and 78% bright LABs locate in overdense regions, which is consistent with the trend found by previous studies that LABs generally locate in overdense regions. We find that one of our 8 fields dubbed J1349 contains $39/117\approx33\%$ of our LABs and $22/58\approx38\%$ of our bright LABs. A unique and overdense $24'\times12'$ ($\approx 40\times20$ comoving Mpc$^2$) region in J1349 has 12 LABs (8 bright LABs). By comparing to SSA22 that is one of the most overdense LAB regions found by previous studies, we show that the J1349 overdense region contains $\geq 2$ times more bright LABs than the SSA22 overdense region. We calculate the angular correlation functions (ACFs) of LAEs and LABs in the unique J1349 field and fit the ACFs with a power-law function to measure the slopes. The slopes of LAEs and LABs are similar, while the bright LABs show a $\approx 2$ times larger slope suggesting that bright LABs are more clustered than faint LABs and LAEs. We show that the amplitudes of ACFs of LABs are higher than LAEs, which suggests that LABs have a $\approx 10$ times larger galaxy bias and field-to-field variance than LAEs. The strong field-to-field variance is consistent with the large differences of LAB numbers in our 8 fields.

  • Discovery of a protocluster core associated with an enormous Ly$\alpha$ Nebula at $z = 2.3$

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The MAMMOTH-1 nebula at $z=2.317$ is an enormous Ly$\alpha$ nebula (ELAN) extending to a $\sim$440 kpc scale at the center of the extreme galaxy overdensity BOSS 1441. In this paper, we present observations of the $\rm CO(3-2)$ and 250 GHz dust-continuum emission from the MAMMOTH-1 using the IRAM NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array. Our observations show that $\rm CO(3-2)$ emission in this ELAN has not extended widespread emission into the circum- and inter-galactic media. We also find a remarkable concentration of six massive galaxies in $\rm CO(3-2)$ emission in the central $\sim$100 kpc region of the ELAN. Their velocity dispersions suggest a total halo mass of $M_{200c} \sim 10^{13.1} M_{\odot}$, marking a possible protocluster core associated with the ELAN. The peak position of the $\rm CO(3-2)$ line emission from the obscured AGN is consistent with the location of the intensity peak of MAMMOTH-1 in the rest-frame UV band. Its luminosity line ratio between the $\rm CO(3-2)$ and $\rm CO(1-0)$ $r_{3,1}$ is 0.61$\pm$0.17. The other five galaxies have $\rm CO(3-2)$ luminosities in the range of (2.1-7.1)$\times 10^9$ K $\rm km\,s^{-1}$ pc$^2$, with the star-formation rates derived from the 250GHz continuum of ($<$36)-224 $M_{\odot}$yr$^{-1}$. Follow-up spectroscopic observations will further confirm more member galaxies and improve the accuracy of the halo mass estimation.

  • The Mass-Metallicity Relation of Dwarf Galaxies at the Cosmic Noon in the JWST Era

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present the mass-metallicity relation (MZR) at $z=2-3$ in the stellar mass range of $M_\star\approx 10^{6.5}-10^{9.5}M_\odot$ using 55 dwarf galaxies in the Abell 2744 and SMACS J0723-3732 galaxy cluster fields. These dwarf galaxies are identified and confirmed by deep JWST/NIRISS imaging and slitless grism spectroscopic observations. Taking advantage of the gravitational lensing effect, we extend the previous MZR relation at $z=2-3$ to a much lower mass regime by more than 2.5 orders of magnitude compared with previous studies. We find that the MZR has a shallower slope at the low-mass end ($M_\star10^{9}M_\odot$), with a slope turnover point at around the stellar mass of $10^9 M_\odot$. This implies that dominating feedback processes in dwarf galaxies may be different from that in galaxies with higher mass. From $z=3$ to $z=2$, the metallicity of the dwarf galaxies is enhanced by $\approx0.1$ dex for a given stellar mass, consistent with the mild evolution found in galaxies with higher mass. Further, we confirm the existence of a 3D relation between the gas-phase metallicity, stellar mass, and star formation rate, i.e., fundamental metallicity relation (FMR), in dwarf galaxies at $z=2-3$. Our derived FMR, which has no significant redshift evolution, can be used as a benchmark to understand the origin of the anti-correlation between SFR and metallicity of dwarf galaxies in the high-redshift Universe.

  • The Identification of a Dusty Multiarm Spiral Galaxy at $z=3.06$ with JWST and ALMA

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Spiral arms serve crucial purposes in star formation and galaxy evolution. In this paper, we report the identification of A2744-DSG-$z3$, a dusty, multiarm spiral galaxy at $z=3.059$ using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) NIRISS imaging and grism spectroscopy. A2744-DSG-$z3$ was discovered as a gravitationally lensed sub-millimeter galaxy with ALMA. This is the most distant stellar spiral structure seen thus far, consistent with cosmological simulations which suggest $z\approx3$ as the epoch when spirals emerge. Thanks to the gravitational lensing and excellent spatial resolution of JWST, the spiral arms are resolved with a spatial resolution of $\approx290$\,pc. Based on SED fitting, the spiral galaxy has a de-lensed star formation rate of $85\pm30 \ M_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$, and a stellar mass of $\approx10^{10.6}M_{\odot}$, indicating that A2744-DSG-$z3$ is a main-sequence galaxy. After fitting the spiral arms, we find a stellar effective radius ($R_{e, \rm{star}}$) of $5.0\pm1.5$ kpc. Combing with ALMA measurements, we find that the effective radii ratio between dust and stars is $\approx0.4$, similar to {those} of massive SFGs at $z\sim2$, indicating a compact dusty core in A2744-DSG-$z3$. Moreover, this galaxy appears to be living in a group environment: including A2744-DSG-$z3$, at least three galaxies at $z=3.05 - 3.06$ {are} spectroscopically confirmed by JWST/NIRISS and ALMA, residing within a lensing-corrected projected scale of $\approx 70$ kpc. This, along with the asymmetric brightness profile, further suggests that the spiral arms may be triggered by minor merger events at $z\gtrsim3$.

  • Submillimetre galaxies in two massive protoclusters at z = 2.24: witnessing the enrichment of extreme starbursts in the outskirts of HAE density peaks

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Submillimetre galaxies represent a rapid growth phase of both star formation and massive galaxies. Mapping SMGs in galaxy protoclusters provides key insights into where and how these extreme starbursts take place in connections with the assembly of the large-scale structure in the early Universe. We search for SMGs at 850$\,\mu m$ using JCMT/SCUBA-2 in two massive protoclusters at $z=2.24$, BOSS1244 and BOSS1542, and detect 43 and 54 sources with $S_{850}>4\,$mJy at the $4\sigma$ level within an effective area of 264$\,$arcmin$^2$, respectively. We construct the intrinsic number counts and find that the abundance of SMGs is $2.0\pm0.3$ and $2.1\pm0.2$ times that of the general fields, confirming that BOSS1244 and BOSS1542 contain a higher fraction of dusty galaxies with strongly enhanced star formation. The volume densities of the SMGs are estimated to be $\sim15-$30 times the average, significantly higher than the overdensity factor ($\sim 6$) traced by H$\alpha$ emission-line galaxies (HAEs). More importantly, we discover a prominent offset between the spatial distributions of the two populations in these two protoclusters -- SMGs are mostly located around the high-density regions of HAEs, and few are seen inside these regions. This finding may have revealed for the first time the occurrence of violent star formation enhancement in the outskirts of the HAE density peaks, likely driven by the boosting of gas supplies and/or starburst triggering events. Meanwhile, the lack of SMGs inside the most overdense regions at $z\sim2$ implies a transition to the environment disfavouring extreme starbursts.

  • Quasar Factor Analysis -- An Unsupervised and Probabilistic Quasar Continuum Prediction Algorithm with Latent Factor Analysis

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Since their first discovery, quasars have been essential probes of the distant Universe. However, due to our limited knowledge of its nature, predicting the intrinsic quasar continua has bottlenecked their usage. Existing methods of quasar continuum recovery often rely on a limited number of high-quality quasar spectra, which might not capture the full diversity of the quasar population. In this study, we propose an unsupervised probabilistic model, \textit{Quasar Factor Analysis} (QFA), which combines factor analysis (FA) with physical priors of the intergalactic medium (IGM) to overcome these limitations. QFA captures the posterior distribution of quasar continua through generatively modeling quasar spectra. We demonstrate that QFA can achieve the state-of-the-art performance, $\sim 2\%$ relative error, for continuum prediction in the Ly$\alpha$ forest region compared to previous methods. We further fit 90,678 $22$ quasar spectra from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 16 and found that for $\sim 30\%$ quasar spectra where the continua were ill-determined with previous methods, QFA yields visually more plausible continua. QFA also attains $\lesssim 1\%$ error in the 1D Ly$\alpha$ power spectrum measurements at $\mathrm{z}\sim 3$ and $\sim 4\%$ in $\mathrm{z}\sim 2.4$. In addition, QFA determines latent factors representing more physically motivated than PCA. We investigate the evolution of the latent factors and report no significant redshift or luminosity dependency except for the Baldwin effect. The generative nature of QFA also enables outlier detection robustly; we showed that QFA is effective in selecting outlying quasar spectra, including damped Ly$\alpha$ systems and potential Type II quasar spectra.

  • Metal-Enriched Neutral Gas Reservoir around a Strongly-lensed, Low-mass Galaxy at $z=4$ Identified by JWST/NIRISS and VLT/MUSE

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Direct observations of low-mass, low-metallicity galaxies at $z\gtrsim4$ provide an indispensable opportunity for detailed inspection of the ionization radiation, gas flow, and metal enrichment in sources similar to those that reionized the Universe. Combining the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), VLT/MUSE, and ALMA, we present detailed observations of a strongly lensed, low-mass ($\approx 10^{7.6}$ ${\rm M}_\odot$) galaxy at $z=3.98$ (also see Vanzella et al. 2022). We identify strong narrow nebular emission, including CIV $\lambda\lambda1548,1550$, HeII $\lambda1640$, OIII] $\lambda\lambda1661,1666$, [NeIII] $\lambda3868$, [OII] $\lambda3727$, and Balmer series of Hydrogen from this galaxy, indicating a metal-poor HII region ($\lesssim 0.12\ {\rm Z}_\odot$) powered by massive stars. Further, we detect a metal-enriched damped Ly$\alpha$ system (DLA) associated with the galaxy with the HI column density of $N_{\rm{HI}}\approx 10^{21.8}$ cm$^{-2}$. The metallicity of the associated DLA may reach the super solar metallicity (${\gtrsim Z}_\odot$). Moreover, thanks to JWST and gravitational lensing, we present the resolved UV slope ($\beta$) map at the spatial resolution of $\approx 100$ pc at $z=4$, with steep UV slopes reaching $\beta \approx -2.5$ around three star-forming clumps. Combining with low-redshift analogs, our observations suggest that low-mass, low-metallicity galaxies, which dominate reionization, could be surrounded by a high covering fraction of the metal-enriched, neutral-gaseous clouds. This implies that the metal enrichment of low-mass galaxies is highly efficient, and further support that in low-mass galaxies, only a small fraction of ionizing radiation can escape through the interstellar or circumgalactic channels with low column-density neutral gas.

  • MAMMOTH-Subaru IV. Large Scale Structure and Clustering Analysis of Ly$\alpha$ Emitters and Ly$\alpha$ Blobs at $z=2.2-2.3$

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report the large scale structure and clustering analysis of Ly$\alpha$ emitters (LAEs) and Ly$\alpha$ blobs (LABs) at $z=2.2-2.3$. Using 3,341 LAEs, 117 LABs, and 58 bright (Ly$\alpha$ luminosity $L_{\rm Ly\alpha}>10^{43.4}$ erg s$^{-1}$) LABs at $z=2.2-2.3$ selected with Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC), we calculate the LAE overdensity to investigate the large scale structure at $z=2$. We show that 74% LABs and 78% bright LABs locate in overdense regions, which is consistent with the trend found by previous studies that LABs generally locate in overdense regions. We find that one of our 8 fields dubbed J1349 contains $39/117\approx33\%$ of our LABs and $22/58\approx38\%$ of our bright LABs. A unique and overdense $24'\times12'$ ($\approx 40\times20$ comoving Mpc$^2$) region in J1349 has 12 LABs (8 bright LABs). By comparing to SSA22 that is one of the most overdense LAB regions found by previous studies, we show that the J1349 overdense region contains $\geq 2$ times more bright LABs than the SSA22 overdense region. We calculate the angular correlation functions (ACFs) of LAEs and LABs in the unique J1349 field and fit the ACFs with a power-law function to measure the slopes. The slopes of LAEs and LABs are similar, while the bright LABs show a $\approx 2$ times larger slope suggesting that bright LABs are more clustered than faint LABs and LAEs. We show that the amplitudes of ACFs of LABs are higher than LAEs, which suggests that LABs have a $\approx 10$ times larger galaxy bias and field-to-field variance than LAEs. The strong field-to-field variance is consistent with the large differences of LAB numbers in our 8 fields.

  • MAMMOTH-Subaru III. Ly$\alpha$ Halo Extended to $\sim200$ kpc Identified by Stacking $\sim 3300$ Ly$\alpha$ Emitters at $z=2.2-2.3$

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we present a Ly$\alpha$ halo extended to $\sim200$ kpc identified by stacking $\sim 3300$ Ly$\alpha$ emitters at $z=2.2-2.3$. We carry out imaging observations and data reduction with Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC). Our total survey area is $\sim12$ deg$^2$ and imaging depths are $25.5-27.0$ mag. Using the imaging data, we select 1,240 and 2,101 LAE candidates at $z=2.2$ and 2.3, respectively. We carry out spectroscopic observations of our LAE candidates and data reduction with Magellan/IMACS to estimate the contamination rate of our LAE candidates. We find that the contamination rate of our sample is low (8%). We stack our LAE candidates with a median stacking method to identify the Ly$\alpha$ halo at $z=2$. We show that the Ly$\alpha$ halo is extended to $\sim200$ kpc at a surface brightness level of $10^{-20}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ arcsec$^{-2}$. Comparing to previous studies, our Ly$\alpha$ halo is more extended at radii of $\sim25-100$ kpc, which is not likely caused by the contamination in our sample but by different redshifts and fields instead. To investigate how central galaxies affect surrounding LAHs, we divide our LAEs into subsamples based on the Ly$\alpha$ luminosity ($L_{\rm Ly\alpha}$), rest-frame Ly$\alpha$ equivalent width (EW$_0$), and UV magnitude (M$_{\rm uv}$). We stack the subsamples and find that higher $L_{\rm Ly\alpha}$, lower EW$_0$, and brighter M$_{\rm uv}$ cause more extended halos. Our results suggest that more massive LAEs generally have more extended Ly$\alpha$ halos.

  • DESI survey validation data in the COSMOS/HSC field: Cool gas trace main sequence star-forming galaxies at the cosmic noon

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present the first result in exploring the gaseous halo and galaxy correlation using the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) survey validation data in the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) and Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) field. We obtain the multiphase gaseous halo properties in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) by using 115 quasar spectra (S/N > 3). We detect MgII absorption at redshift 0.6 < z < 2.5, CIV absorption at 1.6 < z < 3.6, and HI absorption associated with the MgII and CIV. The CGM is mixed by a higher density phase of detectable MgII and CIV and a lower density of CIV-only phase. By cross-matching the COSMOS2020 catalog, we identify the MgII and CIV host galaxies at 0.9 < z < 3.1 in ten quasar fields. We find that within the impact parameter of 250 kpc, a tight correlation is seen between strong MgII equivalent width and the host galaxy star formation rate. The covering fraction fc of strong MgII selected galaxies, which is the ratio of absorbing galaxy in a certain galaxy population, shows significant evolution in the main-sequence galaxies and marginal evolution in all the galaxy populations within 250 kpc at 0.9 < z < 2.2. The fc increase in the main-sequence galaxies likely suggests the co-evolution of strong MgII absorbing gas and the main-sequence galaxies at the cosmic noon. Furthermore, several MgII and CIV absorbing gas is detected out of the galaxy virial radius, tentatively indicating the feedback produced by the star formation and/or the environmental effects.

  • Metal-Enriched Neutral Gas Reservoir around a Strongly-lensed, Low-mass Galaxy at $z=4$ Identified by JWST/NIRISS and VLT/MUSE

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Direct observations of low-mass, low-metallicity galaxies at $z\gtrsim4$ provide an indispensable opportunity for detailed inspection of the ionization radiation, gas flow, and metal enrichment in sources similar to those that reionized the Universe. Combining the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), VLT/MUSE, and ALMA, we present detailed observations of a strongly lensed, low-mass ($\approx 10^{7.6}$ ${\rm M}_\odot$) galaxy at $z=3.98$ (also see Vanzella et al. 2022). We identify strong narrow nebular emission, including CIV $\lambda\lambda1548,1550$, HeII $\lambda1640$, OIII] $\lambda\lambda1661,1666$, [NeIII] $\lambda3868$, [OII] $\lambda3727$, and Balmer series of Hydrogen from this galaxy, indicating a metal-poor HII region ($\lesssim 0.12\ {\rm Z}_\odot$) powered by massive stars. Further, we detect a metal-enriched damped Ly$\alpha$ system (DLA) associated with the galaxy with the HI column density of $N_{\rm{HI}}\approx 10^{21.8}$ cm$^{-2}$. The metallicity of the associated DLA may reach the super solar metallicity (${\gtrsim Z}_\odot$). Moreover, thanks to JWST and gravitational lensing, we present the resolved UV slope ($\beta$) map at the spatial resolution of $\approx 100$ pc at $z=4$, with steep UV slopes reaching $\beta \approx -2.5$ around three star-forming clumps. Combining with low-redshift analogs, our observations suggest that low-mass, low-metallicity galaxies, which dominate reionization, could be surrounded by a high covering fraction of the metal-enriched, neutral-gaseous clouds. This implies that the metal enrichment of low-mass galaxies is highly efficient, and further support that in low-mass galaxies, only a small fraction of ionizing radiation can escape through the interstellar or circumgalactic channels with low column-density neutral gas.

  • MAMMOTH-Subaru III. Ly$\alpha$ Halo Extended to $\sim200$ kpc Identified by Stacking $\sim 3300$ Ly$\alpha$ Emitters at $z=2.2-2.3$

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we present a Ly$\alpha$ halo extended to $\sim200$ kpc identified by stacking $\sim 3300$ Ly$\alpha$ emitters at $z=2.2-2.3$. We carry out imaging observations and data reduction with Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC). Our total survey area is $\sim12$ deg$^2$ and imaging depths are $25.5-27.0$ mag. Using the imaging data, we select 1,240 and 2,101 LAE candidates at $z=2.2$ and 2.3, respectively. We carry out spectroscopic observations of our LAE candidates and data reduction with Magellan/IMACS to estimate the contamination rate of our LAE candidates. We find that the contamination rate of our sample is low (8%). We stack our LAE candidates with a median stacking method to identify the Ly$\alpha$ halo at $z=2$. We show that the Ly$\alpha$ halo is extended to $\sim200$ kpc at a surface brightness level of $10^{-20}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ arcsec$^{-2}$. Comparing to previous studies, our Ly$\alpha$ halo is more extended at radii of $\sim25-100$ kpc, which is not likely caused by the contamination in our sample but by different redshifts and fields instead. To investigate how central galaxies affect surrounding LAHs, we divide our LAEs into subsamples based on the Ly$\alpha$ luminosity ($L_{\rm Ly\alpha}$), rest-frame Ly$\alpha$ equivalent width (EW$_0$), and UV magnitude (M$_{\rm uv}$). We stack the subsamples and find that higher $L_{\rm Ly\alpha}$, lower EW$_0$, and brighter M$_{\rm uv}$ cause more extended halos. Our results suggest that more massive LAEs generally have more extended Ly$\alpha$ halos.

  • Probing the Diffuse Lyman-alpha Emission on Cosmological Scales: Ly{\alpha} Emission Intensity Mapping Using the Complete SDSS-IV eBOSS Survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 16, we have detected the large-scale structure of Ly$\alpha$ emission in the Universe at redshifts $z = 2$--3.5 by cross-correlating quasar positions and Ly$\alpha$ emission imprinted in the residual spectra of luminous red galaxies. We apply an analytical model to fit the corresponding Ly$\alpha$ surface brightness profile and multipoles of the redshift-space quasar-Ly$\alpha$ emission cross-correlation function. The model suggests an average cosmic Ly$\alpha$ luminosity density of ${6.6_{-3.1}^{+3.3}}\times 10^{40} {\rm erg\, s^{-1} cMpc^{-3}}$, a $\sim 2\sigma$ detection with a median value about 8--9 times those estimated from deep narrowband surveys of Ly$\alpha$ emitters at similar redshifts. Although the low signal-to-noise ratio prevents us from a significant detection of the Ly$\alpha$ forest-Ly$\alpha$ emission cross-correlation, the measurement is consistent with the prediction of our best-fit model from quasar-Ly$\alpha$ emission cross-correlation within current uncertainties. We rule out the scenario that these Ly$\alpha$ photons mainly originate from quasars. We find that Ly$\alpha$ emission from star-forming galaxies, including contributions from that concentrated around the galaxy centers and that in the diffuse Ly$\alpha$ emitting halos, is able to explain the bulk of the the Ly$\alpha$ luminosity density inferred from our measurements. Ongoing and future surveys can further improve the measurements and advance our understanding of the cosmic Ly$\alpha$ emission field.

  • The mass-metallicity relation at cosmic noon in overdense environments: first results from the MAMMOTH-Grism HST slitless spectroscopic survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The MAMMOTH-Grism slitless spectroscopic survey is a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) cycle-28 medium program, which is obtaining 45 orbits of WFC3/IR grism spectroscopy in the density peak regions of three massive galaxy protoclusters at $z=2-3$ discovered using the MAMMOTH technique. We introduce this survey by presenting the first measurement of the mass-metallicity relation (MZR) at high redshift in overdense environments via grism spectroscopy. From the completed MAMMOTH-Grism observations in the field of the BOSS1244 protocluster at $z=2.24\pm0.02$, We secure a sample of 36 protocluster member galaxies at $z\sim2.24$, showing strong nebular emission lines ([O III], H$\beta$ and [O II]) in their G141 spectra. Using the multi-wavelength broad-band deep imaging from HST and ground-based telescopes, we measure their stellar masses in the range of $[10^{9},10^{10.4}]M_\odot$, instantaneous star formation rates (SFR) from 10 to 240$M_\odot yr^{-1}$, and global gas-phase metallicities [$\frac{1}{3}$,1] of solar. Compared with similarly selected field galaxy sample at the same redshift, our galaxies show on average increased SFRs by $\sim$0.06dex and $\sim$0.18dex at $\sim$10$^{10.1}M_\odot$ and $\sim$10$^{9.8}M_\odot$, respectively. Using the stacked spectra of our sample galaxies, we derive the MZR in the BOSS1244 protocluster core as $12+\log({\rm O/H})=(0.136\pm0.018)\times\log(M_\ast/M_\odot)+(7.082\pm0.175)$, showing significantly shallower slope than that in the field. This shallow MZR slope is likely caused by the combined effects of efficient recycling of feedback-driven winds and cold-mode gas accretion in protocluster environments. The former effect helps low-mass galaxies residing in overdensities retain their metal production, whereas the latter effect dilutes the metal content of high-mass galaxies, making them more metal poor than their coeval field counterparts.