• Eight Information Policy Issues for Digital Transformation of Libraries

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2024-01-02

    Abstract: The digital transformation of libraries will encounter many policies and implementation details. This article lists the eight most critical information policy issues, including: open access policy, the role of libraries in open access, copyright issues in library literature transmission, legal issues in digitization, rights issues in long-term preservation, copyright issues in orphan works, rights management of scientific data, and policies related to informal publications. In order to protect the rights of readers, libraries and librarians should be aware of these policies and recommend corresponding measures.

  • Eight Key Issues of Information Policy for Data Driven Innovation

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2024-01-02

    Abstract: The data-driven model of scientific research innovation promotes new demand for information services, leading to the need for technological information policies for development guidance. This article systematically reviews the key issues of eight science and technology information policies: copyright law and contracts, copyright and trade agreements, copyright exceptions and restrictions, orphan works, technical protection measures, replication rights organizations, public borrowing rights, database rights, knowledge sharing, and open access. The conclusion is that the above eight issues have extended more details of the implementation of new technology information policies. Due to the continuous changes in user needs, relevant decision support research should be dynamically adjusted.

  • Rights analysis framework of content generated by generative artificial intelligence

    Subjects: Law >> Data Law submitted time 2023-11-17

    Abstract: This article explores the relationship between AI and copyright, including the stages of AI development and learning, generation and utilization, and whether AI products belong to copyright. During the AI development and learning phase, exploitation activities that are not for the purpose of enjoyment can be carried out without the permission of the copyright owner. In the generation and utilization stage, if AI generated products have similarities and dependencies with existing works, it is necessary to obtain permission from the copyright owner or restrictions on usage rights. In addition, this article also discusses the issue of whether AI products belong to works and who the author is. If AI products are considered as "tools" used by humans to creatively express thoughts and emotions, they belong to works, and AI users are considered authors. In the case of AI generation, it is necessary to consider whether it infringes on copyright and how to obtain permission from the copyright owner or make significant modifications.

  • The Enlightenment and Significance of Chinese path to modernization for Global Open Science Practice

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-11-17

    Abstract:  This paper argues that open science practice should be carried out with the idea of Chinese path to modernization. The core connotation of Chinese path to modernization includes following the general law of modernization, conforming to the reality of the country, having its own characteristics, and the only correct path is the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. Open science is defined as an inclusive architecture aimed at enabling everyone to openly use, access, and reuse scientific knowledge in multiple languages, enhancing scientific cooperation and information sharing, and opening up the process of creating, evaluating, and disseminating scientific knowledge to social actors outside the traditional scientific community. Chinese path to modernization coincides with the concept of open science, including basing itself on national conditions and actual development needs, respecting the open science path of development of all countries, gaining experience through practice, and actively sharing the common wisdom of mankind. The solutions that Chinese path to modernization can bring include actively building based on national conditions and actual development needs, and gradually solving practical problems raised by various stakeholders; Respect the open scientific path of development in various countries and actively cooperate to solve practical problems.

  • Data management plan is a key measure to ensure the open utilization and value realization of public data

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-11-07

    Abstract: The Data Management Plan (DMP) is an important safeguard measure to ensure the open utilization value and target selection of public data. One of the core points of DMP is to determine the responsible personnel and plan content to ensure the reasonable management and sharing of public data. DMP is of great significance for scientific research and social applications, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data, improving the availability and sharing of data, and further promoting the development of scientific research and social applications. The data management plan needs to comply with national and industry laws and regulations, taking into account issues such as data quality assurance, intellectual property, privacy protection, confidentiality, and security. In project application and review, the planning and resource investment of data management plans are very important, and it is necessary to fully consider the balance between data sharing and data rights protection. The data management plan plays an important role in project management, which can clarify the relevant content of data management in project management. As an important component of the project application, the data management plan has been widely recognized abroad, which helps to achieve the open utilization and value of scientific data, improve data sharing and reusability, and further promote the progress and development of scientific research.

  • Evaluation, Assessment, and Accountability for Open Sharing of Public Data: Value, Goal Selection, and Security Considerations

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-11-05

    Abstract: This article discusses the evaluation and assessment mechanism, accountability system, and the value and goal selection of public data open sharing. The open utilization of public data requires comprehensive consideration of the rights and interests issues at different levels of relationships and the requirements of data management policies, strengthening technological research and application, ensuring the security and reliability of public data, and promoting common progress in scientific research and social development. The value and target selection of open utilization of public data need to comprehensively consider multiple factors, including data collection, storage, processing, sharing, utilization, and management. By formulating reasonable policies and regulations, the open sharing and utilization of public data can be further strengthened, promoting the common progress of scientific research and social development. The open utilization value and target selection of public data are important means to promote scientific research and social development. By strengthening policy formulation and technological research and development, the security and reliability of public data can be improved, promoting scientific research progress and social development. The security of data is also a key concern in the process of open utilization of public data. The discovery, reuse, and identification of data are also important goals for the open utilization of public data. By formulating reasonable policies and norms to promote data sharing and utilization, the visibility and accessibility of data can be improved, promoting scientific research progress and social development.

  • Public data opening utilization: a full lifecycle security perspective for user review, management, and confidentiality

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-11-02

    Abstract: This article studies the user qualification review, management system, confidentiality agreement, and security management of special data lifecycle, emphasizing the importance of data open directory review. The open utilization value and target selection of public data need to comprehensively consider the requirements of data processing and management policies, ensure the accuracy and reliability of data, and promote the common progress of scientific research and social development. To strengthen the security management of scientific data throughout its entire lifecycle, it is necessary to classify data levels based on the different levels of confidentiality generated at each stage of the scientific research lifecycle, and establish corresponding confidentiality review systems. The importance of the network security guarantee system cannot be ignored, and it is necessary to strengthen technology research and application to ensure the security and reliability of public data.

  • 公共数据资源目录的制作与管理

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-10-29

    Abstract: This study explores the production and management of public data resource catalogs, as well as the importance of data publication and dissemination. The core goal of the public data resource catalog is to promote the openness and utilization of public data and enhance its value. When planning the directory of scientific data resources, it is necessary to focus on the types of scientific data resources, the management of rights and interests for open and shared data, as well as the scenarios for generating and using data in the scientific research lifecycle. The importance of data publication and dissemination lies in improving the open utilization value and effectiveness of target selection of data, promoting the sharing and reuse of scientific data. Datasets can be provided for external use through open license agreements, but users are required to comply with the usage requirements in the agreement. In terms of access and sharing, institutions should provide publicly available data files, restricted data files, and timeliness requirements, aiming to balance the relationship between open utilization of data and protection of property rights.

  • Bilingual vocabulary for library

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-10-27

    Abstract:  In order to assist foreign students, foreign readers, visiting scholars, etc. who are not familiar with Chinese, facilitate the use of resources and services in the library, and promote exchanges and visits between libraries, the former Science and Technology Information Policy Research Service and Consulting Center of the National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences compiled this report. This article mainly introduces four aspects of bilingual vocabulary: first, borrowing services, including: borrowing, returning, renewing, booking, overdue fines, etc. Secondly, the type of information, including books, journals, newspapers, e-books, databases, multimedia materials, etc. Thirdly, the type of space includes: reading room, self-study room, discussion room, multimedia room, exhibition room, etc. Fourthly, facilities and equipment, including computers, printers, copiers, scanners, projectors, audio equipment, etc. These bilingual vocabulary are helpful for us to engage in visiting work in foreign countries, or receive foreign guests to come to the museum, communicate and explain the workplace, work content, collaborative research, etc.

  • The Open Utilization of Public Data and the Cultivation of Data Scientists

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-10-26

    Abstract: The open utilization of public data and the cultivation of data scientists. This article studies the selection of standards and specifications for public data collection, the scientific data collection system of research and education institutions, and the management of project data collection by research funding institutions, providing a foundation for the open utilization of public data. We emphasize the open use value and target selection of public data, and propose that research institutions and personnel should comply with relevant regulations to improve the open use value and target selection effect of public data. Based on work practice, this article proposes the importance of data collection and submission methods for social funded projects, public data storage systems for scientific research and education institutions, and the construction of scientific data talent teams. Referring to the European Open Science Cloud and research funding organizations from 11 European countries, measures have been proposed to promote the development of the knowledge economy and global data value chain, requiring open access immediately after the publication of each paper in the funded research project. The International Scientific Data Center is actively carrying out talent cultivation work, improving the data management ability of researchers, and promoting the open sharing and utilization of public data. It is pointed out that the European Union is investing in the establishment of the European Data Science Research Institute, which is cultivating a new generation of data scientists with skills and detailed knowledge. In order to achieve the open utilization value and target selection of public data, it is necessary to draw on international experience. This article suggests developing a data open sharing policy that is suitable for China's national conditions, establishing a data sharing platform, improving data utilization efficiency, and promoting scientific research progress and socio-economic development.

  • Dual challenge of improving public data utilization and data awareness among researchers

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-10-23

    Abstract: This article discusses the hierarchical management of public data management and the open data sharing policies formulated by relevant institutions around the world. Scientific data has become an important strategic resource in the era of digital research, and its openness and sharing have critical value in promoting technological progress and innovation. Governments, research institutions, academic publishing communities, information service institutions, and other members of the academic community need to work together to promote the open utilization of public data, in order to maximize the value and utility of data. Research and education institutions play a dual role in data management, and need to explore effective data management methods to ensure the discoverability, accessibility, interoperability, and long-term preservation of data, while balancing open utilization and security of data. To achieve these goals, institutions need to widely solicit opinions from research teams, establish software and hardware facilities, funding, and personnel support for scientific data management and operation, and develop standard specifications for data management and sharing, provide training and support for data management and sharing, and improve the data awareness and ability of research personnel.

  • Support mechanism for open sharing of public data

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-10-23

    Abstract: The significance of open sharing of public data lies in achieving transparency in the inspection, use, and utilization of publicly funded project results. Through collaboration between science, academia, and industry, complementary advantages can be achieved, providing effective methods to address the common interests and social welfare challenges faced by academic institutions and industries. The responsible research and innovation policy in Europe advocates openness as a regional strategy for technological development to promote inclusive and sustainable research and innovation. Governments, universities, research institutions, and research funders in internationally advanced technology countries have realized the importance of open access to scientific and technological information, which is mainly reflected in the practice of scientific data management and sharing. The value and target selection of open utilization of public data may vary in different fields and practices, so it is necessary to evaluate and choose based on the needs of different fields and practices. The funding support for open sharing of public scientific data helps to effectively manage scientific data while maximizing the implementation of open sharing of scientific data. The policy of scientific data management plays an important role in promoting the new development of scientific research project management. The implementation of open sharing of public data usually adopts a hierarchical management model to ensure the maximum open sharing of data with the lowest risk. The open utilization of public data is of great value for improving national economic growth and social welfare.

  • A brief introduction to generative artificial intelligence and business improvement solutions

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-10-18

    Abstract: Artificial intelligence includes machine learning, deep learning, generative artificial intelligence, natural language processing, computer vision, reinforcement learning, etc. Generative artificial intelligence is a branch of artificial intelligence that can generate new data. Its basic theories include sparse encoding, autoencoder, and brain inspired generative artificial intelligence. The core of generative artificial intelligence is the generation model, which achieves the goal of generating new data through deep learning methods such as generative adversarial networks (GANs), variational autoencoders (VAEs), and generative pre-trained transformation models (GPTs). Generative artificial intelligence (GAI) has extensive applications in natural language processing, computer vision, audio processing, creative fields, and other fields. The GAI model has broad application potential in various fields, driving innovation and having a profound impact on various industries.

  • Moisturizing Things Silently: Experience Sharing in Course Teaching and Graduate Training

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-09-28

    Abstract: This article aims to share experiences on curriculum teaching and graduate development. Firstly, the first three paragraphs of this article introduce the original intention, challenges, and six methods of preparing for the course "Research on Information Users and Services". Secondly, the fourth paragraph explains how to choose the most suitable form of expression based on the teaching purpose. The fifth paragraph reflects on the ideological and political content and practical plan of the course. The sixth and seventh paragraphs aim to provide methods and precautions to arouse students' enthusiasm. The eighth and ninth paragraphs elaborate on the ways for teachers and students to get along and their respective responsibilities. Finally, three interesting experiences of mutual learning and teaching were shared. Through sharing these experiences, it is hoped that useful case studies can be provided for course teaching and graduate cultivation, promoting the improvement of educational quality and the development of academic research.

  • China’s construction of modern civilization promotes world peace and development

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-08-27

    Abstract:  The construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation is an important part of China's modernization process, including aspects such as economic construction, cultural construction, and social construction. The Sinicization of Marxism is the core of the China’s construction of modern civilization, which promotes the development of the socialist path with Chinese characteristics and the innovation of Marxist theory. China’s construction of modern civilization is a great significance for achieving the complete reunification of the motherland and sustainable development of humanity. The Chinese solution provides important reference for all countries in the world to achieve common development and prosperity.

  • A briefing report on monitoring the global open access journals and APCs in 2022

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-06-26

    Abstract: [Purposes] The development of global open publishing is analyzed to provide decision-making basis for management personnel at all levels.
    [Methods] Based on SCIE data and website information of each OA journal, statistical analysis was conducted on the global publication of OA journals, author publications, and APC reasonableness, as well as the OA publications and APC expenditures of authors in China.

    [Findings] In 2022, 7,759 global OA journals were indexed in SCIE, an increase of 15% compared to 2021. APC reasonable journals account for 66%. The global OA publication volume has increased by 6%, with Chinese authors accounting for 29% of the total OA publication volume. Chinese authors have published 269,800 articles in 4,936 OA journals, with an APC expenditure of approximately RMB 4.3 billion yuan, an increase of 44% and 43% respectively compared to 2021. The National Natural Science Foundation of China is the main fund supporting Chinese authors to publish OA papers, with an annual APC expenditure increase of 33%.

    [Conclusions] OA publishing has become the mainstream of global publishing, and China's OA publication volume and APC expenditure have both grown rapidly, tending towards international full-OA journals with low APC and high publication volume. In China, the construction of Sci-Tech journals market and the performance management of research fund need to be promoted in time to adapt to the development of open access.

  • The Mutual Benefit of Ideological and Political Education in the Classroom of Information Users and Services Studies

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-05-14

    Abstract: In order to deeply study and implement the important teachings of General Secretary Xi Jinping on education, the author has conducted a curriculum reform focusing on the use of Western textbooks, guiding students to read, and integrating ideological and political content into daily life and classroom teaching. Through practice and student feedback, the results have been satisfactory. The experience includes lessons learned, including course positioning, teacher ideological learning, the integration of ideological and political content during the first class, and how to integrate it throughout the course, drawing on other experiences, and engaging in interactive communication.