• Stochastic gravitational wave background from the collisions of dark matter halos

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate for the first time the effect of the dark matter (DM) halos collisions, namely collisions of galaxies and galaxy clusters, through gravitational bremsstrahlung, on the stochastic gravitational wave background. We first calculate the gravitational wave signal of a single collision event, assuming point masses and linear perturbation theory. Then we proceed to the calculation of the energy spectrum of the collective effect of all dark matter collisions in the Universe. Concerning the DM halo collision rate we show that it is given by the product of the number density of DM halos, which is calculated by the extended Press-Schechter (EPS) theory, with the collision rate of a single DM halo, which is given by simulation results, with a function of the linear growth rate of matter density through cosmological evolution. Hence, integrating over all mass and distance ranges, we finally extract the spectrum of the stochastic gravitational wave background created by DM halos collisions. As we show, the resulting contribution to the stochastic gravitational wave background is of the order of $h_{c} \approx 10^{-30}$ in the pulsar timing array (PTA) band of $f \approx 10^{-9} Hz$, much smaller than other GW sources, such as super-massive black-hole mergers. However, in very low frequency band, it is larger. With current observational sensitivity it cannot be detected, nevertheless it may be accessible by PTA in the future, where techniques of distinguishing signal overlap should be used in order to isolate it and use it for cosmological studies.

  • Stochastic gravitational wave background from the collisions of dark matter halos

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate for the first time the effect of the dark matter (DM) halos collisions, namely collisions of galaxies and galaxy clusters, through gravitational bremsstrahlung, on the stochastic gravitational wave background. We first calculate the gravitational wave signal of a single collision event, assuming point masses and linear perturbation theory. Then we proceed to the calculation of the energy spectrum of the collective effect of all dark matter collisions in the Universe. Concerning the DM halo collision rate we show that it is given by the product of the number density of DM halos, which is calculated by the extended Press-Schechter (EPS) theory, with the collision rate of a single DM halo, which is given by simulation results, with a function of the linear growth rate of matter density through cosmological evolution. Hence, integrating over all mass and distance ranges, we finally extract the spectrum of the stochastic gravitational wave background created by DM halos collisions. As we show, the resulting contribution to the stochastic gravitational wave background is of the order of $h_{c} \approx 10^{-30}$ in the pulsar timing array (PTA) band of $f \approx 10^{-9} Hz$, much smaller than other GW sources, such as super-massive black-hole mergers. However, in very low frequency band, it is larger. With current observational sensitivity it cannot be detected, nevertheless it may be accessible by PTA in the future, where techniques of distinguishing signal overlap should be used in order to isolate it and use it for cosmological studies.

  • Deflection angle and lensing signature of covariant f(T) gravity

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We calculate the deflection angle, as well as the positions and magnifications of the lensed images, in the case of covariant $f(T)$ gravity. We first extract the spherically symmetric solutions for both the pure-tetrad and the covariant formulation of the theory, since considering spherical solutions the extension to the latter is crucial, in order for the results not to suffer from frame-dependent artifacts. Applying the weak-field, perturbative approximation we extract the deviations of the solutions comparing to General Relativity. Furthermore, we calculate the deflection angle and then the differences of the positions and magnifications in the lensing framework. This effect of consistent $f(T)$ gravity on the lensing features can serve as an observable signature in the realistic cases where $f(T)$ is expected to deviate only slightly from General Relativity, since lensing scales in general are not restricted as in the case of Solar System data, and therefore deviations from General Relativity could be observed more easily.

  • Quasinormal modes of black holes in f(T) gravity

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We calculate the quasinormal modes (QNM) frequencies of a test massless scalar field and an electromagnetic field around static black holes in $f(T)$ gravity. Focusing on quadratic $f(T)$ modifications, which is a good approximation for every realistic $f(T)$ theory, we first extract the spherically symmetric solutions using the perturbative method, imposing two ans$\ddot{\text{a}}$tze for the metric functions, which suitably quantify the deviation from the Schwarzschild solution. Moreover, we extract the effective potential, and then calculate the QNM frequency of the obtained solutions. Firstly, we numerically solve the Schr$\ddot{\text{o}}$dinger-like equation using the discretization method, and we extract the frequency and the time evolution of the dominant mode applying the function fit method. Secondly, we perform a semi-analytical calculation by applying the WKB method with the Pade approximation. We show that the results for $f(T)$ gravity are different compared to General Relativity, and in particular we obtain a different slope and period of the field decay behavior for different model parameter values. Hence, under the light of gravitational-wave observations of increasing accuracy from binary systems, the whole analysis could be used as an additional tool to test General Relativity and examine whether torsional gravitational modifications are possible.

  • Detection Capability Evaluation of Lunar Mineralogical Spectrometer: Results from Ground Experimental Data

    分类: 物理学 >> 地球物理学、天文学和天体物理学 提交时间: 2024-01-09 合作期刊: 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》

    摘要: The Chang'E-6 mission will first land on the far side of the moon and bring lunar samples back. As a hyperspectral imager aboard the Chang'E-6 lander, the Lunar Mineralogical Spectrometer (LMS), will achieve the goal of spectral detection and mineral composition analysis in the sampling area, and the data of LMS will also be compared with the results of the returned sample laboratory measurements. Visible and near-infrared hyperspectral remote sensing is an effective tool for lunar minerals identification and quantification. The ground validation experiment can be used to evaluate the detection ability of the LMS. According to the modal abundances of lunar minerals and glasses of APOLLO samples, binary mixed samples, ternary mixed samples, and seven-membered mixed samples were prepared. The samples were ground and stirred homogeneous to about 200 mesh (median particle size about 75 μm), to simulate the soil state of the lunar surface. Under the laboratory ambient condition, the 480–3200 nm spectral data of the samples were acquired using the Engineering Qualification Model (EQM) of Chang'E-5 LMS, the performance of which is consistent with the flight model of Chang'E-6 LMS. By fitting the mixed samples' spectral data of the EQM using the Modified Gaussian Methods, the following conclusions can be drawn: The subtle spectral changes of mixed samples can be detected. The modal abundance of low-Ca pyroxene, high-Ca pyroxene, and plagioclase can be derived based on the spectral parameters such as absorption position, depth or width of the mixed samples, and the correlation coefficients R2 are better than 82%, indicating that the LMS has good quantitative detection capability.

  • N-body simulations, halo mass functions, and halo density profile in $f(T)$ gravity

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We perform N-body simulations for $f(T)$ gravity using the ME-Gadget code, in order to investigate for the first time the structure formation process in detail. Focusing on the power-law model, and considering the model-parameter to be consistent within 1$\sigma$ with all other cosmological datasets (such as SNIa, BAO, CMB, CC), we show that there are clear observational differences between $\Lambda$CDM cosmology and $f(T)$ gravity, due to the modifications brought about the latter in the Hubble function evolution and the effective $Newton\prime s$ constant. We extract the matter density distribution, matter power spectrum, counts-in-cells, halo mass function and excess surface density (ESD) around low density positions (LDPs) at present time. Concerning the matter power spectrum we find a difference from $\Lambda$CDM scenario, which is attributed to about 2/3 to the different expansion and to about 1/3 to the effective gravitational constant. Additionally, we find a difference in the cells, which is significantly larger than the Poisson error, which may be distinguishable with weak-lensing reconstructed mass maps. Moreover, we show that there are different massive halos with mass $M>10^{14}M_{\odot}/h$, which may be distinguishable with statistical measurements of cluster number counting, and we find that the ESD around LDPs is mildly different. In conclusion, high-lighting possible smoking guns, we show that large scale structure can indeed lead us to distinguish General Relativity and $\Lambda$CDM cosmology from $f(T)$ gravity.

  • Quasinormal modes of black holes in f(T) gravity

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We calculate the quasinormal modes (QNM) frequencies of a test massless scalar field and an electromagnetic field around static black holes in $f(T)$ gravity. Focusing on quadratic $f(T)$ modifications, which is a good approximation for every realistic $f(T)$ theory, we first extract the spherically symmetric solutions using the perturbative method, imposing two ans$\ddot{\text{a}}$tze for the metric functions, which suitably quantify the deviation from the Schwarzschild solution. Moreover, we extract the effective potential, and then calculate the QNM frequency of the obtained solutions. Firstly, we numerically solve the Schr$\ddot{\text{o}}$dinger-like equation using the discretization method, and we extract the frequency and the time evolution of the dominant mode applying the function fit method. Secondly, we perform a semi-analytical calculation by applying the WKB method with the Pade approximation. We show that the results for $f(T)$ gravity are different compared to General Relativity, and in particular we obtain a different slope and period of the field decay behavior for different model parameter values. Hence, under the light of gravitational-wave observations of increasing accuracy from binary systems, the whole analysis could be used as an additional tool to test General Relativity and examine whether torsional gravitational modifications are possible.

  • Data-driven Reconstruction of the Late-time Cosmic Acceleration with f(T) Gravity

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We use a combination of observational data in order to reconstruct the free function of f(T) gravity in a model-independent manner. Starting from the data-driven determined dark-energy equation-of-state parameter we are able to reconstruct the f(T) form. The obtained function is consistent with the standard {\Lambda}CDM cosmology within 1{\sigma} confidence level, however the best-fit value experiences oscillatory features. We parametrise it with a sinusoidal function with only one extra parameter comparing to {\Lambda}CDM paradigm, which is a small oscillatory deviation from it, close to the best-fit curve, and inside the 1{\sigma} reconstructed region. Similar oscillatory dark-energy scenarios are known to be in good agreement with observational data, nevertheless this is the first time that such a behavior is proposed for f(T) gravity. Finally, since the reconstruction procedure is completely model-independent, the obtained data-driven reconstructed f(T) form could release the tensions between {\Lambda}CDM estimations and local measurements, such as the H0 and {\sigma}8 ones.

  • The effective field theory approach to strong coupling problem in $f(T)$ and $f(T,B)$ gravity

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate the scalar perturbations and the possible strong coupling issues of $f(T)$ and $f(T,B)$ gravity around a cosmological background, applying the effective field theory (EFT) approach in a systematic way. We revisit the generalized EFT framework of modified teleparallel gravity, and we apply it by considering both linear and second-order perturbations for both theories. In the case of $f(T)$ gravity we find that no new scalar mode is present in both linear and second order perturbations, which suggests a strong coupling problem. However, based on the ratio of cubic to quadratic Lagrangians, we provide a simple estimation of the strong coupling scale, a result which shows that the strong coupling problem can be avoided at least for some modes. Additionally, in the case of $f(T,B)$ gravity we find that in general the extra scalar mode vanishes at quadratic order, but it becomes dynamical at higher orders, which implies that a strong coupling issue may appear, however estimating the strong coupling scale could provide a way to avoid it. Furthermore, we show that there are special subclasses of $f(T,B)$ gravity, including $f(R)$ case, which possess an extra propagating mode at linear perturbation level and thus are immediately free from strong coupling. In conclusion, perturbation behaviors that at first appear problematic may not inevitably lead to a strong coupling problem, as long as the relevant scale is comparable with the cutoff scale $M$ of the applicability of the theory.

  • Gaussian processes and effective field theory of $f(T)$ gravity under the $H_0$ tension

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We consider the effective field theory formulation of torsional gravity in a cosmological framework to alter the background evolution. Then we use the latest $H_0$ measurement from the SH0ES Team as well as observational Hubble data from cosmic chronometer (CC) and radial baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) and we reconstruct the $f(T)$ form in a model-independent way by applying Gaussian processes. Since the special square-root term does not affect the evolution at the background level, we finally summarize a family of functions that can produce the background evolution required by the data. Lastly, performing a fitting using polynomial functions, and implementing the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), we find an analytic expression that may describe the cosmological evolution in great agreement with observations.

  • The effective field theory approach to strong coupling problem in $f(T)$ and $f(T,B)$ gravity

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate the scalar perturbations and the possible strong coupling issues of $f(T)$ and $f(T,B)$ gravity around a cosmological background, applying the effective field theory (EFT) approach in a systematic way. We revisit the generalized EFT framework of modified teleparallel gravity, and we apply it by considering both linear and second-order perturbations for both theories. In the case of $f(T)$ gravity we find that no new scalar mode is present in both linear and second order perturbations, which suggests a strong coupling problem. However, based on the ratio of cubic to quadratic Lagrangians, we provide a simple estimation of the strong coupling scale, a result which shows that the strong coupling problem can be avoided at least for some modes. Additionally, in the case of $f(T,B)$ gravity we find that in general the extra scalar mode vanishes at quadratic order, but it becomes dynamical at higher orders, which implies that a strong coupling issue may appear, however estimating the strong coupling scale could provide a way to avoid it. Furthermore, we show that there are special subclasses of $f(T,B)$ gravity, including $f(R)$ case, which possess an extra propagating mode at linear perturbation level and thus are immediately free from strong coupling. In conclusion, perturbation behaviors that at first appear problematic may not inevitably lead to a strong coupling problem, as long as the relevant scale is comparable with the cutoff scale $M$ of the applicability of the theory.