• 心理学领域高水平期刊调研报告

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2023-02-14

    Abstract:科技期刊水平是国家软实力的重要体现,反映了国家的科技竞争力。通过对科技期刊水平的调研可了解各国在某领域的科技水平,高水平期刊列表也可作为我国建设一流期刊的重要参考。另外,心理学领域重要期刊中的科研动态也具有研究和参考价值,对心理学的研究和发展起到引导作用。因此,梳理出心理学领域高水平期刊无论是对期刊建设还是学科发展都是十分必要的。中国科学院心理研究所潘菽图书馆对国内外心理学领域高水平期刊进行调研,形成了心理学领域高水平期刊榜单。本报告将结合WoS和Scopus两个数据库,将心理学相关领域的学术期刊划分为实证期刊、综述期刊和研究方法期刊三类开展调研分析,主要参照指标为WoS的期刊影响因子、期刊引文指标和Scopus的CiteScore分数、SJR指标,并参考国际顶尖心理学院系论文发表情况和语种因素,试图寻找出心理学领域最重要的、最具有影响的核心学术期刊。调研结果表明,美国创办的心理学高水平期刊较多,例如PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE。我国在兴办期刊上仍处于弱势,在主攻高水平论文以外,仍需大力建设国内心理学期刊,加速构建我国新时代高端学术交流平台。

  • The Value of Preprint and Its Application

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2022-03-30


    [Objective] To systematically explore the role and practical value of preprint platforms in building a sound academic communication ecology. [Methods] Through literature review and field interviews, this paper compares the recent development of preprints in the past five years, the role they can play in academic communication, and their practical application patterns. [Results] The results show that the development of preprints is good, and that the communication function of preprints plays a very crucial role in academic development, and also shows a rich variety of patterns in practical applications, which meet the real needs of researchers. [Conclusion] Preprints will certainly become an important part of creating a free and open, pluralistic and shared academic communication platform in the future, and become an integral part of the high-end communication platform in China.

  • 国内公共图书馆未成年人服务研究的系统评述

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Readers Work submitted time 2021-09-22

    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to accurately grasp the current situation and development trend of research on the services for children and young adults in public libraries in China, to sort out and analyze the shortcomings and defects of the existing researches, and to provide a better reference for future research. Through a literature search of Chinese and English studies on this domain, 3,224 papers were classified into five categories according to research methods, and each category and its subcategories were systematically reviewed. The study found that the research on public library services for children and young adults had a variety of topics. It has a wide range of contents and fit the national requirements and social needs. It mainly focused on the interests of special groups and had its own research characteristics. At the same time, the proportion of non-empirical studies was large, there were fewer studies with depth and persistence, and the international influence was very small. In the future, we should actively draw on the empirical paradigms of other social sciences to study the core issues of this discipline and make the research on library services for children aged 0-18 more detailed and in-depth.