• Current Status and Optimization Suggestions for the International Digital Publishing Platform of Excellence Action Plan for China STM Journals from the User Perspective

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> Internet Journals submitted time 2024-01-31

    Abstract: Purposes  From the perspective of users, we analyze the construction status of three platforms (production, operation, and dissemination) selected for the " Excellence Action Plan for China STM Journals - International Digital Publishing Service Platform" project and propose optimization suggestions, in order to provide reference for building a domestic whole process international digital publishing service platform.  Methods Through investigation and comparative analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of production, operation, and dissemination platforms were elaborated, and optimization suggestions and sustainable development suggestions of the three platforms were proposed. Findings  The operation platform (Tengyun editorial system), production platform (Fangzheng academic publishing platform), and dissemination platform (SciOpen) selected for the project have achieved online submission and review, digital production, and international communication functions, but still need to be optimized. From the perspective of users, the Tengyun editorial system needs to expand the resources of foreign journals in the academic misconduct detection database, increase the information of reviewers worldwide, and improve the usability of the editorial system; The Fangzheng academic publishing platform needs to provide technical support services and add online interaction functions; The SciOpen platform needs to increase supporting journal types. Conclusions The “Excellence Action Plan for China STM Journals - International Digital Publishing Service Platform” project has achieved initial achievement, and efforts should be continued towards the goal of building an international, intelligent, digital knowledge service publishing platform with a whole process with functions of editing, review, proofreading, and dissemination.

  • 一种减少色彩失真的自适应单幅图像去雾算法

    Subjects: Computer Science >> Integration Theory of Computer Science submitted time 2019-04-01 Cooperative journals: 《计算机应用研究》

    Abstract: The single image haze removal algorithm based on dark channel priori is currently the most efficient image defogging technology. However, when the image does not fully satisfy the dark channel priori, many artifacts and color distortion will appear in the processed image, so that the method should be modified according to the image situation. This paper proposed the hypothesis that the brighter the scene is, the less credible the dark channel priori will be; the lower the scene saturation is, the less credible the dark channel priori will be. Based on this assumption, an image’s dark channel confidence was designed to limit the dark channel value when the scene does not fully satisfy the dark channel prior. Furthermore, the image was post-enhanced to improve the visual effect. Three typical fog weather images were selected to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs better in preserving color and removing artifacts comparing to some current related defogging algorithms. A new dark channel confidence calculation method is designed to overcome the problem that the estimation of dark channel value will be too large when the image scene does not fully satisfy the dark channel priori. The proposed method improves the adaptability of the dark channel priori defogging model to different foggy scenes.

  • 盐沼湿地植物的群落分类及其空间分布格局对土壤水盐的响应

    Subjects: Environmental Sciences, Resource Sciences >> Basic Disciplines of Environmental Science and Technology submitted time 2020-06-10 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract:展内陆盐沼湿地植物群落空间分布格局对土壤水盐的响应研究,将有助于深入理解盐沼湿地植物群落的环境可塑性机制。本文采用TWINSPAN和CCA等方法,研究小苏干湖内陆盐沼湿地植物群落空间分布格局与主要环境因子之间的关系。结果表明:小苏干湖湿地植物可以分为芦苇(Phragmites australis)+赖草(Leymus secalinus)、赖草、苦豆子(Sophora alopecuroides)+披针叶野决明(Thermopsis lanceolata)、盐地风毛菊(Saussurea salsa)+赖草、水麦冬(Triglochin palustre)+海韭菜(Triglochin maritimum)和线叶嵩草(Kobresia capillifolia)+阿尔泰薹草(Carex altaica)等6个群落类型,各植物群落通过适应各自区域内土壤水盐的运移规律表现出显著的空间差异性;土壤含水率、土壤Ca2+、Cl-和地下水埋深对植物群落分布格局影响最显著。内陆盐沼湿地植物群落分布格局及其与土壤水盐因子之间的关系是湿地植物长期适应特殊生境的结果,体现了盐沼湿地植物较强的耐受性和生态适应性。

  • Early development of the body shape and body movement in infancy

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-05-24

    Abstract: The body contains rich social information. Studying the body representation’s development in the early stage is significant for revealing body representation’s specific mechanism and further understanding the infants’ social development. Through looking at the theories about the body shape and the body movement, we summarize the representation patterns of the infant’s body structure information and movement information. At the same time, the article describes two theories on the infant's body representation development. Future researches should pay more attention to explain the specific development process and the controversial critical period of body representation in fancy. Moreover, the mechanism of biological motion preference on body representation should be explored through using the brain imaging technology.