  • Detection Prospects of the Cosmic Neutrino Background

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-13

    摘要: The existence of the cosmic neutrino background (CnuB) is a fundamental prediction of the standard Big Bang cosmology. Although current cosmological probes provide indirect observational evidence, the direct detection of the CnuB in a laboratory experiment is a great challenge to the present experimental techniques. We discuss the future prospects for the direct detection of the CnuB, with the emphasis on the method of captures on beta-decaying nuclei and the PTOLEMY project. Other possibilities using the electron-capture (EC) decaying nuclei, the annihilation of extremely high-energy cosmic neutrinos (EHEC\nus) at the Z-resonance, and the atomic de-excitation method are also discussed in this review.

  • Neutrino Oscillation Probabilities in Matter with Direct and Indirect Unitarity Violation in the Lepton Mixing Matrix

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-14

    摘要: In the presence of both direct and indirect unitarity violation in the lepton mixing matrix, we derive a complete set of series expansion formulas for neutrino oscillation probabilities in matter of constant density. Expansions in the mass hierarchy parameter α≡Δm221/Δm231 and those unitarity violation parameters s2ij (for i = 1, 2, 3 and j = 4, 5, 6) up to the first order are studied in this paper. We analyse the accuracy of the analytical series expansion formulas in different regions of L / E. A detailed numerical analysis is also performed, of which the different effects of the direct and the indirect unitarity violation are particularly emphasized. We also study in this paper the summed να→νe,ν,τprobabilities, whose deviation from the unity provides a definite signal of the unitarity violation.

  • Deep Generative Models of Gravitational Waveforms via Conditional Autoencoder

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We construct few deep generative models of gravitational waveforms based on the semi-supervising scheme of conditional autoencoders and their variational extensions. Once the training is done, we find that our best waveform model can generate the inspiral-merger waveforms of binary black hole coalescence with more than $97\%$ average overlap matched filtering accuracy for the mass ratio between $1$ and $10$. Besides, the generation time of a single waveform takes about one millisecond, which is about $10$ to $100$ times faster than the EOBNR algorithm running on the same computing facility. Moreover, these models can also help to explore the space of waveforms. That is, with mainly the low-mass-ratio training set, the resultant trained model is capable of generating large amount of accurate high-mass-ratio waveforms. This result implies that our generative model can speed up the waveform generation for the low latency search of gravitational wave events. With the improvement of the accuracy in future work, the generative waveform model may also help to speed up the parameter estimation and can assist the numerical relativity in generating the waveforms of higher mass ratio by progressively self-training.

  • Prospects for the detection of the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background with the experiments SK-Gd and JUNO

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The advent of gadolinium-loaded Super-Kamiokande (SK-Gd) and of the soon-to-start JUNO liquid scintillator detector marks a substantial improvement in the global sensitivity for the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background (DSNB). The present article reviews the detector properties most relevant for the DSNB searches in both experiments and estimates the expected signal and background levels. Based on these inputs, we evaluate the sensitivity of both experiments individually and combined. Using a simplified statistical approach, we find that both SK-Gd and JUNO have the potential to reach $>$3$\sigma$ evidence of the DSNB signal within 10 years of measurement. The combined results are likely to enable a $5\sigma$ discovery of the DSNB signal within the next decade.

  • Modular Properties of 3D Higher Spin Theory

    分类: 物理学 >> 基本粒子与场物理学 提交时间: 2017-08-05

    摘要: In the three-dimensional sl(N) Chern-Simons higher-spin theory, we prove that the conical surplus and the black hole solution are related by the S-transformation of the modulus of the boundary torus. Then applying the modular group on a given conical surplus solution, we generate a 'SL(2,Z)' family of smooth constant solutions. We then show how these solutions are mapped into one another by coordinate transformations that act non-trivially on the homology of the boundary torus. After deriving a thermodynamics that applies to all the solutions in the 'SL(2,Z)' family, we compute their entropies and free energies, and determine how the latter transform under the modular transformations. Summing over all the modular images of the conical surplus, we write down a (tree-level) modular invariant partition function.

  • Getting the Most from Detection of Galactic Supernova Neutrinos in Future Large Liquid-Scintillator Detectors

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-05

    摘要: Future large liquid-scintillator detectors can be implemented to observe neutrinos from a core-collapse supernova (SN) in our galaxy in various reaction channels: (1) The inverse beta decay ν¯¯¯e+p→n+e+; (2) The elastic neutrino-proton scattering ν+p→ν+p; (3) The elastic neutrino-electron scattering ν+e−→ν+e−; (4) The charged-current νe interaction νe+12C→e−+12N; (5) The charged-current ν¯¯¯e interaction ν¯¯¯e+12C→e++12B; (6) The neutral-current interaction ν+12C→ν+12C∗. The less abundant 13C atoms in the liquid scintillator are also considered as a target, and both the charged-current interaction νe+13C→e−+13N and the neutral-current interaction ν+13C→ν+13C∗ are taken into account. In this work, we show for the first time that a global analysis of all these channels at a single {liquid-}scintillator detector, such as Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), is very important to test the average-energy hierarchy of SN neutrinos and how the total energy is partitioned among neutrino flavors. In addition, the dominant channels for reconstructing neutrino spectra and the impact of other channels are discussed in great detail.

  • Terrestrial matter effects on reactor antineutrino oscillations at JUNO or RENO-50: how small is small?

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-02

    摘要: We have carefully examined, in both analytical and numerical ways, how small the terrestrial matter effects can be in a given medium-baseline reactor antineutrino oscillation experiment like JUNO or RENO-50. Taking the ongoing JUNO experiment for example, we show that the inclusion of terrestrial matter effects may reduce the sensitivity of the neutrino mass ordering measurement by \Delta \chi^2_{\rm MO} \simeq 0.6, and a neglect of such effects may shift the best-fit values of the flavor mixing angle \theta_{12} and the neutrino mass-squared difference \Delta_{21} by about 1\sigma to 2\sigma in the future data analysis. In addition, a preliminary estimate indicates that a 2\sigma sensitivity of establishing the terrestrial matter effects can be achieved for about 10 years of data taking at JUNO with the help of a proper near detector implementation.

  • Heralded entanglement distribution between two absorptive quantum memories

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Owing to the inevitable loss in communication channels, the distance of entanglement distribution is limited to approximately 100 kilometres on the ground. Quantum repeaters can circumvent this problem by using quantum memory and entanglement swapping. As the elementary link of a quantum repeater, the heralded distribution of two-party entanglement between two remote nodes has only been realized with built-in-type quantum memories. These schemes suffer from the trade-off between multiplexing capacity and deterministic properties and hence hinder the development of efficient quantum repeaters. Quantum repeaters based on absorptive quantum memories can overcome such limitations because they separate the quantum memories and the quantum light sources. Here we present an experimental demonstration of heralded entanglement between absorptive quantum memories. We build two nodes separated by 3.5 metres, each containing a polarization-entangled photon-pair source and a solid-state quantum memory with bandwidth up to 1 gigahertz. A joint Bell-state measurement in the middle station heralds the successful distribution of maximally entangled states between the two quantum memories with a fidelity of 80.4 $\pm$ 2.2 per cent ($\pm$1 standard deviation). The quantum nodes and channels demonstrated here can serve as an elementary link of a quantum repeater. Moreover, the wideband absorptive quantum memories used in the nodes are compatible with deterministic entanglement sources and can simultaneously support multiplexing, which paves the way for the construction of practical solid-state quantum repeaters and high-speed quantum networks.

  • Quantum Decoherence with Holography

    分类: 物理学 >> 基本粒子与场物理学 提交时间: 2017-08-05

    摘要: Quantum decoherence is the loss of a system's purity due to its interaction with the surrounding environment. Via the AdS/CFT correspondence, we study how a system decoheres when its environment is a strongly-coupled theory. In the Feynman-Vernon formalism, we compute the influence functional holographically by relating it to the generating function of Schwinger-Keldysh propagators and thereby obtain the dynamics of the system's density matrix. We present two exactly solvable examples: (1) a straight string in a BTZ black hole and (2) a scalar probe in AdS5. We prepare an initial state that mimics Schr\"odinger's cat and identify different stages of its decoherence process using the time-scaling behaviors of R\'enyi entropy. We also relate decoherence to local quantum quenches, and by comparing the time evolution behaviors of the Wigner function and R\'enyi entropy we demonstrate that the relaxation of local quantum excitations leads to the collapse of its wave-function.

  • RF modulation studies on the S band pulse compressor

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-13

    摘要: An S band SLED-type pulse compressor has been manufactured by IHEP to challenge the 100 MW maximum input power, which means the output peak power is about 500 MW at the phase reversal time. In order to deal with the RF breakdown problem, the dual side-wall coupling irises model was used. To further improve the reliability at very high power, amplitude modulation and phase modulation with flat-top output were taken into account. The RF modulation studies on an S-band SLED are presented in this paper. Furthermore, a method is developed by using the CST Microwave Studio transient solver to simulate the time response of the pulse compressor, which can be a verification of the modulate theory. In addition, the experimental setup was constructed and the flat-top output is obtained in the low power tests.

  • Mass hierarchy sensitivity of medium baseline reactor neutrino experiments with multiple detectors

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-08-30

    摘要: We report the neutrino mass hierarchy (MH) sensitivity of medium baseline reactor neutrino experiments with multiple detectors. Sensitivity of determining the MH can be significantly improved by adding a near detector and combining both the near and far detectors. The size of the sensitivity improvement is related to accuracy of the individual mass-splitting measurements and requires strict control on the relative energy scale uncertainty of the near and far detectors. We study the impact of both baseline and target mass of the near detector on the combined sensitivity. A figure-of-merit is defined to optimize the baseline and target mass of the near detector and the optimal selections are ∼13~km and ∼4~kton respectively for a far detector with the 20~kton target mass and 52.5~km baseline. As typical examples of future medium baseline reactor neutrino experiments, the optimal location and target mass of the near detector are selected for JUNO and RENO-50. Finally, we discuss distinct effects of the neutrino spectrum uncertainty for setups of a single detector and double detectors, which indicate that the spectrum uncertainty can be well constrained in the presence of the near detector.

  • Simulating topological materials with photonic synthetic dimensions in cavities

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Photons play essential roles in fundamental physics and practical technologies. They have become one of the attractive informaiton carriers for quantum computation and quantum simulation. Recently, various photonic degrees of freedom supported by optical resonant cavities form photonic synthetic dimensions, which contribute to all-optical platforms for simulating novel topological materials. The photonic discrete or continuous degrees of freedom are mapped to the lattices or momenta of the simulated topological matter, and the couplings between optical modes are equivalent to the interactions among quasi-particles. Mature optical modulations enable flexible engineering of the simulated Hamiltonian. Meanwhile, the resonant detection methods provide direct approaches to obtaining the corresponding energy band structures, particle distributions and dynamical evolutions. In this Review, we give an overview of the synthetic dimensions in optical cavities, including frequency, orbital angular momentum, time-multiplexed lattice, and independent parameters. Abundant higher-dimensional topological models have been demonstrated in lower dimensional synthetic systems. We further discuss the potential development of photonic synthetic dimensions in the future.

  • One-hour coherent optical storage in an atomic frequency comb memory

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Photon loss in optical fibers prevents long-distance distribution of quantum information on the ground. Quantum repeater is proposed to overcome this problem, but the communication distance is still limited so far because of the system complexity of the quantum repeater scheme. Alternative solutions include transportable quantum memory and quantum-memory-equipped satellites, where long-lived optical quantum memories are the key components to realize global quantum communication. However, the longest storage time of the optical memories demonstrated so far is approximately 1 minute. Here, by employing a zero-first-order-Zeeman magnetic field and dynamical decoupling to protect the spin coherence in a solid, we demonstrate coherent storage of light in an atomic frequency comb memory over 1 hour, leading to a promising future for large-scale quantum communication based on long-lived solid-state quantum memories.

  • Potential of Geo-neutrino Measurements at JUNO

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-14

    摘要: The flux of geoneutrinos at any point on the Earth is a function of the abundance and distribution of radioactive elements within our planet. This flux has been successfully detected by the 1-kt KamLAND and 0.3-kt Borexino detectors with these measurements being limited by their low statistics. The planned 20-kt JUNO detector will provide an exciting opportunity to obtain a high statistics measurement, which will provide data to address several questions of geological importance. This paper presents the JUNO detector design concept, the expected geo-neutrino signal and corresponding backgrounds. The precision level of geo-neutrino measurements at JUNO is obtained with the standard least-squares method. The potential of the Th/U ratio and mantle measurements is also discussed.


    分类: 地球科学 >> 空间物理学 提交时间: 2016-05-12

    摘要: Mass is one of the most fundamental parameters characterizing the dynamics of a coronal mass ejection (CME). It has been found that CME apparent mass measured from the brightness enhancement in coronagraphs increases during its evolution in the corona. However, the physics behind it is not clear. Does the apparent mass gain come from the outflow from the dimming regions in the low corona, or from the pileup of the solar wind plasma around the CME? Here we analyze the mass evolution of six CME events. Based on the coronagraph observations from the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory, we find that their masses increased by a factor of 1.3-1.7 from 7 to 15 R-S, where the occulting effect is negligible. We then adopt the "snow-plow" model to calculate the mass contribution of the piled-up solar wind. The result gives evidence that the solar wind pileup probably makes a non-negligible contribution to the mass increase. In the height range from about 7 to 15 R-S, the ratio of the modeled to the measured mass increase is roughly larger than 0.55 though the ratios are believed to be overestimated. It is not clear yet whether the solar wind pileup is a major contributor to the final mass derived from coronagraph observations, but it does play an increasingly important role in the mass increase as a CME moves further away from the Sun.

  • Deterministic relation between optical polarization and lattice symmetry revealed in ion-doped single microcrystals

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Rare-earth ions doped crystals are of great significance for micro-sensing and quantum information, whilst the ions in the crystals emit light with spontaneous partial polarization, which is, though believed to be originated from the crystal lattice structure, still lacking a deterministic explanation that can be tested with quantitative accuracy. We report the experimental evidence showing the profound physical relation between the polarization degree of light emitted by the doped ion and the lattice symmetry, by demonstrating, with unprecedented precision, that the lattice constant ratio c/a directly quantifies the macroscopic effective polar angle of the electric and magnetic dipoles, which essentially determines the linear polarization degree of the emission. Based on this discovery, we further propose a pure optical technology to identify the three-dimensional orientation of a rod-shaped single microcrystal using the polarization-resolved micro-spectroscopy. Our results, revealing the physical origin of light polarization in ion-doped crystals, open the way towards on-demand polarization control with crystallography, and provide a versatile platform for polarization-based microscale sensing in dynamical systems.

  • Electromagnetic neutrinos in laboratory experiments and astrophysics

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-13

    摘要: An overview of neutrino electromagnetic properties, which open a door to the new physics beyond the Standard Model, is given. The effects of neutrino electromagnetic interactions both in terrestrial experiments and in astrophysical environments are discussed. The experimental bounds on neutrino electromagnetic characteristics are summarized. Future astrophysical probes of electromagnetic neutrinos are outlined.

  • On-demand multimode optical storage in a laser-written on-chip waveguide

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Quantum memory is a fundamental building block for large-scale quantum networks. On-demand optical storage with a large bandwidth, a high multimode capacity and an integrated structure simultaneously is crucial for practical application. However, this has not been demonstrated yet. Here, we fabricate an on-chip waveguide in a $\mathrm {^{151}Eu^{3+}:Y_2SiO_5}$ crystal with insertion losses of 0.2 dB, and propose a novel pumping scheme to enable spin-wave atomic frequency comb (AFC) storage with a bandwidth of 11 MHz inside the waveguide. Based on this, we demonstrate the storage of 200 temporal modes using the AFC scheme and conditional on-demand storage of 100 temporal modes using the spin-wave AFC scheme. The interference visibility between the readout light field and the reference light field is $99.0\% \pm 0.6\%$ and $97\% \pm 3\%$ for AFC and spin-wave AFC storage, respectively, indicating the coherent nature of this low-loss, multimode and integrated storage device.

  • Loss-difference-induced localization in a non-Hermitian honeycomb photonic lattice

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Non-Hermitian systems with complex-valued energy spectra provide an extraordinary platform for manipulating unconventional dynamics of light. Here, we demonstrate the localization of light in an instantaneously reconfigurable non-Hermitian honeycomb photonic lattice that is established in a coherently-prepared atomic system. One set of the sublattices is optically modulated to introduce the absorptive difference between neighboring lattice sites, where the Dirac points in reciprocal space are extended into dispersionless local flat bands. When these local flat bands are broad enough due to larger loss difference, the incident beam is effectively localized at one set of the lattices with weaker absorption, namely, the commonly seen power exchange between adjacent channels in photonic lattices is effectively prohibited. The current work unlocks a new capability from non-Hermitian two-dimensional photonic lattices and provides an alternative route for engineering tunable local flat bands in photonic structures.

  • Geodesic photon coupling and non-Hermitian exceptional point of microcavities on topologically curved space

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Asymmetric microcavities supporting Whispering-gallery modes (WGMs) are of great significance for on-chip optical information processing. We define asymmetric microcavities on topologically curved surfaces, where the geodesic light trajectories completely reconstruct the cavity mode features. The quality factors of the lossy chaotic and island modes in flat cavities can be increased by up to ~200 times by the space curvature. Strong and weak coupling between modes of very different origins occur when the space curvature brings them into resonance, leading to a fine tailoring of the cavity photon energy and lifetime. Finally, we prove that by varying the overall loss, an exceptional point can be clearly observed at which both the cavity photon energy and lifetime become degenerate. Our work is at the crosspoint of optical chaotic dynamics, non-Hermitian physics and geodesic optical devices, and would open the novel area of geodesic microcavity photonics.