• A new entropy measure of quantum system uncertainty

    分类: 物理学 >> 普通物理:统计和量子力学,量子信息等 提交时间: 2021-02-04

    摘要: Quantum theory is currently the most important research field. Before processing the information of a quantum system, we must first understand how to measure the uncertainty of a quantum system. Von Neumann entropy is a very classic method to measure the uncertainty of quantum systems. However, due to the particularity of quantum systems, it is very difficult to measure the uncertainty of quantum systems, so that the measurement efficiency of the classical von Neumann entropy is not high in some cases. Based on the classic von Neumann entropy and belief entropy, this paper proposes a new entropy model to measure the uncertainty of quantum systems, which can use fully the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the density matrix of quantum systems, and give the uncertainty of the quantum system. Some numerical examples are used to prove that the proposed entropy is more efficient and reliable in measuring quantum systems than the classical von Neumann entropy. The experimental results show that the proposed entropy can measure the uncertainty of quantum systems more efficiently and reliably than the classical von Neumann entropy.