Your conditions: 姚长青
  • Research on the reproducibility mechanism of scientific research results from the perspective of scholarly publishing

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> Internet Journals submitted time 2024-01-26

    Abstract: Abstract: Purposes Reproducibility is one of the basic principles of scientific research. From the perspective of academic publishing, a safeguard mechanism is proposed to cope with the Reproducibility Crisis. Methods  We investigate the relevant policies, guidelines and practices of sci-tech journal publishers, academic associations and international organizations, and sorts out the repeatability guarantee measures for research data, research process, research results and research types from the two dimensions of publishing process and publishing orientation. Findings  In the dimension of the publishing process, it is necessary to introduce journal data policies, advocate structured reports, promote open review, and innovate detection technologies to ensure the transparency and reliability of research data and research processes. In the publication-oriented dimension, it is necessary to promote the publication of new types of papers such as registration reports and reproducibility papers, and strengthen the reproducibility awareness training of editors. Conclusions  To improve the reproducibility of China's scientific research achievements, it is necessary to learn from international mature experience to accelerate the exchange of paper-related data, pay attention to cutting-edge measures in the industry to promote the innovation of academic publishing models and improve the scientific and technological evaluation system to promote the transformation of scientific research concepts.

  • 面向科研诚信的学术出版探索

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> New Media submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《中国传媒科技》

    Abstract:近年来,不断增多的学术不端事件引发了各界关切,科研诚信建设也成为新的研究热点。通过分析传统学术出版面 临的科研诚信困境,阐述了开放科学的发展给科研诚信建设带来新的机遇,介绍了开放科学计划下的科研诚信建设体系。相 比于被动式科研诚信建设,开放科学计划下面向科研诚信的学术出版可以通过促进科学研究和论文的规范化、保证研究出版 过程的透明化、提高研究和论文的原创性,主动维护科研诚信。

  • 中国学术期刊对机构知识库存缴政策调查分析

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2016-06-04

    Abstract:【目的】了解中国学术期刊对机构知识库存缴政策的态度。【方法】 从《中国科技期刊引证报告》中选择摘要: 【目的】了解中国学术期刊对机构知识库存缴政策的态度。【方法】 从《中国科技期刊引证报告》中选择326个样本, 以电话通知的方式, 确保他们进行线上问卷调查。【结果】回收有效问卷 195份, 回收有效率为 65%强。其中, 74.9%的期刊赞同论文存储到机构知识库中。说明他们对机构知识库存储和传播科技论文的态度和建议是正面的。【局限】 总体调查规模有限, 集中在质量较高、名声显著、已有期刊数字化基础的期刊, 调查结论未必适用于全部中国期刊。【结论】多数调查对象赞成机构知识库存缴与传播论文, 但建议今后提供期刊论文开放获取的权益咨询服务。