• Two-Gluon and Trigluon Glueballs from Dynamical Holography QCD

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-14

    摘要: We study the scalar, vector and tensor two-gluon and trigluon glueball spectra in the framework of 5-dimension dynamical holographic QCD model, where the metric structure is deformed self-consistently by the dilaton field. For comparison, the glueball spectra are also calculated in the hard-wall and soft-wall holographic QCD models. In order to distinguish glueballs with even and odd parities, we introduce the positive and negative coupling between the dilaton field and glueballs, and for higher spin glueballs, we introduce a deformed 5-dimension mass. With this set-up, there is only one free parameter from the quadratic dilaton profile in the dynamical holographic QCD model, which is fixed by the scalar glueball spectra. It is found that the two-gluon glueball spectra produced in the dynamical holographic QCD model are in good agreement with lattice data. Among six trigluon glueballs, the produced masses for 1±− and 2−− are in good agreement with lattice data, and the produced masses for 0−−, 0+− and 2+− are around 1.5 {\rm GeV} lighter than lattice results. This result might indicate that the three trigluon glueballs of 0−−, 0+− and 2+− are dominated by three-gluon condensate contribution.

  • Fluid/gravity correspondence: A nonconformal realization in compactified D4 branes

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-14

    摘要: We develop the framework of boundary derivative expansion (BDE) formalism of fluid/gravity correspondence in compactified D4-brane system, which is a nonconformal background used in top-down holographic QCD models. Such models contain the D4-D6 model and the Sakai-Sugimoto (SS) model, with the background of the compactified black D4 branes under the near horizon limit. By using the dimensional reduction technique, we derive a 5D Einstein gravity minimally coupled with 3 scalar fields from the 10D D4-brane background. Following the BDE formalism of fluid/gravity correspondence in the conformal background, we directly derive all the first order transport coefficients for nonconformal gluonic matter. The results of the ratio of the bulk to shear viscosity and the sound speed agree with those obtained from the Green-Kubo method. This agreement guarantees the validity of the BDE formalism of fluid/gravity duality in the nonconformal D-brane background, which can be used to calculate the second order transport coefficients in nonconformal background.

  • Fluid/gravity correspondence: Second order transport coefficients in compactified D4-branes

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-02

    摘要: We develop the boundary derivative expansion (BDE) formalism of fluid/gravity correspondence to nonconformal version through the compactified, near-extremal black D4-brane. We offer an explicit calculation of 9 second order transport coefficients, i.e., the τπ, τ∗π, τΠ, λ1,2,3 and ξ1,2,3 for the strongly coupled, uncharged and nonconformal relativistic fluid which is the holographic dual of compactified, near extremal black D4-brane. We also show that the nonconformal fluid considered in this work is free of causal problem and admits the relation 4λ1−λ2=2ητπ.