您选择的条件: Yu Feng
  • AI-assisted super-resolution cosmological simulations II: Halo substructures, velocities and higher order statistics

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this work, we expand and test the capabilities of our recently developed super-resolution (SR) model to generate high-resolution (HR) realizations of the full phase-space matter distribution, including both displacement and velocity, from computationally cheap low-resolution (LR) cosmological N-body simulations. The SR model enhances the simulation resolution by generating 512 times more tracer particles, extending into the deeply non-linear regime where complex structure formation processes take place. We validate the SR model by deploying the model in 10 test simulations of box size 100 Mpc/h, and examine the matter power spectra, bispectra and 2D power spectra in redshift space. We find the generated SR field matches the true HR result at percent level down to scales of k ~ 10 h/Mpc. We also identify and inspect dark matter halos and their substructures. Our SR model generate visually authentic small-scale structures, that cannot be resolved by the LR input, and are in good statistical agreement with the real HR results. The SR model performs satisfactorily on the halo occupation distribution, halo correlations in both real and redshift space, and the pairwise velocity distribution, matching the HR results with comparable scatter, thus demonstrating its potential in making mock halo catalogs. The SR technique can be a powerful and promising tool for modelling small-scale galaxy formation physics in large cosmological volumes.

  • The ASTRID simulation: the evolution of Supermassive Black Holes

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present the evolution of black holes (BHs) and their relationship with their host galaxies in Astrid, a large-volume cosmological hydrodynamical simulation with box size 250 $h^{-1} \rm Mpc$ containing $2\times5500^3$ particles evolved to z=3. Astrid statistically models BH gas accretion and AGN feedback to their environments, applies a power-law distribution for BH seed mass $M_{\rm sd}$, uses a dynamical friction model for BH dynamics and executes a physical treatment of BH mergers. The BH population is broadly consistent with empirical constraints on the BH mass function, the bright end of the luminosity functions, and the time evolution of BH mass and accretion rate density. The BH mass and accretion exhibit a tight correlation with host stellar mass and star formation rate. We trace BHs seeded before z>10 down to z=3, finding that BHs carry virtually no imprint of the initial $M_{\rm sd}$ except those with the smallest $M_{\rm sd}$, where less than 50\% of them have doubled in mass. Gas accretion is the dominant channel for BH growth compared to BH mergers. With dynamical friction, Astrid predicts a significant delay for BH mergers after the first encounter of a BH pair, with a typical elapse time of about 200 Myrs. There are in total $4.5 \times 10^5$ BH mergers in Astrid at z>3, $\sim 10^3$ of which have X-ray detectable EM counterparts: a bright kpc scale dual AGN with $L_X>10^{43}$ erg/s. BHs with $M_{\rm BH} \sim 10^{7-8} M_{\odot}$ experience the most frequent mergers. Galaxies that host BH mergers are unbiased tracers of the overall $M_{\rm BH} - M_{*}$ relation. Massive ($>10^{11} M_{\odot}$) galaxies have a high occupation number (>10) of BHs, and hence host the majority of BH mergers.

  • Massive Black Hole Mergers with Orbital Information: Predictions from the ASTRID Simulation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We examine massive black hole (MBH) mergers and their associated gravitational wave signals from the large-volume cosmological simulation Astrid. Astrid includes galaxy formation and black hole models recently updated with a MBH seed population between $3\times 10^4M_{\odot}/h$ and $3\times 10^5M_{\odot}/h$ and a sub-grid dynamical friction (DF) model to follow the MBH dynamics down to $1.5\;\text{ckpc}/h$. We calculate initial eccentricities of MBH orbits directly from the simulation at kpc-scales, and find orbital eccentricities above $0.7$ for most MBH pairs before the numerical merger. After approximating unresolved evolution on scales below ${\sim 200\,\text{pc}}$, we find that the in-simulation DF on large scales accounts for more than half of the total orbital decay time ($\sim 500\,\text{Myrs}$) due to DF. The binary hardening time is an order of magnitude longer than the DF time, especially for the seed-mass binaries ($M_\text{BH}3$ after considering both unresolved DF evolution and binary hardening. These $z>3$ seed-mass mergers are hosted in a biased population of galaxies with the highest stellar masses of $>10^9\,M_\odot$. With the higher initial eccentricity prediction from Astrid, we estimate an expected merger rate of $0.3-0.7$ per year from the $z>3$ MBH population. This is a factor of $\sim 7$ higher than the prediction using the circular orbit assumption. The LISA events are expected at a similar rate, and comprise $\gtrsim 60\%$ seed-seed mergers, $\sim 30\%$ involving only one seed-mass MBH, and $\sim 10\%$ mergers of non-seed MBHs.

  • pmwd: A Differentiable Cosmological Particle-Mesh $N$-body Library

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The formation of the large-scale structure, the evolution and distribution of galaxies, quasars, and dark matter on cosmological scales, requires numerical simulations. Differentiable simulations provide gradients of the cosmological parameters, that can accelerate the extraction of physical information from statistical analyses of observational data. The deep learning revolution has brought not only myriad powerful neural networks, but also breakthroughs including automatic differentiation (AD) tools and computational accelerators like GPUs, facilitating forward modeling of the Universe with differentiable simulations. Because AD needs to save the whole forward evolution history to backpropagate gradients, current differentiable cosmological simulations are limited by memory. Using the adjoint method, with reverse time integration to reconstruct the evolution history, we develop a differentiable cosmological particle-mesh (PM) simulation library pmwd (particle-mesh with derivatives) with a low memory cost. Based on the powerful AD library JAX, pmwd is fully differentiable, and is highly performant on GPUs.

  • Differentiable Cosmological Simulation with Adjoint Method

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Rapid advances in deep learning have brought not only myriad powerful neural networks, but also breakthroughs that benefit established scientific research. In particular, automatic differentiation (AD) tools and computational accelerators like GPUs have facilitated forward modeling of the Universe with differentiable simulations. Current differentiable cosmological simulations are limited by memory, thus are subject to a trade-off between time and space/mass resolution. They typically integrate for only tens of time steps, unlike the standard non-differentiable simulations. We present a new approach free of such constraints, using the adjoint method and reverse time integration. It enables larger and more accurate forward modeling, and will improve gradient based optimization and inference. We implement it in a particle-mesh (PM) $N$-body library pmwd (particle-mesh with derivatives). Based on the powerful AD system JAX, pmwd is fully differentiable, and is highly performant on GPUs.

  • The DESI $N$-body Simulation Project -- II. Suppressing sample variance with fast simulations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) will construct a large and precise three-dimensional map of our Universe. The survey effective volume reaches $\sim20\Gpchcube$. It is a great challenge to prepare high-resolution simulations with a much larger volume for validating the DESI analysis pipelines. \textsc{AbacusSummit} is a suite of high-resolution dark-matter-only simulations designed for this purpose, with $200\Gpchcube$ (10 times DESI volume) for the base cosmology. However, further efforts need to be done to provide a more precise analysis of the data and to cover also other cosmologies. Recently, the CARPool method was proposed to use paired accurate and approximate simulations to achieve high statistical precision with a limited number of high-resolution simulations. Relying on this technique, we propose to use fast quasi-$N$-body solvers combined with accurate simulations to produce accurate summary statistics. This enables us to obtain 100 times smaller variance than the expected DESI statistical variance at the scales we are interested in, e.g. $k < 0.3\hMpc$ for the halo power spectrum. In addition, it can significantly suppress the sample variance of the halo bispectrum. We further generalize the method for other cosmologies with only one realization in \textsc{AbacusSummit} suite to extend the effective volume $\sim 20$ times. In summary, our proposed strategy of combining high-fidelity simulations with fast approximate gravity solvers and a series of variance suppression techniques sets the path for a robust cosmological analysis of galaxy survey data.

  • AI-assisted super-resolution cosmological simulations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Cosmological simulations of galaxy formation are limited by finite computational resources. We draw from the ongoing rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence (specifically Deep Learning) to address this problem. Neural networks have been developed to learn from high-resolution (HR) image data, and then make accurate super-resolution (SR) versions of different low-resolution (LR) images. We apply such techniques to LR cosmological N-body simulations, generating SR versions. Specifically, we are able to enhance the simulation resolution by generating 512 times more particles and predicting their displacements from the initial positions. Therefore our results can be viewed as new simulation realizations themselves rather than projections, e.g., to their density fields. Furthermore, the generation process is stochastic, enabling us to sample the small-scale modes conditioning on the large-scale environment. Our model learns from only 16 pairs of small-volume LR-HR simulations, and is then able to generate SR simulations that successfully reproduce the HR matter power spectrum to percent level up to $16\,h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}$, and the HR halo mass function to within $10 \%$ down to $10^{11} \, M_\odot$. We successfully deploy the model in a box 1000 times larger than the training simulation box, showing that high-resolution mock surveys can be generated rapidly. We conclude that AI assistance has the potential to revolutionize modeling of small-scale galaxy formation physics in large cosmological volumes.

  • Dynamical Friction Modeling of Massive Black Holes in Cosmological Simulations and Effects on Merger Rate Predictions

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this work we establish and test methods for implementing dynamical friction for massive black hole pairs that form in large volume cosmological hydrodynamical simulations which include galaxy formation and black hole growth. We verify our models and parameters both for individual black hole dynamics and for the black hole population in cosmological volumes. Using our model of dynamical friction (DF) from collisionless particles, black holes can effectively sink close to the galaxy center, provided that the black hole's dynamical mass is at least twice that of the lowest mass resolution particles in the simulation. Gas drag also plays a role in assisting the black holes' orbital decay, but it is typically less effective than that from collisionless particles, especially after the first billion years of the black hole's evolution. DF from gas becomes less than $1\%$ of DF from collisionless particles for BH masses $> 10^{7}$ M$_{\odot}$. Using our best DF model, we calculate the merger rate down to $z=1.1$ using an $L_{\rm box}=35$ Mpc$/h$ simulation box. We predict $\sim 2$ mergers per year for $z>1.1$ peaking at $z\sim 2$. These merger rates are within the range obtained in previous work using similar-resolution hydro-dynamical simulations. We show that the rate is enhanced by factor of $\sim 2$ when DF is taken into account in the simulations compared to the no-DF run. This is due to $>40\%$ more black holes reaching the center of their host halo when DF is added.

  • Properties and Evolution of Dual and Offset AGN in the ASTRID Simulation at $z \sim 2$

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We examine the dual (both BHs active) and offset (one BH active) AGN population (comprising $\sim$ 2000 pairs at $0.5\,\text{kpc}\lesssim\Delta r<30\,\text{kpc}$) at $z=2\sim3$ in the ASTRID simulation covering (360 cMpc)${^3}$. The dual (offset) AGN make up $3.0(2.2)\%$ of all AGN at $z=2$. The dual fraction is roughly constant while the offset fraction increases by a factor of ten from $z=4\sim2$. Compared with the full AGN population, duals are characterized by a low $M_\text{BH}/M_*$ ratio, a high specific star-formation rate (sSFR) of $\sim 1\,\text{Gyr}^{-1}$, and a high Eddington ratio ($\sim 0.05$, double that of single AGN). The dual AGN are formed in major galaxy mergers (typically involving $M_\text{halo}<10^{13}\,M_\odot$), with BHs that have similar masses. At small separations (when their host galaxies are in the late phase of the merger) duals become $2\sim8$ times brighter (albeit more obscured) than at larger separations. $80\%$ of these bright, close duals merge in the simulation within $\sim500\,\text{Myrs}$. Notably, the initially less-massive BH in duals frequently becomes the brighter AGN during the galaxy merger. In offset AGN, the active BH is typically $\gtrsim 10$ times more massive than its non-active counterpart and than most BHs in duals. Offsets are predominantly formed in minor galaxy mergers with the active BH residing in the center of massive halos ($ M_\text{ halo}\sim 10^{13-14}\,M_\odot$). In these deep potentials, gas stripping is common and the secondary quickly deactivates. The stripping also leads to inefficient orbital decay amongst offsets, which stall at $\Delta r\sim5\,\text{kpc}$ for a few hundred Myrs.

  • Not all peaks are created equal: the early growth of Supermassive Black Holes

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this work, we use the constrained Gaussian realization technique to study the early growth of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations, exploring its relationship with features of the initial density peaks on large scales, ~1 Mpc/h. Our constrained simulations of volume (20 Mpc/h)^3 successfully reconstruct the large-scale structure as well as the black hole growth for the hosts of the rare 10^9 Msun SMBHs found in the BlueTides simulation at z~7. We run a set of simulations with constrained initial conditions by imposing a 5 \sigma_0(R_G) peak on scale of R_G = 1 Mpc/h varying different peak features, such as the shape and compactness as well as the tidal field surrounding the peak. We find that initial density peaks with high compactness and low tidal field induce the most rapid BH growth at early epochs. This is because compact density peaks with a more spherical large scale matter distribution lead to the formation of high density gas clumps in the centers of halos, and thus boost early BH accretion. Moreover, such initially compact density peaks in low tidal field regions also lead to a more compact BH host galaxy morphology. This can explain the tight correlation between BH growth and host galaxy compactness seen in observations.

  • pmwd: A Differentiable Cosmological Particle-Mesh $N$-body Library

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The formation of the large-scale structure, the evolution and distribution of galaxies, quasars, and dark matter on cosmological scales, requires numerical simulations. Differentiable simulations provide gradients of the cosmological parameters, that can accelerate the extraction of physical information from statistical analyses of observational data. The deep learning revolution has brought not only myriad powerful neural networks, but also breakthroughs including automatic differentiation (AD) tools and computational accelerators like GPUs, facilitating forward modeling of the Universe with differentiable simulations. Because AD needs to save the whole forward evolution history to backpropagate gradients, current differentiable cosmological simulations are limited by memory. Using the adjoint method, with reverse time integration to reconstruct the evolution history, we develop a differentiable cosmological particle-mesh (PM) simulation library pmwd (particle-mesh with derivatives) with a low memory cost. Based on the powerful AD library JAX, pmwd is fully differentiable, and is highly performant on GPUs.

  • Super-sample covariance of the power spectrum, bispectrum, halos, voids, and their cross-covariances

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We study the effect of super-sample covariance (SSC) on the power spectrum and higher-order statistics: bispectrum, halo mass function, and void size function. We also investigate the effect of SSC on the cross-covariance between the statistics. We consider both the matter and halo fields. Higher-order statistics of the large-scale structure contain additional cosmological information beyond the power spectrum and are a powerful tool to constrain cosmology. They are a promising probe for ongoing and upcoming high precision cosmological surveys such as DESI, PFS, Rubin Observatory LSST, Euclid, SPHEREx, SKA, and Roman Space Telescope. Cosmological simulations used in modeling and validating these statistics often have sizes that are much smaller than the observed Universe. Density fluctuations on scales larger than the simulation box, known as super-sample modes, are not captured by the simulations and in turn can lead to inaccuracies in the covariance matrix. We compare the covariance measured using simulation boxes containing super-sample modes to those without. We also compare with the Separate Universe approach. We find that while the power spectrum, bispectrum and halo mass function show significant scale- or mass-dependent SSC, the void size function shows relatively small SSC. We also find significant SSC contributions to the cross-covariances between the different statistics, implying that future joint-analyses will need to carefully take into consideration the effect of SSC.

  • Differentiable Cosmological Simulation with Adjoint Method

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Rapid advances in deep learning have brought not only myriad powerful neural networks, but also breakthroughs that benefit established scientific research. In particular, automatic differentiation (AD) tools and computational accelerators like GPUs have facilitated forward modeling of the Universe with differentiable simulations. Current differentiable cosmological simulations are limited by memory, thus are subject to a trade-off between time and space/mass resolution. They typically integrate for only tens of time steps, unlike the standard non-differentiable simulations. We present a new approach free of such constraints, using the adjoint method and reverse time integration. It enables larger and more accurate forward modeling, and will improve gradient based optimization and inference. We implement it in a particle-mesh (PM) $N$-body library pmwd (particle-mesh with derivatives). Based on the powerful AD system JAX, pmwd is fully differentiable, and is highly performant on GPUs.

  • Next-to-Leading Order Differential Cross Sections for J/ψ,ψ(2S), and Υ Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at a Fixed-Target Experiment Using the LHC Beams (AFTER@LHC)

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-14

    摘要: Using nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) factorization, we calculate the yields for J/ψ, ψ(2S) and Υ(1S)hadroproduction at s√= 72 GeV and 115 GeV including the next-to-leading order QCD corrections. Both these center-of-mass energies correspond to those obtained with 7~TeV and 2.76~TeV nucleon beam impinging a fixed target. We study the cross section integrated in pt as a function of the rapidity as well as the pt differential cross section in the central rapidity region. Using different NLO fit results of the NRQCD long-distance matrix elements, we evaluate a theoretical uncertainty which is certainly much larger than the projected experimental uncertainties with the expected 20 fb−1 to be collected per year with AFTER@LHC.

  • Energy dependence of direct-quarkonium production in $pp$ collisions from fixed-target to LHC energies: complete one-loop analysis

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-13

    摘要: We compute the energy dependence of the P_T-integrated cross section of directly produced quarkonia in pp collisions at next-to-leading order (NLO), namely up to alpha_s^3, within nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD). Our analysis is based on the idea that the P_T-integrated and the P_T-differential cross sections can be treated as two different observables. The colour-octet NRQCD parameters needed to predict the P_T-integrated yield can thus be extracted from the fits of the P_T-differential cross sections at mid and large P_T. For the first time, the total cross section is evaluated in NRQCD at full NLO accuracy using the recent NLO fits of the P_T-differential yields at RHIC, the Tevatron and the LHC. Both the normalisation and the energy dependence of the J/psi, psi' and Upsilon(1S), we obtained, are in disagreement with the data irrespective of the fit method. The same is true if one uses CEM-like colour-octet NRQCD parameters. If, on the contrary, one disregards the colour-octet contribution, the existing data in the TeV range are well described by the alpha_s^3 contribution in the colour-singlet model --which, at alpha_s^4, however shows an unphysical energy dependence. A similar observation is made for eta(c,b). This calls for a full NNLO or for a resummation of the initial-state radiation in this channel. In any case, past claims that colour-octet transitions are dominantly responsible for low-P_T quarkonium production are not supported by our results. This may impact the interpretation of quarkonium suppression in high-energy proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions.

  • An updated study of $\Upsilon$ production and polarization at the Tevatron and LHC

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-13

    摘要: Following the nonrelativistic QCD factorization scheme, by taking latest available measurement on χb(3P) into consideration, we present an updated study on the yield and polarization of Υ(1S,2S,3S) hadroproduction, and the fractions of χb(mP) feed-down in Υ(nS) production at QCD next-to-leading order. In the fitting, three schemes are applied with different choice of χb(mP) feed-down ratios and NRQCD factorization scale. The results can explain the measurements on yield very well as in our previous work. The polarization puzzle to Υ(3S) is now solved by considering the χb(3P) feed-down contributions. The ratio of σ[χb2(1P)]/σ[χb1(1P)] measurements from CMS can also be reproduced in our prediction. Among the different schemes, the results show little difference, but there are sizeable difference for the fitted long-distance color-octet matrix elements. It may bring large uncertainty when the values are applied in other experiments such as in ee, ep colliders.