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  • D3EGFR: a webserver for deep learning-guided drug sensitivity prediction and drug response information retrieval for EGFR mutation-driven lung cancer

    分类: 药物科学 >> 药物设计 提交时间: 2024-05-13

    摘要: As key oncogenic drivers in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), various mutations in the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) with variable drug sensitivities have been a major obstacle for precision medicine. To achieve clinical-level drug recommendations, a platform for clinical patient case retrieval and reliable drug sensitivity prediction is highly expected. Therefore, we built a database, D3EGFRdb, with the clinicopathologic characteristics and drug responses of 1,339 patients with EGFR mutations via literature mining. On the basis of D3EGFRdb, we developed a deep learning-based prediction model, D3EGFRAI, for drug sensitivity prediction of new EGFR mutation-driven NSCLC. Model validations of D3EGFRAI showed a prediction accuracy of 0.81 and 0.85 for patients from D3EGFRdb and our hospitals, respectively. Furthermore, mutation scanning of the crucial residues inside drug-binding pockets, which may occur in the future, was performed to explore their drug sensitivity changes. D3EGFR is the first platform to achieve clinical-level drug response prediction of all approved small molecule drugs for EGFR mutation-driven lung cancer and is freely accessible at https://www.d3pharma.com/D3EGFR/index.php.

  • 关于一个合理的公共产品决定只能来自于一个可以胜任的公共权力机关的论断是否是阿罗不可能定理的推论的文献考证

    分类: 管理学 >> 管理理论 分类: 图书馆学、情报学 >> 情报资料的利用 分类: 其他 >> 综合 提交时间: 2024-05-12

    摘要: 目的/意义 阿罗不可能定理是1972年诺贝尔经济学奖的获得者之一肯尼斯·约瑟夫·阿罗陈述和证明的,《新编经济金融词典》在定义阿罗不可能定理时把“一个合理的公共产品决定只能来自于一个可以胜任的公共权力机关”作为阿罗不可能定理的推论,这一推论关系在网络上广为传播,在课堂上广为传授,随着阿罗不可能定理而确立为正确的论断。但这种推论关系不严谨,甚至是错误的,会将我国公共选择学、公共经济学、福利经济学和行政法学等多学科的研究引入歧途,因此有必要正本清源,从学理上纠正,推动相关学科朝着正确的方向发展。 方法/过程 运用文献考证法,对该推论关系的起源和发展进行梳理,厘清相关概念在不同学科的内涵、外延、以及相关概念间关系的演变逻辑,考证阿罗不可能定理和公共产品决策之间的关系。 结果/结论 相关文献表明,一个合理的公共产品决定只能来自于一个可以胜任的公共权力机关的论断,最早是在《行政强制与公共利益的实现》一文中与阿罗不可能定理产生关联,后来被《新编经济金融词典》编写阿罗不可能定理的条目时摘录,成为阿罗不可能定理的推论,具有了只要阿罗不可能定理成立,公共产品只能由公共权力机关强加或者独裁的意义。在此过程中,公共产品和公共权力机关的概念内涵在不同学科语境中发生偏移,两者关系的逻辑基础也发生演变,因而把一个合理的公共产品决定只能来自于一个可以胜任的公共权力机关的论断作为阿罗不可能定理的推论不是很严谨。阿罗不可能定理的确会引起公共产品决策难题,但公共选择领域的研究并不认为这一决策难题应该交由公共权力机关强加或独裁,相反,他们致力于投票机制的制度设计,以确保公共产品提供是由公众来决定的。

  • Tribological and surface morphological characteristics of titanium alloys: a review

    分类: 机械工程 >> 机械制造工艺与设备 提交时间: 2024-05-12

    摘要: Being easily fabricated, welded, biocompatible, having a high strength-to-weight ratio, withstanding comparatively high temperatures up to 800 °C and low modulus of elasticity make grade titanium and its alloys an important choice for automotive, biomedical and aerospace industries. In contempt of the different pleasant assets of Ti–6Al–4V alloy, the operation of this alloy is restricted especially when it comes to tribological and surface morphological characteristics. Enhancing these properties is important, for this purpose, a diversity of attempts and studies have been conducted. This paper mounts a review of morphological and tribological behaviors of titanium alloys including Ti–6Al–4V against different materials counting with carbide tools and other types of materials under dry and lubricated sliding conditions. The surface morphological, wear, and other properties have been discussed in this review article.