• Investigation of the emission radii of kHz QPOs for the accreting millisecond X-Ray pulsars, Atoll and Z sources

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-14

    摘要: We infer the emission positions of twin kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) in neutron star low mass X-ray binaries (NS-LMXBs) based on the Alfven wave oscillation model (AWOM). For most sources, the emission radii of kHz QPOs cluster around a region of 16-19 km with the assumed NS radii of 15 km. Cir X-1 has the larger emission radii of 23-38 km than those of the other sources, which may be ascribed to its large magnetosphere-disk radius or strong NS surface magnetic field. SAX J1808.4-3658 is also a particular source with the relative large emission radii of kHz QPOs of 20 - 23 km, which may be due to its large inferred NS radius of 18 - 19 km. The emission radii of kHz QPOs for all the sources are larger than the NS radii, and the possible explanations of which are presented. The similarity of the emission radii of kHz QPOs (16-19 km) for both the low/high luminosity Atoll/Z sources is found, which indicates that both sources share the similar magnetosphere- disk radii.

  • The cross-correlation analysis in Z source GX 349+2

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-14

    摘要: Using all the observations from Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer for Z source GX 349+2, we systematically carry out cross-correlation analysis between its soft and hard X-ray light curves. During the observations from January 9 to January 29, 1998, GX 349+2 traced out the most extensive Z track on its hardness-intensity diagram, making a comprehensive study of cross-correlation on the track. The positive correlations and positively correlated time lags are detected throughout the Z track. Outside the Z track, anti-correlations and anti-correlated time lags are found, but the anti-correlated time lags are much longer than the positively correlated time lags, which might indicate different mechanisms for producing the two types of time lags. We argue that neither the short-term time lag models nor the truncated accretion disk model can account for the long-term time lags in neutron star low mass X-ray binaries (NS-LMXBs). We suggest that the extended accretion disk corona model could be an alternative model to explain the long-term time lags detected in NS-LMXBs.