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  • Enhancing mindfulness interventions for test anxiety: A perspective based on the NIH stage model

    Subjects: Psychology >> Clinical and Counseling Psychology submitted time 2023-07-13

    Abstract: Because interventions to reduce test anxiety’s detrimental consequences have remained ineffective, the academic community has begun to introduce the concept of mindfulness into such interventions following the concept’s repeated validation. The NIH stage model, aimed at promoting the implementation and dissemination of psychological interventions, divides the development of interventions into six stages: basic research, intervention generation and refinement, efficacy testing, mixed efficacy–effectiveness testing, effectiveness testing, and implementation and dissemination. In our study, we therefore organized past studies on mindfulness-based interventions for test anxiety according to the NIH’s model. First, we explored the potential mechanism underlying mindfulness when it comes to treating test anxiety. Second, we summarized three dominant approaches, labeled “initial evaluation of treatment,” “refinement of intervention,” and “promotion of implementation and dissemination,” all rooted in previous evidence. Last, considering the NIH’s model and the uniqueness of mindfulness as an intervetion, we encourage future research focused on exploring the mechanism of change and implementing pragmatic research while being sensitive to four aspects of recent studies on mindfulness: the inclusion of open monitoring, the proper assessment of treatment adherence, increasing attention to how mindful attitudes are learned, and the possible influence of different understandings of self between Western and Eastern cultures.

  • Can Cinderella become Snow White? The Influence of Perceived Trustworthiness on the Mental Representation of Faces

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-05-01

    Abstract: This study examined whether the perception of an individual’s trustworthiness influenced the mental representation of that face and its underlying mechanisms.
    In Experiment 1, participants were instructed to develop an opinion about a target person’s trustworthiness, perceiving him/her as either trustworthy or untrustworthy. Then, the reverse correlation image classification technology was employed to visualize participants’ mental representations of the target person’s face. The results showed that regardless of the target person’s gender, those described as highly trustworthy were associated with more positive and attractive facial representations.
    In Experiment 2, group’s facial mental representation features of trustworthy and untrustworthy faces were compared with those of the target person from Experiment 1. The results revealed that the face representation features of the target people described as trustworthy (or untrustworthy) had more similarities with those of trustworthy (or untrustworthy) groups.
    The findings indicated that when people perceive an individual as trustworthy (or untrustworthy), they would superimpose the corresponding schema features in their minds on the physical characteristics of the perceived individual’s face, leading to a reconfiguration of the face representation. Overall, our study underscores the importance of top-down factors in shaping face representations.

  • The role of rhythm in auditory speech understanding

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2021-12-29

    Abstract: Speech understanding is a mental process in which the listener receives external speech input and acquires meaning. In daily communication, speech comprehension is influenced by multi-scale rhythmic information, which usually includes the rhythm of prosodic structure, the rate of context, and the speaker's body language. They alter the listeners' phoneme discrimination, word perception, and speech intelligence in auditory speech understanding. Internal rhythms are neural oscillations in the brain, which can represent the hierarchical characteristics of external speech input at different time scales. The neural entrainment of external rhythmic stimulus and internal neural activity can optimize the brain's processing of speech stimulus and further enhance the internal representation of target speech by the top-down modulation of the listener's cognitive process. We think that it may be the key mechanism to build the interrelationship between internal and external rhythms and jointly affect speech understanding. The discovery of its mechanism can provide a window for the study of speech, which is a complex sequence with structural rules on multi-level time scales.

  • 满招损,谦受益: 个体心理与社会文化作用机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2021-11-30

    Abstract: " "

  • Interpreting Nonsignificant Results: A Quantitative Investigation Based on 500 Chinese Psychological Research

    Subjects: Psychology >> Statistics in Psychology submitted time 2020-10-17

    Abstract: P-value is the most widely used statistical index for inference in science. Unfortunately, researchers in psychological science may not be able to interpret p-value correctly, resulting in possible mistakes in statistical inference. Our specific goal was to estimate how nonsignificant results were interpreted in the empirical studies published in Chinese Journals. Frist, We randomly selected 500 empirical research papers published in 2017 and 2018 in five Chinese prominent journals (Acta Psychological Sinica, Psychological Science, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, Psychological Development and Education, Psychological and Behavioral Studies). Secondly, we screened the abstracts of the selected articles and judged whether they contained negative statements. Thirdly, we categorized each negative statement into 4 categories (Correct-frequentist, Incorrect-frequentist: whole population, Incorrect-frequentist: current sample, Difficult to judge). Finally, we calculated Bayes factors based on the t values and sample size associated with the nonsignificant results to investigate whether empirical data provide enough evidence in favor of null hypothesis. Our survey revealed that: (1) 36% of these abstracts (n = 180) mentioned nonsignificant results; (2) there were 236 negative statements in the article that referred to nonsignificant results in abstracts, and 41% negative statements misinterpreted nonsignificant results; (3) 5.1% (n = 2) nonsignificant results can provide strong evidence in favor of null hypothesis (BF01 > 10). The results suggest that Chinese researchers need to enhance their understanding of nonsignificant results and use more appropriate statistical methods to extract information from non-significant results.

  • Cognitive neurological process associated with behavioral inhibition and psychopathology in children

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2020-01-05

    Abstract: Abstract: Children with behavioral inhibition are more likely to suffer from internalizing behavioral problems during mid-childhood and adolescence, and appear to be at higher developmental risk. Compared to children without behavioral inhibition, these children show more withdrawal motivation, longer anticipatory process and pre-attention process, less attention control, more attention bias to negative information, hyperactive error detection process and slower habituation process. These cognitive neurological processes of behavioral inhibited children also exist in patients who suffer from mental disorders, and are important links between behavioral inhibition and psychopathology in children. It can be used as predictors to screen individuals with higher developmental risk. In addition to children s own characteristics, environmental factors can also influence children s developmental outcomes by shaping cognitive neurological processes. Therefore, in future studies, in order to identify protective factors for the children with behavioral inhibition from both temperamental factors and environmental factors, we may consider the differences of cognitive neurological processes between children s behavioral inhibition and psychopathology under different cultural conditions."

  • Cognitive neurological process associated with behavioral inhibition and psychopathology in children

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2019-12-24

    Abstract: Abstract: Children with behavioral inhibition are more likely to suffer from internalizing behavioral problems during mid-childhood and adolescence, and appear to be at higher developmental risk. Compared to children without behavioral inhibition, these children show more withdrawal motivation, longer anticipatory process and pre-attention process, less attention control, more attention bias to negative information, hyperactive error detection process and slower habituation process. These similar cognitive neurological processes are important links between behavioral inhibition and psychological disorders in children. It can be used as predictors to screen individuals with higher developmental risk. In addition to children's own characteristics, environmental factors can also influence children's developmental outcomes by shaping cognitive neurological processes. Therefore, in future studies, in order to identify protective factors for the children with behavioral inhibition from both temperamental factors and environmental factors, we may consider the differences of cognitive neurological processes between children's behavioral inhibition and psychopathology under different cultural conditions.

  • Dynamic attention bias in social anxiety

    Subjects: Psychology >> Clinical and Counseling Psychology submitted time 2019-06-19

    Abstract: Attention bias is an important factor in the maintenance of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Attentional vigilance, attentional avoidance, and difficulty in disengagement are the most widely studied and discussed ones. With the deepening of research, some researchers have suggested that the attention mode of SAD individuals is not a single and static mode, and it is more likely to switch between different attentional modes, which is a dynamic process. Based on relevant research results and theoretical assumptions, it is speculated that the attentional bias of SAD individuals will change dynamically with the increased anxiety level and impaired attention control ability, from attentional vigilance to the attention avoidance and difficulty in disengagement. This view needs further research to confirm and specify more targeted interventions based on the results of the study.

  • 视觉正常的自闭症儿童双眼注视点间距的特点及其意义

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-06-19 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: 视网膜上物象对应的外在注视点之间的距离, 即双眼注视点间距(distance of binoculars point of regard, DBPR)在自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorders, ASD)个体上存 在异常的表现, 而 ASD 个体伴随较高的斜视发病率, 可能会对其双眼注视点间距产生影响。 研究采用正弦曲线平滑追踪任务范式, 探索视觉正常的 ASD 儿童在动态刺激加工过程中 DBPR 的鉴别意义。 结果发现, ASD 儿童 DBPR 过大且具有跨任务类型的稳定性, 且与斜视 无关。 DBPR 在大振幅、 快速度的条件下具有优良的鉴别力, 并与自闭症行为量表总分以及 感知觉维度显著正相关。 结果表明, 双眼注视点间距具有良好的鉴别价值。

  • 视觉正常的自闭症儿童双眼注视点间距的特点及其意义

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-06-18 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: 视网膜上物象对应的外在注视点之间的距离, 即双眼注视点间距(distance of binoculars point of regard, DBPR)在自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorders, ASD)个体上存在异常的表现, 而 ASD 个体伴随较高的斜视发病率, 可能会对其双眼注视点间距产生影响。研究采用正弦曲线平滑追踪任务范式, 探索视觉正常的 ASD 儿童在动态刺激加工过程中DBPR 的鉴别意义。 结果发现, ASD 儿童 DBPR 过大且具有跨任务类型的稳定性, 且与斜视无关。 DBPR 在大振幅、 快速度的条件下具有优良的鉴别力, 并与自闭症行为量表总分以及感知觉维度显著正相关。 结果表明, 双眼注视点间距具有良好的鉴别价值。