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  • Why is it difficult to reach consensus in interpersonal value conflict situations? Theoretical explanations and mediation strategies

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2024-06-06

    Abstract: People often use the phrase different paths, no conspiracy to describe the difficulty of reaching a consensus after an interpersonal value conflict occurs. Due to the conflict, people will not only experience a series of negative subjective feelings, but also develop prejudice and hostility toward their opponents. Together, these feelings make it very difficult to resolve interpersonal conflicts based on value differences. Values are represented and constructed in such a way that people are prone to two cognitive biases in the face of interpersonal value conflicts: self-threat and the illusion of personal objectivity. Currently, researchers have focused on two interpersonal values conflict mediation strategies: self-affirmation and other-affirmation. Future research needs to enrich the relevant theoretical explanations, focus on the influencing factors and their effects in interpersonal value conflicts, and expand their mediation strategies and related application practices.

  • 催产素对共情反应的影响及其作用机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Oxytocin is a prosocial hormone that also has an important influence on human beings’ empathic responses. It can promote emotion recognition, enhance the empathic concern regarding others’ unfortunate experiences, and weaken the level of personal distress. With reference to the mechanisms, oxytocin may influence an individual's empathic response by promoting his/her embodied-simulation ability, weakening the tendency of self-centeredness, and regulating the emotional representation mechanism. Future studies could focus on the effects of oxytocin on the different types of empathic responses, the effects of oxytocin on gender differences in empathic responses, and actively using oxytocin in clinical interventions for empathy deficits.

  • 回溯式时距估计的计时机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Memory is a vital component of retrospective duration estimation, which is either assessed by the interval between two successive events, or the duration of an event after it has ended. Retrospective duration estimation can be divided into two types: close-range and long-distance. The timing mechanisms of both are related to memory; however, they have distinct foci. The former focuses on short-term memory or long-term memory; here, direct evidence is derived from the immediate recall of a single or multiple cognitive tasks to estimate time, while indirect evidence refers to the influence of physical, physiological, and psychological factors. The latter emphasizes the role of autobiographical memory, as evidenced by the measurement mode of a questionnaire or an interview and the influencing factors of subject-object characteristics. Future research should focus on further extending the timing mechanism of retrospective duration estimation in an integrated manner, expand the research of behavioral measurement, and explore the basis of neurobiology for retrospective duration estimation.

  • 回溯式时距估计的动态性及心理机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: As time passes, the dynamic characteristic of retrospective duration estimation is reflected in two aspects: short-term delay and long-term development. The former focuses on delay in seconds and minutes, attributing to context changes or a series of cognitive differences caused by target duration. The latter emphasizes individual development across ages (such as infancy, childhood, and adulthood) and considers differences in the speed of information processing as the main cause. Finally, from a comprehensive perspective, it is believed that the dynamics may be due to distinct mental representation of duration from seconds to minutes, which reflects the range-synthetic characteristic of time cognition. Future research should focus on extending temporal representation in the process of time lapse, further explore the role of timing strategies closely related to the target intervals in the retrospective duration estimation, and expand the dynamic characteristic of individual differences such as age and personality type.

  • 人们何以能够“舍生取义”?基于保护性价值观认知神经机制的解释

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: It seems a unique psychological and behavioral pattern of human beings to give up realistic interests or even risk death for a belief about values, which reflects the transcendence of the human spirit. In psychological research, the discussion of the above phenomenon is often carried out in the context of “protected values”, that is, values that an individual refuses to trade for any other values, especially for economic value. In recent years, with the rise of cognitive neuroscience and the development of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology, the research on the cognitive neural mechanism for protected values has provided evidence at the neurophysiological level for the psychological processing process behind “sacrifice life for righteousness”. According to the existing research results from cognitive neuroscience, the reason why people can fight against material temptation or even sacrifice life for a particular belief lies in the fact that protected values are characterized and constructed according to absolute rules of deontology. This largely ensures that protected values can bypass the process of weighing the advantages and disadvantages when facing material temptation. It is the first choice for people to observe and judge the rules directly from their semantic memory network, even when facing the possibility of sacrificing for faith, without weighing the advantages and disadvantages. On the other hand, because the protected values are closely related to the process of self and moral identification, they are significantly increased in value importance and can mobilize emotional resources to resist the impact of external information. Therefore, when an individual is required to make a choice between value belief and monetary benefits, he may regard it as a threat to self and moral identity, stimulating negative emotional reactions such as anger and disgust to resist, and then consolidating his original beliefs. That is to say, the balance between the advantages and disadvantages of protected values may be the result of an interaction between the “cold” cognitive rule system and the “hot” subjective assignment and emotional stimulation system: the former provides the most direct value choice for individuals, while the latter helps individuals ignore the considerations of real interests through self-identity and moral feelings. The current investigation of the cognitive neural mechanism of protected values is still in its infancy, and empirical research in this field is particularly lacking in China. The following aspects may need to be further explored in the future. First, we can learn from the research paradigm and ideas of protected values to carry out empirical research on the core values of Chinese individuals. Second, we should be fully aware of cultural differences when we learn from research on protected values conducted on foreign subjects. Finally, we need to carry out scientific research on the intervention and correct guidance of protected values or core values of Chinese people.

  • 自身得失对朋友博弈结果评价的影响:来自ERPs的证据

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Previous studies have indicated that the alternative evaluation responses to watching the gambling results of one's friends can be affected by self-interest concerns. However, until now, no systematic discussion is available addressing whether one's own different gains and losses will have different effects on the evaluation mode on a friends' gambling results; moreover, it remains unclear how this effect mode is modulated by the mode of an individual's self-construction. Research in this domain is conducive to identifying the dynamic changes of self-other sharing representations in the context of complex interpersonal interactions. Furthermore, this research provides empirical evidence toward understanding people's mentality of social interaction in the context of different cultures. This study presents a step by step discussion of the above problems via classic monetary gambling tasks in three separate experiments using the FRN and P300 as electrophysiological response indexes. In summary, this study shows that: (1) the evaluation model for one's friends' gains and losses differs depending on the own experienced gains and losses. Under favorable conditions, an individual is more inclined to show indifference to his friends' gains and losses, which may be because the individual employs stronger egocentric tendency in such a case. (2) The independent self-construction initiation group shows more indifference and competition when observing the gains and losses of a friend than in case of the interdependent self-construction initiation group. This pilot study mainly investigated the evaluation model for a friends' gambling results without involving one's own gains and losses. This aimed to verify previous research results and provided a baseline level for investigating the responses to the evaluation of a friends' gambling results. A total of 17 subjects and their same-sex friends participated in this pilot study. When an individual only observed but did not participate in gambling in person, such observing of a friends' gambling results can generate an electrophysiological response mode similar to own gains and losses. Many researchers suggested that such “mirror image” processing represented evidence for sharing presentations between an individual and his friends, i.e., the part that involves friends in people's self-concept. Experiment 1 explored the neural electrophysiological responses that occur in the two parties when one observes the gains and losses of a friend after he himself has had the experience of losing and winning money in gambling. A total of 38 subjects and their same-sex friends were recruited to participate in a number of monetary gambling tasks. The results showed that the model for one's evaluation of the gains and losses of a friend could indeed be influenced by his own gains and losses. When one benefitted from gambling, the FRN and P300 discrepancies resulting from seeing the gains and losses of a friends were no longer significant. However, when one suffered monetary losses from gambling, although the discrepancy in FRN regarding seeing friends' gains and losses remained significant, friends' gains no longer elicited a higher amplitude of P300 than their losses. Experiment 2 further addressed the previous situational self-reconstruction initiation pattern and investigated whether the neural response modes for the influence of one's own gains and losses on the evaluation of friends' gains and losses would differ under different modes of self-construction. The results indicated that in the interdependent self-construction initiation group, the electrophysiological response mode that results from watching friends' gambling was consistent with the result obtained in Experiment 1. However, after initiation of the independent self-construction of the subjects, the evaluation mode of the gambling results of a friend differed from that of the interdependent self-construction initiation group. In terms of the FRN index, regardless of one's own gains and losses, the differences in FRN for friends' gains and losses were no longer significant. In terms of the P300 index, the P300 discrepancy resulting from watching the gains and losses of a friend after suffering own losses was not significant. However, after having gained benefits, a higher P300 amplitude was induced by watching friends losing money in gambling than when watching them gain money.

  • Influence of an individual’s own gains and losses on the evaluation of friends’ gambling results: Evidence from ERPs

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2021-02-26

    Abstract: " Previous studies have indicated that the alternative evaluation responses to watching the gambling results of one’s friends can be affected by self-interest concerns. However, until now, no systematic discussion is available addressing whether one’s own different gains and losses will have different effects on the evaluation mode on a friends’ gambling results; moreover, it remains unclear how this effect mode is modulated by the mode of an individual’s self-construction. Research in this domain is conducive to identifying the dynamic changes of self-other sharing representations in the context of complex interpersonal interactions. Furthermore, this research provides empirical evidence toward understanding people’s mentality of social interaction in the context of different cultures. This study presents a step by step discussion of the above problems via classic monetary gambling tasks in three separate experiments using the FRN and P300 as electrophysiological response indexes. This pilot study mainly investigated the evaluation model for a friends’ gambling results without involving one’s own gains and losses. This aimed to verify previous research results and provided a baseline level for investigating the responses to the evaluation of a friends’ gambling results. A total of 17 subjects and their same-sex friends participated in this pilot study. When an individual only observed but did not participate in gambling in person, such observing of a friends’ gambling results can generate an electrophysiological response mode similar to own gains and losses. Many researchers suggested that such “mirror image” processing represented evidence for sharing presentations between an individual and his friends, i.e., the part that involves friends in people’s self-concept. Experiment 1 explored the neural electrophysiological responses that occur in the two parties when one observes the gains and losses of a friend after he himself has had the experience of losing and winning money in gambling. A total of 38 subjects and their same-sex friends were recruited to participate in a number of monetary gambling tasks. The results showed that the model for one’s evaluation of the gains and losses of a friend could indeed be influenced by his own gains and losses. When one benefitted from gambling, the FRN and P300 discrepancies resulting from seeing the gains and losses of a friends were no longer significant. However, when one suffered monetary losses from gambling, although the discrepancy in FRN regarding seeing friends’ gains and losses remained significant, friends’ gains no longer elicited a higher amplitude of P300 than their losses. Experiment 2 further addressed the previous situational self-reconstruction initiation pattern and investigated whether the neural response modes for the influence of one’s own gains and losses on the evaluation of friends’ gains and losses would differ under different modes of self-construction. The results indicated that in the interdependent self-construction initiation group, the electrophysiological response mode that results from watching friends’ gambling was consistent with the result obtained in Experiment 1. However, after initiation of the independent self-construction of the subjects, the evaluation mode of the gambling results of a friend differed from that of the interdependent self-construction initiation group. In terms of the FRN index, regardless of one’s own gains and losses, the differences in FRN for friends’ gains and losses were no longer significant. In terms of the P300 index, the P300 discrepancy resulting from watching the gains and losses of a friend after suffering own losses was not significant. However, after having gained benefits, a higher P300 amplitude was induced by watching friends losing money in gambling than when watching them gain money. In summary, this study shows that: (1) the evaluation model for one’s friends’ gains and losses differs depending on the own experienced gains and losses. Under favorable conditions, an individual is more inclined to show indifference to his friends’ gains and losses, which may be because the individual employs stronger egocentric tendency in such a case. (2) The independent self-construction initiation group shows more indifference and competition when observing the gains and losses of a friend than in case of the interdependent self-construction initiation group.

  • 人们何以能够“舍生取义”?基于保护性价值观认知神经机制的解释

    Subjects: Psychology >> Personality Psychology submitted time 2020-10-22

    Abstract: Protected values refer to a concept that people refuse to trade with any other value, especially with economic value. The evidence of cognitive neuroscience research in recent years shows reasons why people can act the behavior of sacrificing life for righteousness for protected values, such as defying interests or even giving up life. On the one hand, because protected values are characterized and constructed by an absolute rule of deontology, which makes people less to weigh the advantages and disadvantages; on the other hand, because protected values are closely related to the processes of self-identity and moral identity, and thus are subjectively endowed with the highest value. Further studies are needed to further clarify the neural mechanism of protected values, focus on its cultural differences, and carry out the corresponding practical research on intervention and correct guidance of protected values.

  • 价值观的稳定性与可变性:基于认知神经科学的视角

    Subjects: Psychology >> Personality Psychology submitted time 2020-08-28

    Abstract: " The issue of stability and variability of values has always been the focus of debate in this field. In recent years, researchers began to analyze the mechanism of the differences in the stability of values from the perspective of cognitive neuroscience. The existing neurophysiological evidence shows that when a certain value is constructed based on the absolute rules of deontology, or is consistent with the representation of self-concept, it tends to maintain a stable state. Otherwise, it may change fundamentally under the persuasion of others. In the future, it is necessary to further enrich and improve the cognitive neural processing model that recognizes the relationship between the stability and variability of values, and explore the cognitive neural mechanisms behind the long-term changes in values, so as to promote the practice and application of theoretical research in values education.

  • 脱贫内生动力机制的质性探究

    Subjects: Psychology >> Personality Psychology submitted time 2019-10-15

    Abstract: Poverty remains one of the most pressing and vexing issues facing the world today. Although progress has been made in alleviating poverty in China, more efforts are needed to manage the intractable generations that have been affected by poverty. Endogenous power is the core psychological resource for low-income individuals to move out of poverty. However, there is a lack of a research framework for the endogenous power of poverty elimination in the Chinese context, which may result in a scarcity of relevant empirical research and the neglect of psychological factors in the formulation of poverty alleviation policies. This study deploys qualitative research methods to explore the psychological structure and key influencing factors of endogenous power of generations of low-income individuals with a goal of providing proposals on psychologically targeted poverty alleviation. The researchers utilized an intensity sampling method to obtain study participants, and grounded theory, based on in-depth interviews, was adopted as research methodology. Participants comprised individuals who had successfully (seven people) or unsuccessfully (ten people) pulled themselves out of poverty as well as poverty alleviation cadres (four cadres) from a deeply impoverished village on Hainan Island. This study attempts to construct an integral endogenous power depletion model for intergenerational poverty from the perspectives of endogenous power for poverty elimination and the integration of endogenous and exogenous driving forces. The study followed the standard procedure of grounded theory, and we analyzed the data with Nvivo 11.0. Based on grounded theory, preliminary analysis, generic analysis, and theoretical construction of the collected data were conducted. Inspections of the participants and non-participants were used to verify the research results’ validity. The findings of the study fall into three categories. First, the “Three-factor Onion Model” with negative values, negative self-concept, and the behavioral tendencies of passive anti-poverty as the core factors was found to be the endogenous driving force of generations of low-income individuals. Second, perceived control loss as a psychosocial driving force is an important cause of the lack of endogenous power among those poverty-stricken people for generations, and the combination of a lack of market rationality and campaign-style poverty alleviation are external causes of perceived control loss. Third, under the influence of the construction of inner capacities, parenting capabilities become an important internal driving force, as they take an intermediate role during the promotion of endogenous powers to their offspring and help cultivate positive psychological resources for the family. This paper attempts to place the internal psychological factors and external key factors that lead to generational poverty into a holistic research framework. Although some enlightening views have been obtained, the results are constrained by the complexity of the theme and the limitations of the data, and only a general exploration could be made. In the future, quantitative research methods may be adopted to verify the accuracy of the Internal Motivation Depletion Model for intergenerational poverty. "