• Spontaneous giving: Processing mode and emergency affect prosocial behavior

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2024-04-23

    Abstract: Prosocial behavior is suggested to be a central feature of human life and there is an ongoing debate regarding whether individuals have, therefore, developed a general intuitive tendency to act prosocially or not. Although previous studies have found various indicators of intuitive prosociality from different perspectives, evidence on the potential causal relationship between processing mods and prosocial behavior is mixed. The social heuristics hypothesis (SHH), as a theoretical framework to address this conflicting issue, suggests that associations between processing mode and prosocial behavior are complex and multifaceted, influenced by individual variability and the contexts in which it occurs. A previous study has revealed that intuitive prosocial behavior is more likely to emerge in a perceived emergency that require immediate response. We expected that processing mode (intuition vs. deliberation) will impact people’s decision-making in different helping situations.
    The study focused on charitable giving. Using event-related potentials (ERPs), we examined the neural mechanisms underlying the effects of processing mode and emergency on helping behaviors. We explored whether a neural signature that rapidly encodes the motivational salience of an event, the P3, can be regulated by processing mode × situation interaction or not. Participants were required to allocate varying amounts of money between themselves and charities they initially labelled as emergency or non-emergency situation that promoted intuitive or deliberative decision making. Each participant received 70 CNY. An instruction on the screen explained that the task required participants to “Accept” or “Reject” donation offers affecting their 70 CNY. To manipulate processing mode, each participant completed fast donation sessions where they were instructed to make decisions as fast as possible, and slow donation sessions where they were instructed to stop and reflect for at least 5 seconds before deciding. EEG signals were recorded during decision making.
    The behavioral results indicated that both average contributions and average acceptance rates were affected by emergency, with emergency events eliciting more helping behavior compared to non-emergency events. Moreover, participants considered the offer costliness when making decisions. In emergency situations, participants were more likely to accept high-cost offers than in the non-emergency situations. The ERP components analysis revealed that: a) In the early stages, intuitive processing induced a more negative anterior N1 (AN1) compared to deliberative processing; b) Deliberative processing was associated with a more positive P2 compared to intuitive processing; c) In non-emergency situations, deliberative processing induced a more positive P3 compared to intuitive processing, whereas no significant differences were observed between processing mode in emergency situations.
    These results suggest that prosocial behavior is affected by both the emergency of event and the costliness of the offer. As costs increase, individuals are more inclined to help in emergency situations than in non-emergency situations. Furthermore, processing mode affects individual’s early attention and the evaluation of stimuli. Stimuli in intuition condition can capture more early attention, while stimuli in deliberation condition receive more thorough processing. Notably, deliberative processing of non-emergency events involves greater decision-making conflicts and consumes more psychological resources. Overall, these findings shed light on the connection between processing mode and human prosociality, and extend our understanding of the social heuristics hypothesis.

  • 关于元宇宙中虚拟人人格权侵犯的想象

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> New Media submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《中国传媒科技》


  • 雅鲁藏布江山南宽谷流域生态安全格局构建

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2023-09-27 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract:山南宽谷流域是雅鲁藏布江主要宽谷之一,特殊的地理环境致使该流域既是严重的土地沙化生态脆弱区,也是重要的沿江经济发展带,构建合理的生态安全格局可为未来生态功能提升与经济发展提供依据参考。以山南宽谷流域为研究对象,基于生态系统服务价值和生态敏感性评价,识别出生态源地,利用最小累积阻力值确定了生态安全区并识别生态廊道,构建山南宽谷流域2020年生态安全格局。结果表明:(1) 山南宽谷流域生态源地面积为1089.68 km2,主要分布于贡嘎县、扎囊县和乃东区内的草场和林区。(2) 在山南宽谷流域内建立了高、较高、中等、较低、低水平生态安全区,分别占流域总面积的24.74%、51.24%、10.31%、5.43%、8.28%,不同生态安全区应采取不同的措施以保证生态环境的安全。(3) 识别出总长4720.08 km的105条生态廊道,与生态源地、生源点和生态安全区共同构成山南宽谷流域生态安全格局。(4) 结合土地利用现状建议山南宽谷流域南岸进行适度产业开发,北岸以生态保护为主,并提出构建一地一场两区四园的发展格局。