  • Probing Magnetic Fields in Protoplanetary Disk Atmospheres through Polarized Optical/IR Light Scattered by Aligned Grains

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Magnetic fields play essential roles in protoplanetary disks. Magnetic fields in the disk atmosphere are of particular interest, as they are connected to the wind-launching mechanism. In this work, we study the polarization of the light scattered off of magnetically aligned grains in the disk atmosphere, focusing on the deviation of the polarization orientation from the canonical azimuthal direction, which may be detectable in near-IR polarimetry with instruments such as VLT/SPHERE. We show with a simple disk model that the polarization can even be oriented along the radial (rather than azimuthal) direction, especially in highly inclined disks with toroidally dominated magnetic fields. This polarization reversal is caused by the anisotropy in the polarizibility of aligned grains and is thus a telltale sign of such grains. We show that the near-IR light is scattered mostly by $\mu$m-sized grains or smaller at the $\tau=1$ surface and such grains can be magnetically aligned if they contain superparamagnetic inclusions. For comparison with observations, we generate synthetic maps of the ratios of $U_\phi/I$ and $Q_\phi/I$, which can be used to infer the existence of (magnetically) aligned grains through a negative $Q_\phi$ (polarization reversal) and/or a significant level of $U_\phi/I$. We show that two features observed in the existing data, an asymmetric distribution of $U_\phi$ with respect to the disk minor axis and a spatial distribution of $U_\phi$ that is predominantly positive or negative, are incompatible with scattering by spherical grains in an axisymmetric disk. They provide indirect evidences for scattering by aligned non-spherical grains.

  • Grain Growth During Protostellar Disk Formation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Recent observations indicate that mm/cm-sized grains may exist in the embedded protostellar disks. How such large grains grow from the micron size (or less) in the earliest phase of star formation remains relatively unexplored. In this study we take a first step to model the grain growth in the protostellar environment, using two-dimensional (2D axisymmetric) radiation hydrodynamic and grain growth simulations. We show that the grain growth calculations can be greatly simplified by the "terminal velocity approximation", where the dust drift velocity relative to the gas is proportional to its stopping time, which is proportional to the grain size. We find that the grain-grain collision from size-dependent terminal velocity alone is too slow to convert a significant fraction of the initially micron-sized grains into mm/cm sizes during the deeply embedded Class 0 phase. Substantial grain growth is achieved when the grain-grain collision speed is enhanced by a factor of 4. The dust growth above and below the disk midplane enables the grains to settle faster towards the midplane, which increases the local dust-to-gas ratio, which, in turn, speeds up further growth there. How this needed enhancement can be achieved is unclear, although turbulence is a strong possibility that deserves further exploration.

  • TiO2 nanofilm growth by Ti ion implantation and thermal annealing in O2 atmosphere

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2023-06-18 合作期刊: 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》

    摘要: TiO2 nanofilms on surface of fused silica were fabricated by Ti ion implantation and subsequent thermal annealing in oxygen ambience. The silica glasses were implanted by 20 kV Ti ions to 1.5�1017 ions/cm2 on an implanter of metal vapor vacuum arc (MEVVA) ion source. Effects of annealing parameters on formation, growth and phase transformation of the TiO2 nanofilms were studied in detail. Optical absorption spectroscopy, Raman scattering spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy measurements were done to figure out formation mechanism of the TiO2 nanofilms. The formation of TiO2 nanofilms was due to out-diffusion of the implanted Ti ions to the substrate surface, where they were oxidized into TiO2 nanoparticles. Formation, phase, and thickness of the TiO2 nanofilms can be well tailored by controlling annealing parameters.

  • Magneto-Centrifugal Origin for Protostellar Jets Validated through Detection of Radial Flow at the Jet Base

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Jets can facilitate the mass accretion onto the protostars in star formation. They are believed to be launched from accretion disks around the protostars by magneto-centrifugal force, as supported by the detections of rotation and magnetic field in some of them. Here we report a radial flow of the textbook-case protostellar jet HH 212 at the base to further support this jet-launching scenario. This radial flow validates a central prediction of the magneto-centrifugal theory of jet formation and collimation, namely, the jet is the densest part of a wide-angle wind that flows radially outward at distances far from the (small, sub-au) launching region. Additional evidence for the radially flowing wide-angle component comes from its ability to reproduce the structure and kinematics of the shells detected around the HH 212 jet. This component, which can transport material from inner to outer disk, could account for the chondrules and Ca-Al-rich inclusions detected in the Solar System at large distances.

  • Formation of Dust Rings and Gaps in Non-ideal MHD Disks Through Meridional Gas Flows

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Rings and gaps are commonly observed in the dust continuum emission of young stellar disks. Previous studies have shown that substructures naturally develop in the weakly ionized gas of magnetized, non-ideal MHD disks. The gas rings are expected to trap large mm/cm-sized grains through pressure gradient-induced radial dust-gas drift. Using 2D (axisymmetric) MHD simulations that include ambipolar diffusion and dust grains of three representative sizes (1~mm, 3.3~mm, and 1~cm), we show that the grains indeed tend to drift radially relative to the gas towards the centers of the gas rings, at speeds much higher than in a smooth disk because of steeper pressure gradients. However, their spatial distribution is primarily controlled by meridional gas motions, which are typically much faster than the dust-gas drift. In particular, the grains that have settled near the midplane are carried rapidly inwards by a fast accretion stream to the inner edges of the gas rings, where they are lifted up by the gas flows diverted away from the midplane by a strong poloidal magnetic field. The flow pattern in our simulation provides an attractive explanation for the meridional flows recently inferred in HD 163296 and other disks, including both "collapsing" regions where the gas near the disk surface converges towards the midplane and a disk wind. Our study highlights the prevalence of the potentially observable meridional flows associated with the gas substructure formation in non-ideal MHD disks and their crucial role in generating rings and gaps in dust.

  • Inferring (Sub)millimeter Dust Opacities and Temperature Structure in Edge-on Protostellar Disks From Resolved Multi-Wavelength Continuum Observations: The Case of the HH 212 Disk

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: (Sub)millimeter dust opacities are required for converting the observable dust continuum emission to the mass, but their values have long been uncertain, especially in disks around young stellar objects. We propose a method to constrain the opacity $\kappa_\nu$ in edge-on disks from a characteristic optical depth $\tau_{0,\nu}$, the density $\rho_0$ and radius $R_0$ at the disk outer edge through $\kappa_\nu=\tau_{0,\nu}/(\rho_0 R_0)$ where $\tau_{0,\nu}$ is inferred from the shape of the observed flux along the major axis, $\rho_0$ from gravitational stability considerations, and $R_0$ from direct imaging. We applied the 1D semi-analytical model to the embedded, Class 0, HH 212 disk, which has high-resolution data in ALMA Band 9, 7, 6, and 3 and VLA Ka band ($\lambda$=0.43, 0.85, 1.3, 2.9, and 9.1 mm). The modeling of the HH 212 disk is extended to 2D through RADMC-3D radiative transfer calculations. We find a dust opacity of $\kappa_\nu \approx $ $1.9\times 10^{-2}$, $1.3\times 10^{-2}$, and $4.9\times 10^{-3}$ cm$^2$ per gram of gas and dust for ALMA Bands 7, 6, and 3, respectively with uncertainties dependent on the adopted stellar mass. The inferred opacities lend support to the widely used prescription $\kappa_\lambda=2.3\times 10^{-2} (1.3 {\rm mm}/\lambda)$ cm$^2$ g$^{-1}$ advocated by Beckwith et al. (1990). We inferred a temperature of ~45K at the disk outer edge which increases radially inward. It is well above the sublimation temperatures of ices such as CO and N$_2$, which supports the notion that the disk chemistry cannot be completely inherited from the protostellar envelope.

  • An Early Transition to Magnetic Supercriticality in Star Formation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Magnetic fields play an important role in the evolution of interstellar medium and star formation. As the only direct probe of interstellar field strength, credible Zeeman measurements remain sparse due to the lack of suitable Zeeman probes, particularly for cold, molecular gas. Here we report the detection of a magnetic field of $+$3.8 $\pm$ 0.3 $\mu$G through the HI narrow self-absorption (HINSA) toward L1544, a well-studied prototypical prestellar core in an early transition between starless and protostellar phases characterized by high central number density and low central temperature. A combined analysis of the Zeeman measurements of quasar HI absorption, HI emission, OH emission, and HINSA reveals a coherent magnetic field from the atomic cold neutral medium (CNM) to the molecular envelope. The molecular envelope traced by HINSA is found to be magnetically supercritical, with a field strength comparable to that of the surrounding diffuse, magnetically subcritical CNM despite a large increase in density. The reduction of the magnetic flux relative to the mass, necessary for star formation, thus seems to have already happened during the transition from the diffuse CNM to the molecular gas traced by HINSA, earlier than envisioned in the classical picture where magnetically supercritical cores capable of collapsing into stars form out of magnetically subcritical envelopes.

  • Magnetic fields in the early stages of massive star formation as revealed by ALMA

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present 1.3 mm ALMA dust polarization observations at a resolution of $\sim$0.02 pc of three massive molecular clumps, MM1, MM4, and MM9, in the infrared dark cloud G28.34+0.06. With the sensitive and high-resolution continuum data, MM1 is resolved into a cluster of condensations. The magnetic field structure in each clump is revealed by the polarized emission. We found a trend of decreasing polarized emission fraction with increasing Stokes $I$ intensities in MM1 and MM4. Using the angular dispersion function method (a modified Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi method), the plane-of-sky magnetic field strength in two massive dense cores, MM1-Core1 and MM4-Core4, are estimated to be $\sim$1.6 mG and $\sim$0.32 mG, respectively. \textbf{The ordered magnetic energy is found to be smaller than the turbulent energy in the two cores, while the total magnetic energy is found to be comparable to the turbulent energy.} The total virial parameters in MM1-Core1 and MM4-Core4 are calculated to be $\sim$0.76 and $\sim$0.37, respectively, suggesting that massive star formation does not start in equilibrium. Using the polarization-intensity gradient-local gravity method, we found that the local gravity is closely aligned with intensity gradient in the three clumps, and the magnetic field tends to be aligned with the local gravity in MM1 and MM4 except for regions near the emission peak, which suggests that the gravity plays a dominant role in regulating the gas collapse. Half of the outflows in MM4 and MM9 are found to be aligned within 10$^{\circ}$ of the condensation-scale ($<$0.05 pc) magnetic field, indicating that the magnetic field could play an important role from condensation to disk scale in the early stage of massive star formation. We also found that the fragmentation in MM1-Core1 cannot be solely explained by thermal Jeans fragmentation or turbulent Jeans fragmentation.

  • Magnetic Spirals in Accretion Flows Originated from Misaligned Magnetic Field

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Misalignment between rotation and magnetic field has been suggested to be one type of physical mechanisms which can easen the effects of magnetic braking during collapse of cloud cores leading to formation of protostellar disks. However, its essential factors are poorly understood. Therefore, we perform a more detailed analysis of the physics involved. We analyze existing simulation data to measure the system torques, mass accretion rates and Toomre Q parameters. We also examine the presence of shocks in the system. While advective torques are generally the strongest, we find that magnetic and gravitational torques can play substantial roles in how angular momentum is transferred during the disk formation process. Magnetic torques can shape the accretion flows, creating two-armed magnetized inflow spirals aligned with the magnetic field. We find evidence of an accretion shock that is aligned according to the spiral structure of the system. Inclusion of ambipolar diffusion as explored in this work has shown a slight influence in the small scale structures but not in the main morphology. We discuss potential candidate systems where some of these phenomena could be present.

  • Thermal Emission and Scattering by Aligned Grains: Plane-Parallel Model and Application to Multiwavelength Polarization of the HL Tau Disk

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Telescopes are now able to resolve dust polarization across circumstellar disks at multiple wavelengths, allowing the study of the polarization spectrum. Most disks show clear evidence of dust scattering through their unidirectional polarization pattern typically at the shorter wavelength of $\sim 870 \mu$m. However, certain disks show an elliptical pattern at $\sim 3$mm, which is likely due to aligned grains. With HL Tau, its polarization pattern at $\sim 1.3$mm shows a transition between the two patterns making it the first example to reveal such transition. We use the T-matrix method to model elongated dust grains and properly treat scattering of aligned non-spherical grains with a plane-parallel slab model. We demonstrate that a change in optical depth can naturally explain the polarization transition of HL Tau. At low optical depths, the thermal polarization dominates, while at high optical depths, dichroic extinction effectively takes out the thermal polarization and scattering polarization dominates. Motivated by results from the plane-parallel slab, we develop a simple technique to disentangle thermal polarization of the aligned grains $T_{0}$ and polarization due to scattering $S$ using the azimuthal variation of the polarization fraction. We find that, with increasing wavelength, the fractional polarization spectrum of the scattering component $S$ decreases, while the thermal component $T_{0}$ increases, which is expected since the optical depth decreases. We find several other sources similar to HL Tau that can be explained by azimuthally aligned scattering prolate grains when including optical depth effects. In addition, we explore how spirally aligned grains with scattering can appear in polarization images.

  • Large-aperture Telescope Tracking Control Based on Time-synchronization Strategy

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2024-03-29 合作期刊: 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》

    摘要: A time-synchronization strategy for packetized transmission of target position about a large-aperture telescope observation control system has been proposed in this study. Compared with the existing telescope tracking strategy, the target position packing and sending strategy based on the time synchronization method proposed in this paper has the advantages of high stability and reliability. First, the telescope tracking observation control method was elaborated in this paper, including the motion pattern during telescope tracking. Then, the strategy for packetizes transmission of target positions based on time-synchronization is established and lists the detailed steps. Finally, the performance of the tracking strategy is verified using the 2.5 m telescope for the simulated uniform speed star and the blind-tracking fixed star HIP 31216, respectively. The test results show that the accuracy root mean square of the tracking strategy proposed in this paper is less than 002 at 30 minutes, and the performance is much better than the design requirement of 03. The most important advantage of this tracking strategy is that the telescope can guarantee normal tracking for a certain period of time even if the hardware or software of the host computer is abnormal.

  • Heralded entanglement distribution between two absorptive quantum memories

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Owing to the inevitable loss in communication channels, the distance of entanglement distribution is limited to approximately 100 kilometres on the ground. Quantum repeaters can circumvent this problem by using quantum memory and entanglement swapping. As the elementary link of a quantum repeater, the heralded distribution of two-party entanglement between two remote nodes has only been realized with built-in-type quantum memories. These schemes suffer from the trade-off between multiplexing capacity and deterministic properties and hence hinder the development of efficient quantum repeaters. Quantum repeaters based on absorptive quantum memories can overcome such limitations because they separate the quantum memories and the quantum light sources. Here we present an experimental demonstration of heralded entanglement between absorptive quantum memories. We build two nodes separated by 3.5 metres, each containing a polarization-entangled photon-pair source and a solid-state quantum memory with bandwidth up to 1 gigahertz. A joint Bell-state measurement in the middle station heralds the successful distribution of maximally entangled states between the two quantum memories with a fidelity of 80.4 $\pm$ 2.2 per cent ($\pm$1 standard deviation). The quantum nodes and channels demonstrated here can serve as an elementary link of a quantum repeater. Moreover, the wideband absorptive quantum memories used in the nodes are compatible with deterministic entanglement sources and can simultaneously support multiplexing, which paves the way for the construction of practical solid-state quantum repeaters and high-speed quantum networks.

  • On-demand storage of photonic qubits at telecom wavelengths

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Quantum memories at telecom wavelengths are crucial for the construction of large-scale quantum networks based on existing fiber networks. On-demand storage of telecom photonic qubits is a fundamental request for such networking applications but yet to be demonstrated. Here we demonstrate the storage and on-demand retrieval of telecom photonic qubits using a laser-written waveguide fabricated in an $^{167}$Er$^{3+}$:Y$_2$SiO$_5$ crystal. Both ends of the waveguide memory are directly connected with fiber arrays with a fiber-to-fiber efficiency of 51%. Storage fidelity of 98.3(1)% can be obtained for time-bin qubits encoded with single-photon-level coherent pulses, which is far beyond the maximal fidelity that can be achieved with a classical measure and prepare strategy. This device features high reliability, easy scalability and can be directly integrated into fiber networks, which could play an essential role in fiber-based quantum networks.

  • The Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi Method Revisited

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Despite the rich observational results on interstellar magnetic fields in star-forming regions, it is still unclear how dynamically significant the magnetic fields are at varying physical scales, because direct measurement of the field strength is observationally difficult. The Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi (DCF) method has been the most commonly used method to estimate the magnetic field strength from polarization data. It is based on the assumption that gas turbulent motion is the driving source of field distortion via linear Alfv\'en waves. In this work, using MHD simulations of star-forming clouds, we test the validity of the assumption underlying the DCF method by examining its accuracy in the real 3D space. Our results suggest that the DCF relation between turbulent kinetic energy and magnetic energy fluctuation should be treated as a statistical result instead of a local property. We then develop and investigate several modifications to the original DCF method using synthetic observations, and propose new recipes to improve the accuracy of DCF-derived magnetic field strength. We further note that the biggest uncertainty in the DCF analysis may come from the linewidth measurement instead of the polarization observation, especially since the line-of-sight gas velocity can be used to estimate the gas volume density, another critical parameter in the DCF method.

  • (Sub)millimeter Dust Polarization of Protoplanetary Disks from Scattering by Large Millimeter-Sized Irregular Grains

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The size of dust grains, $a$, is key to the physical and chemical processes in circumstellar disks, but observational constraints of grain size remain challenging. (Sub)millimeter continuum observations often show a percent-level polarization parallel to the disk minor axis, which is generally attributed to scattering by $\sim 100\mu$m-sized spherical grains (with a size parameter $x \equiv 2\pi a / \lambda < 1$, where $\lambda$ is the wavelength). Larger spherical grains (with $x$ greater than unity) would produce opposite polarization direction. However, the inferred size is in tension with the opacity index $\beta$ that points to larger mm/cm-sized grains. We investigate the scattering-produced polarization by large irregular grains with a range of $x$ greater than unity with optical properties obtained from laboratory experiments. Using the radiation transfer code, RADMC-3D, we find that large irregular grains still produce polarization parallel to the disk minor axis. If the original forsterite refractive index in the optical is adopted, then all samples can produce the typically observed level of polarization. Accounting for the more commonly adopted refractive index using the DSHARP dust model, only grains with $x$ of several (corresponding to $\sim$mm-sized grains) can reach the same polarization level. Our results suggest that grains in disks can have sizes in the millimeter regime, which may alleviate the tension between the grain sizes inferred from scattering and other means. Additionally, if large irregular grains are not settled to the midplane, their strong forward scattering can produce asymmetries between the near and far side of an inclined disk, which can be used to infer their presence.

  • Antarctic Survey Telescope 3-3: Overview, System Performance and Preliminary Observations at Yaoan, Yunnan

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The third Antarctic Survey Telescope array instrument at Dome A in Antarctica, the AST3-3 telescope, has been in commissioning from March 2021. We deployed AST3-3 at the Yaoan astronomical station in Yunnan Province for an automatic time-domain survey and follow-up observations with an optimised observation and protection system. The telescope system of AST3-3 is similar to that of AST3-1 and AST3-2, except that it is equipped with a 14K~$ \times$~10K QHY411 CMOS camera. AST3-3 has a field of view of $1.65^\circ \times 1.23^\circ$ and is currently using the $g$ band filter. During commissioning at Yaoan, AST3-3 aims to conduct an extragalactic transient survey, coupled with prompt follow-ups of opportunity targets. In this paper, we present the architecture of the AST3-3 automatic observation system. We demonstrate the data processing of observations by representatives SN 2022eyw and GRB 210420B.

  • The Evolution of Protostellar Outflow Cavities, Kinematics, and Angular Distribution of Momentum and Energy in Orion A: Evidence for Dynamical Cores

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations of the $\sim$10 kAU environment surrounding 21 protostars in the Orion A molecular cloud tracing outflows. Our sample is composed of Class 0 to flat-spectrum protostars, spanning the full $\sim$1 Myr lifetime. We derive the angular distribution of outflow momentum and energy profiles and obtain the first two-dimensional instantaneous mass, momentum, and energy ejection rate maps using our new approach: the Pixel Flux-tracing Technique (PFT). Our results indicate that by the end of the protostellar phase, outflows will remove $\sim$2 to 4 M$_\odot$ from the surrounding $\sim$1 M$_\odot$ low-mass core. These high values indicate that outflows remove a significant amount of gas from their parent cores and continuous core accretion from larger scales is needed to replenish core material for star formation. This poses serious challenges to the concept of ``cores as well-defined mass reservoirs", and hence to the simplified core-to-star conversion prescriptions. Furthermore, we show that cavity opening angles, and momentum and energy distributions all increase with the protostar evolutionary stage. This is clear evidence that even garden-variety protostellar outflows: (a) effectively inject energy and momentum into their environments on $10$ kAU scales, and (b) significantly disrupt their natal cores, ejecting a large fraction of the mass that would have otherwise fed the nascent star. Our results support the conclusion that protostellar outflows have a direct impact on how stars get their mass, and that the natal sites of individual low-mass star formation are far more dynamic than commonly accepted theoretical paradigms.

  • Multi-scale physical properties of NGC 6334 as revealed by local relative orientations between magnetic fields, density gradients, velocity gradients, and gravity

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present ALMA dust polarization and molecular line observations toward 4 clumps (I(N), I, IV, and V) in the massive star-forming region NGC 6334. In conjunction with large-scale dust polarization and molecular line data from JCMT, Planck, and NANTEN2, we make a synergistic analysis of relative orientations between magnetic fields ($\theta_{\mathrm{B}}$), column density gradients ($\theta_{\mathrm{NG}}$), local gravity ($\theta_{\mathrm{LG}}$), and velocity gradients ($\theta_{\mathrm{VG}}$) to investigate the multi-scale (from $\sim$30 pc to 0.003 pc) physical properties in NGC 6334. We find that the relative orientation between $\theta_{\mathrm{B}}$ and $\theta_{\mathrm{NG}}$ changes from statistically more perpendicular to parallel as column density ($N_{\mathrm{H_2}}$) increases, which is a signature of trans-to-sub-Alfv\'{e}nic turbulence at complex/cloud scales as revealed by previous numerical studies. Because $\theta_{\mathrm{NG}}$ and $\theta_{\mathrm{LG}}$ are preferentially aligned within the NGC 6334 cloud, we suggest that the more parallel alignment between $\theta_{\mathrm{B}}$ and $\theta_{\mathrm{NG}}$ at higher $N_{\mathrm{H_2}}$ is because the magnetic field line is dragged by gravity. At even higher $N_{\mathrm{H_2}}$, the angle between $\theta_{\mathrm{B}}$ and $\theta_{\mathrm{NG}}$ or $\theta_{\mathrm{LG}}$ transits back to having no preferred orientation or statistically slightly more perpendicular, suggesting that the magnetic field structure is impacted by star formation activities. A statistically more perpendicular alignment is found between $\theta_{\mathrm{B}}$ and $\theta_{\mathrm{VG}}$ throughout our studied $N_{\mathrm{H_2}}$ range, which indicates a trans-to-sub-Alfv\'{e}nic state at small scales as well. The normalised mass-to-flux ratio derived from the polarization-intensity gradient (KTH) method increases with $N_{\mathrm{H_2}}$.

  • Disks and Outflows in the Intermediate-mass Star Forming Region NGC 2071 IR

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present ALMA band 6/7 (1.3 mm/0.87 mm) and VLA Ka band (9 mm) observations toward NGC 2071 IR, an intermediate-mass star forming region. We characterize the continuum and associated molecular line emission towards the most luminous protostars, i.e., IRS1 and IRS3, on ~100 au (0. 2") scales. IRS1 is partly resolved in millimeter and centimeter continuum, which shows a potential disk. IRS3 has a well resolved disk appearance in millimeter continuum and is further resolved into a close binary system separated by ~40 au at 9 mm. Both sources exhibit clear velocity gradients across their disk major axes in multiple spectral lines including C18O, H2CO, SO, SO2, and complex organic molecules like CH3OH, 13CH3OH and CH3OCHO. We use an analytic method to fit the Keplerian rotation of the disks, and give constraints on physical parameters with a MCMC routine. The IRS3 binary system is estimated to have a total mass of 1.4-1.5$M_\odot$. IRS1 has a central mass of 3-5$M_\odot$ based on both kinematic modeling and its spectral energy distribution, assuming that it is dominated by a single protostar. For both IRS1 and IRS3, the inferred ejection directions from different tracers, including radio jet, water maser, molecular outflow, and H2 emission, are not always consistent, and for IRS1, these can be misaligned by ~50$^{\circ}$. IRS3 is better explained by a single precessing jet. A similar mechanism may be present in IRS1 as well but an unresolved multiple system in IRS1 is also possible.