• 塔里木河“四源”洪水演变规律及成因分析

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2024-01-28 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract:基于19812020年塔里木河流域四源5个水文站的日径流数据及格网温度、降水和雪深等数据,采用最大值及POT采样法,分析洪水发生量级、频率和峰现时间等特征,同时采用相关性分析揭示不同洪水指标与影响因素之间的关系并识别关键影响因子。结果表明:(1) 19812020年塔里木河四源各站点洪峰流量大小依次为:卡群>协和拉>同古孜洛克>沙里桂兰克>大山口,年及季节尺度洪峰流量普遍呈增加趋势,冬季洪峰发生时间均呈提前状态,其中沙里桂兰克年均提前最多为2.61 d,卡群站提前仅0.67 d。(2) 研究时段内塔里木河流域共有2个洪水高发期,为19942002年和20062011年,流域内大量级洪水集中发生在1990年之后。(3) 洪水发生前不同时间内最小温度、降水和雪深以增加趋势为主;而最大温度以减少趋势为主。春季洪水指标与最大3 d降水的相关性最高,而秋季洪水指标与最大7 d降水的相关性最高。相比于单日降水,多日降水与洪水指标的相关性更高。在雪深相关因子中,最大15 d雪深与各站点的春季洪水指标相关性最高。研究结果对区域水资源管理以及洪水灾害预测提供理论依据。

  • 近40 a 蒙古高原土地沙漠化研究的文献计量学分析

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2024-01-07 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract:基于Web of Science(WoS)核心合集和中国知网(CNKI)数据库,借助可视化软件,采用文献计量学方法,对19802021年蒙古高原土地沙漠化研究领域的文献进行了分析。结果表明:(1)发文数量由1980年的2篇增长至2021年的96篇,其变化经历了缓慢增长-波动式增长-快速增长过程;2000年后英文文献占主导,作者单位以中国科学院为主,与美国的合作最多。(2)2000年之前对土地沙漠化过程的关注度最高,之后土地沙漠化成因成为研究热点,近10 a沙漠化土地的生态修复成为主题。2000年之前研究主要集中在内蒙古沙地地区,21世纪后扩展到以农牧交错带为主的中国北方地区,20112021年聚焦在中国北方草原地区。(3)19802000年关注土地沙漠化概念、土地沙漠化成因及防治对策,进入21世纪后转变为土地沙漠化环境效应研究,20172021年则聚焦于沙漠化土地生态系统服务、生态修复研究,也是主要的研究趋势之一。今后的研究力求辐射蒙古高原整体,实现多源数据的高度融合,提高所获信息的精确度,以促进蒙古高原沙漠化土地生态功能的提升及中国北方生态屏障建设进程。

  • 基于GEE的大青山国家级自然保护区NDVI变化及影响因素分析

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geology submitted time 2023-09-19 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: In recent years, China has made great progress in the construction and management of national naturereserves such as the Daqingshan National Nature Reserve in Inner Mongolia. However, the associated ecologicalbenefits have not been effectively assessed. The purpose of this study is to assess whether the establishment ofthe Daqingshan National Nature Reserve has contributed to the ecological recovery and improvement of the area.Examining changes in vegetation dynamics can be an effective tool for regional ecological engineering assessment, and this study analyzes such changes using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). Based onthe Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud platform, the study uses Landsat remote sensing imagery to extract NDVIdata for the nature reserve for the years 1995 to 2020. Spatial and temporal variation in NDVI and variation drivers before and after the establishment of the reserve were analyzed using Pearson correlation, residual analysisand the Lindeman-Merenda-Gold (LMG) model. A decreasing NDVI trend was identified during the 1995—2008period in 69.04% of the studied area, while an increasing NDVI trend was identified during the 2008—2020 period in 94.98% of the studied area. These results indicate that the quality of vegetation in the study area has improved significantly since it became a national nature reserve. Negative impacts from human activities and climatic warming during the 1995—2008 period led to decreases in NDVI in the studied area, with climate warming being the dominant factor. An increase in precipitation and positive impacts from human activities drove increasesin NDVI in the studied area during the 2008—2020 period, with positive human impacts arising from ecologicalenvironmental protection engineering implementation being the main reasons for vegetation recovery during thisperiod. The selection of Landsat remote sensing images and the use of the GEE integrated computing environment enabled the study to obtain vegetation monitoring data over a long time span and at a high spatial resolution. Spatiotemporal variation in vegetation was also more accurately portrayed using the NDVI measure, therebyenriching the technical means for long time-sequence and small region-scale vegetation monitoring. The resultsof this study provide clear evidence of the ecological benefits brought by the establishment of the Daqingshan National Nature Reserve. At the same time, the study provides basic information and technical support for futureecological-environmental management decisions concerning the protected area.

  • 蒙古国冬春季气候非对称变暖及其对植被返青期和春季NDVI的影响

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2023-09-19 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract:摘 要: 基于20012020年NDVI和EVI两种遥感植被指数及蒙古国60个气象站点的气温和降水数据,利用累积植被指数的Logistic曲线曲率极值法和动态阈值法提取蒙古国植被返青期,并结合偏相关分析方法探讨二者与冬春季昼夜气温非对称变化之间的关系。结果表明:(1) 近20 a来,最高气温在冬春季的变暖速率分别为0.07 ℃a-1、0.15 ℃a-1(PR2=0.33),最低气温在冬春季的变化速率分别为-0.01 ℃a-1、0.04 ℃a-1,冬春季气温日较差的变化速率分别为0.08 ℃a-1、0.11 ℃a-1(PR2=0.52),存在明显的季节性差异。(2) 蒙古国植被返青期对冬春季气候变暖的季节性响应是非对称的,冬季最高气温和气温日较差的影响大,而春季则是最低气温影响大,且均表现为负相关。(3) 蒙古国气候变暖对植被NDVI产生的非对称影响主要表现在春季,即春季最高气温和气温日较差对植被NDVI主要表现为负相关,而春季最低气温对植被NDVI主要表现为正相关。研究结果可为进一步了解全球气候变暖背景下植被春季物候及植被后期生长的季节性影响提供重要参考价值。

  • Lake changes and their influence factors in the Mongolian Plateau from 2000 to 2020

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Hydrology submitted time 2023-03-14 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: The Mongolian Plateau is a sensitive area for coping with global changes. It is also the only place for three of the nine routes of migratory birds. Lakes play the role of“indicator”and“life posthouse”in the plateau ecological environment. Relatively few research results have been presented on the changes of lakes in the Mongolian Plateau at home and abroad. Most of them focused on the analysis of typical and large lakes. Research on their causes has focused on meteorological and human factors, while that on small lakes and the relationship between the lake area and the soil environmental factors are relatively weak. Based on the Landsat remote sensing imagery, the information of the lake area above 1 km2 per year on the Mongolian Plateau from 2000 to 2020 was extracted by the MNDWI water body index. The results of the temporal and spatial change characteristic analysis of the lake area showed that: (1) The area and the number of lakes have decreasing and increasing trends before and after 2009, respectively. Overall, the area and the number of lakes depicted a decreasing trend from 2000 to 2020. (2) The changes of lakes of different grades were quite different. The changes of the super large- and medium-sized lakes were relatively stable. Furthermore, the large-sized lakes showed the largest reduction. (3) The changes of the lakes in different regions also differed. These changes in the northwest were relatively stable, while those in the central and eastern regions were more dramatic. (4) Before 2009, the number of lakes in the dense areas in the central and eastern regions decreased, resulting in the weakening of the spatial distribution agglomeration of lakes in the study area. After 2009, the newly added lakes in the sparse area in the central region were scattered, weakening their spatial distribution agglomeration. (5) The correlation between the lake area and the annual average temperature, annual precipitation, annual evaporation, vegetation index, and four layers of soil moisture was relatively significant. The degree of influence exhibited in the two time periods significantly differed. Mastering the temporal and spatial changes of the lake in the Mongolian Plateau and their causes can provide a reference for the climate regulation, biodiversity protection, and climate disaster reduction research in the Mongolian Plateau and the whole world.

  • 1990—2021 年内蒙古遥感生态环境质量变化及趋势分析——以呼伦贝尔市陈巴尔虎旗为例

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2023-03-13 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract: The ecological civilization construction in Inner Mongolia, an important ecological barrier in northern China, is important for national ecological security, the stability of the border areas, and the sustainable economic and societal development of the minority areas. In this study, we extracted four key indices based on long-term satellite observations to describe the quality of the ecosystem. We constructed the remote sensing ecological index (RSEI) through principal component analysis. Furthermore, we adopted the Mann-Kendall (M-K) trend test for analyzing the changes in ecological quality in the Hulunbuir grassland of Inner Mongolia from 1990 to 2021. The RSEI can comprehensively reflect the quality of the ecological environment, and results revealed that the quality of grassland in Inner Mongolia has improved in the past 30 years, with an increasing trend of 0.0037 every year (P < 0.01; R2 = 0.39). The significant increasing trend of RSEI and the improved ecological quality from 2012 to 2021 was further verified through the M-K trend significance test. A single factor cannot fully characterize regional ecological quality so, four factors i.e., greenness, dryness, humidity, and heat were included in RSEI. The space quality showed a gradual improvement from west to east, with lower RSEI for grassland in the west compared with that for forest and farming areas in the east. A similar trend for quality was observed with the variation of the vegetation coverage. This study enriched the assessment methods of grassland ecological quality in Inner Mongolia, which can provide an important reference for the ecological protection, restoration, utilization, and sustainable development of meadow steppe in Inner Mongolia.

  • 近20 a 呼和浩特市城市化对植被物候的影响

    Subjects: Biology >> Ecology submitted time 2023-02-02 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract:了解植被物候与城市化之间的关系对于认识人类活动对生态系统的影响至关重要。基于呼和浩特市近20 a MODIS的两种植被指数数据,利用动态阈值法提取了植被物候,结合城市化指标,研究了20012020年呼和浩特市植被物候对城市化的响应。研究表明:森林和灌木地返青期(Start of growing season,SOS)发生较早(平均值第132 d),但其枯黄期(End of growing season,EOS)也较早(第265 d)。SOS较晚的是耕地(第168 d),EOS较晚的是草地(第275 d),表明研究区木本植物SOS和EOS均早于草本植物。人造地表植被物候年际变化较大,在SOS和EOS的物候变化率分 别为每10 a提前4.1 d和推迟0.7 d。此外,以人造地表比率和城乡梯度信息(即从城市核心到周边农村地区的同心环)为城市化指标,探讨了呼和浩特市中心城区植被物候对城市化的响应。研究发现SOS随人造地表比率上升而提前,EOS则出现相反的趋势。从城乡梯度上看,在特定范围内,远离城市中心SOS波动上升,即距城市中心越远植被SOS越晚,而EOS逐渐下降,即距城市中心越远植被EOS越早。总之,不同的城市化指标显示了植被物候对城市化的非线性响应。

  • Study on the adaptation of the land’s functions and its synergy/trade-off relationship: A case study of Hohhot-Baotou-Ordos region, Inner Mongolia

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geology submitted time 2022-12-20 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》


    Land expansion is facing problems, such as extensive utilization of resources, destruction of ecological environments, and imbalanced regional development. Clarifying the adaptation of the land’s functions is conducive to regional coordinated development. The main contents include evaluating the adaptation of the land’s functions in the Hohhot- Baotou- Erdos region in 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2018, and analyzing its temporal and spatial adaptation characteristics. This paper evaluates the synergy/trade-off relationship of the adaptation of the land’s functions based on the coupled coordination model and the bivariate spatial autocorrelation model. The main conclusions are as follows: first, the land functions in the region of Hohhot-Baotou-Erdos have significant temporal and spatial differentiation characteristics, the production/living functions rise locally, and the spatial distribution takes each municipal district as the high- value center circle/semi- circle distribution pattern with a decreasing outward gradient; second, the overall trend of the ecological function is continuously downward and its spatial agglomeration has the scale-dependent effect of a natural landscape; third, the synergy trade- off relationship of the spatial-temporal differentiation characteristics of the land’s functions are obvious. The coupling coordination degree of land and spatial functions of each flag county has been on the rise from the time sequence adaptation characteristics, and the number of flag counties increases; however, the overall level is low; fourth, the synergy/trade-off relationship of various functions in land space has obvious spatial differentiation characteristics, and this relationship alternately changes with time. The spatial distribution and agglomeration effect of the synergy/trade-off relationship of production and living functions is significant, and the spatial distribution of the this relationship between production/living ecological functions tends to be discrete. Ultimately, the spatial coupling effect of the synergy/trade-off relationship between various functions is at a low level as a whole.

  • 呼和浩特市生境质量对城市用地扩展的时空响应

    Subjects: Environmental Sciences, Resource Sciences >> Basic Disciplines of Environmental Science and Technology submitted time 2020-11-20 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract:以呼和浩特市为研究区,采用梯度分析法,结合InVEST模型,在评价研究区近27 a城市用地 扩展及生境质量演变的基础上,运用双变量空间自相关剖析生境质量对城市用地扩展的时空响应。结果表明:(1)研究时段内,城市扩展表现为核心区的低密度扩张及外围区的多点扩散,紧凑度不断下降,城市结构不稳定,扩展模式不尽合理。(2)生境平均值从0.49下降到0.44,质量等级跌至较差水平。低等级生境主要呈圈层向南部、东南部扩散,与建设用地扩展方向基本一致。(3)建设用地扩展强度与生境质量变化空间分布呈负相关关系,核心外围区的建设用地扩展始终为变化最强烈的地带,生境质量退化也最为剧烈。(4)斑块密度不断上升,特别是建设用地斑块的增加使得城市景观格局愈发破碎。

  • 近55 a内蒙古极端降水指数时空变化特征

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Other Disciplines of Geosciences submitted time 2019-09-11 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》


  • 基于MODIS数据的蒙古高原积雪时空变化研究

    Subjects: Environmental Sciences, Resource Sciences >> Basic Disciplines of Environmental Science and Technology submitted time 2019-08-02 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract:利用Terra卫星和Aqua卫星提供的2002年9月1日~2017年5月31日每日积雪覆盖产品MOD10C1和MYD10C1,提取蒙古高原积雪日数、积雪面积、积雪初日及积雪终日信息,得到蒙古高原积雪特征分布和变化趋势,同时,结合蒙古高原108个地面气象观测站的气温资料,分析研究区积雪变化特征和气温的关系。结果表明:(1)蒙古高原平均积雪日数在60~90 d之间,积雪初日主要分布在315~335 d之间,积雪终日大多集中在31~61 d之间,蒙古高原东部地区积雪初日有明显的提前趋势,西南地区积雪终日有明显的提前趋势。(2)积雪面积在积雪季内呈 “单峰型”,1月份为积雪面积最大月,年均积雪面积呈微弱的下降趋势。(3)最大积雪覆盖面积与温度具有明显的相关性,稳定积雪覆盖区的临界温度大概介于-11~-8 ℃之间。(4)温度是影响积雪特征变化的重要因素。