Your conditions: 李雨珂
  • Research on Asset Storage and Data Reuse Rights License of Scientific Research Data in Colleges and Universities

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2023-04-01 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] Providing the theoretical basis of "data assets" and suggestions on "asset" storage, management and reuse methods for scientific research data management in colleges and universities in China is to serve the development, utilization and value promotion of data intellectual property in colleges and universities in China. [Method/process] This paper analyzed the research status of data assets, discussed the attributes of data assets, defined the rights of data assets, and proposed the main contents of the storage and management of scientific research data asset rights in colleges and universities in China and the feasible scheme of data reuse right license. [Result/conclusion] The recognition of "asset" of scientific research data can strengthen the effective management of data assets, strengthen the control of scientific research data assets, improve the asset protection of scientific research data with administrative policies and technical auxiliary means, promote the open sharing and reuse of data resources in colleges and universities and promote the formation of a benign data information ecological environment.

  • 乌海矿区几种典型尘源物质的风蚀特征

    Subjects: Environmental Sciences, Resource Sciences >> Basic Disciplines of Environmental Science and Technology submitted time 2020-06-21 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract:内蒙古乌海市矿区沙(粉)尘污染严重,测定该地区典型尘源物质的起动风速、风蚀率,对研究该地区近地表输沙率、风蚀量预测与沙尘天气预报有重要作用。本研究以裸沙、壤质砂土、粉煤灰、焦煤、煤矸石5种典型尘源物质为对象,通过风洞试验测定其起动风速、风蚀率,通过室内实验测定尘源物质的容重、粒径分布,分析各因素对其影响,并研究含水率变化与风蚀特征之间的关系。结果显示:① 尘源物质起动风速依次为:裸沙>壤质砂土>焦煤>煤矸石>粉煤灰;裸沙风蚀率随风速呈线性增长趋势,壤质砂土、粉煤灰、焦煤呈幂函数增长趋势,煤矸石增长趋势接近于指数函数;② 尘源物质粒度组成相差较大情况下,较轻的物质更易起动,粒度组成相近情况下,粒径分布、中值粒径较小、难蚀颗粒分布频率高的物质抗蚀性更大;③ 裸沙、焦煤、煤矸石的起动风速与含水率呈正幂函数关系,壤质砂土、粉煤灰在含水率2%~4%、1.46%~4.16%时起动风速无明显变化;裸沙、焦煤、煤矸石的含水阈值在3%、4%、饱和含水率左右,壤质砂土、粉煤灰风蚀率与含水率呈负指数关系;④ 焦煤、煤矸石可通过提高含水率抑制风蚀,裸沙、壤质砂土、粉煤灰需结合环境与影响因素之间的关系合理布置防治措施。