  • 父母情感温暖、自我控制与青少年亲社会行为的关系:多基因的调节作用及父母差异

    分类: 心理学 >> 发展心理学 提交时间: 2024-06-15

    摘要: 本研究构建 “环境×多基因—内表型—行为”理论框架,对880名中学生进行为期半年的追踪研究,考察了自我控制在父母情感温暖与青少年亲社会行为之间的中介作用;进一步地,采用多基因累加分数的研究范式,探讨多巴胺系统、血清素系统和催产素系统基因 (COMT 基因rs6269 、HTR2A基因 rs6313、OXTR 基因rs53576、OXTR 基因rs2254295 和OXTR 基因rs2254298)如何调节该中介机制,并检验其中的父母差异。结果显示:(1) 控制亲社会行为基线水平后,父母情感温暖不仅正向预测亲社会行为,还可以通过自我控制对亲社会行为产生影响; (2) 多基因累加分数与父母情感温暖的交互作用不能直接预测亲社会行为,而是通过自我控制影响亲社会行为,且该机制不存在父母差异。在多基因累加分数较高的青少年群体中,父母情感温暖显著正向预测自我控制,进而影响亲社会行为;而在多基因累加分数较低的青少年群体中,该中介作用路径不显著。研究结果阐明父母情感温暖对青少年自我控制、亲社会行为的影响如何因多基因累加分数的不同而产生差异,有助于深化对亲社会行为发生机制的认识。

  • 223Ra SPECT/CT模型显像探索研究

    分类: 其他 提交时间: 2024-06-12

    摘要: 探索Carlson 模型、PET/CT 模型、Hoffman 3D 脑模型223Ra SPECT/CT成像参数条件。在研究中,对Carlson 模型、PET/CT 模型、Hoffman 3D 脑模型进行 GE NM/CT 670 ES 质量控制测试,并获取三种模型的质量控制标准图像,然后对这三种模型进行223Ra SPECT/CT成像检查,将获得的图像与质量控制标准图像进行对比。研究结果显示223Ra SPECT/CT 可以进行断层显像。Carlson模型223Ra SPECT/CT图像线性尚可、均匀性一般、热区分辨率(22.3mm)、冷区分辨率(22.3mm);PET/CT模型223Ra SPECT/CT图像尚可,横断面、冠状面、矢状面图像融合匹配度及衰减校正离散度等指标距99mTc SPECT/CT质控图像有一定的差距;Hoffman脑模型223Ra SPECT/CT图像显示脑内沟回、基底节核团显示欠清晰,需要继续提高图像质量。实验结果表明223Ra SPECT/CT 显像尚可,证明223Ra SPECT/CT可以在临床对患者进行显像,但是为了得到质量更好的图像,具体的显像参数条件还需要进一步探索。

  • 圆环非线性恢复力的梁约束模型建模

    分类: 力学 >> 力学其他学科 提交时间: 2024-06-17 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 圆环隔振器是一种以圆环结构为基础的非线性隔振器,圆环结构在压缩变形过程中会受到压力和环面拉伸的耦合作用,从而产生非线性恢复力,对圆环结构非线性恢复力的精确建模是研究隔振器性能的关键。将圆环结构等分为多段曲梁,利用梁约束模型对每段曲梁建立计及几何非线性的力-位移关系模型,结合曲梁间的力传递关系和几何约束关系,建立了圆环整体在压缩过程中的非线性恢复力模型,并计算了圆环变形过程中所有分段点处的正应力。通过电子伺服疲劳试验机对圆环结构在压缩过程中的恢复力进行了测量,验证了梁约束模型的建模精度。研究结果表明,利用梁约束模型可以表征圆环结构非线性恢复力特性,其建模精度与椭圆积分法相当,而模型表达式和求解过程都比椭圆积分法简洁。圆环在压缩量最大时正应力最大,此时最大正应力在圆环的上下端点。梁约束模型的建模精度随着分段数的增加而提高,当分段数大于12时,梁约束模型的恢复力计算误差小于2%。

  • 装配式方钢管约束混凝土桥墩恢复力模型研究

    分类: 力学 >> 力学其他学科 提交时间: 2024-06-17 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 采用ABAQUS通用有限元软件对装配式方钢管约束混凝土桥墩进行建模,计算了桥墩试件荷载-位移滞回曲线与骨架曲线特征值; 以轴压比、长细比、约束系数、方钢管屈服强度、混凝土强度、钢管嵌入深度与桥墩边长比、嵌套钢管直径与桥墩边长比、嵌套钢管厚度与桥墩边长比为拓展参数,研究各参数对装配式方钢管约束混凝土桥墩荷载-位移骨架曲线的影响规律; 借鉴钢管约束钢筋混凝土柱的计算框架,拟合得出装配式方钢管约束混凝土桥墩各特征值(弹性刚度、水平荷载峰值、峰值荷载位移与下降段刚度)的计算公式; 该计算公式与有限元分析结果吻合良好,有限元分析值与公式计算值之比的平均值为1.004~1.035,均方差为0.133~0.162; 选取实际工程对算法进行实例验证,计算结果与有限元数值吻合良好。

  • 基于楔入劈拉试验的橡胶混凝土软化本构模型

    分类: 力学 >> 固体力学 提交时间: 2024-06-17 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 为确定橡胶混凝土的软化本构模型,对2种缝高比和5种橡胶掺量的混凝土试件进行楔入劈拉试验研究和理论分析。依据试验结果,采用规范公式及能量守恒定律计算混凝土试件的断裂韧度和断裂能,并求解出PETERSSON、欧洲混凝土规范、XU和REINHARDT3种软化曲线的相关参数。根据3种软化本构关系得到黏聚韧度理论值,并与黏聚韧度试验计算值进行了对比分析。研究结果表明:掺入适量的橡胶集料可提高混凝土的断裂失稳韧度和断裂能; 3种典型的混凝土软化模型均不能很好地描述橡胶混凝土的黏聚韧度; 对XU和REINHARDT软化关系式进行修正后,得到了橡胶混凝土的软化本构模型,可用于研究橡胶混凝土材料的抗裂特性。

  • 水凝胶力学性能强化及典型应用研究进展

    分类: 力学 >> 力学其他学科 提交时间: 2024-06-17 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 水凝胶在生物医学、脑机接口、传感器、制动器等高科技领域具有广泛的应用前景。然而,水凝胶在面对不同应用环境时仍存在力学性能上的挑战,包括易发生拉伸断裂、塑性变形以及疲劳破坏等问题,这严重限制了其应用范围。为了增强水凝胶的力学性能以适应不同的工作条件,本研究对当前不同组分水凝胶所具备的力学性能以及多种力学强化水凝胶的典型应用进行了综述。首先,对水凝胶的成分构成进行了介绍,包括天然聚合物水凝胶和合成聚合物水凝胶等。进而,通过系统总结不同水凝胶的力学特性和强化方式,深入剖析了抗拉强度、黏接强度和疲劳阈值等力学性能的优化途径。最后,指明了具有优秀力学性能水凝胶相应的应用场景,并对未来的发展方向进行了展望。本综述提供了水凝胶力学性能提升的多元化视角和解决方案,为设计特定需求的新型水凝胶材料提供了科学指导。

  • 多维平行六面体模型非概率可靠性灵敏度分析

    分类: 力学 >> 固体力学 提交时间: 2024-06-17 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 可靠性灵敏度能够反映基本变量分布参数对可靠度的影响程度,为可靠性分析与优化设计提供指导。提出了一种基于多维平行六面体模型的非概率可靠性灵敏度分析方法。首先,给出基本变量域完全位于安全域时采用非概率可靠性指标,而基本变量域与安全域有交集时采用非概率失效度作为可靠性度量的原因。其次,推导结构线性系统的可靠性灵敏度解析式,并进一步探讨所提方法对结构非线性系统的适应性问题。最后,通过3个工程算例验证文中方法有效可行。

  • 热冲击下四边简支浅壳的动态突跳行为

    分类: 力学 >> 力学其他学科 提交时间: 2024-06-17 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 准确地分析和预测浅壳结构在热冲击下的动态稳定性和结构完整性,对于工程中普遍使用的壳结构的设计和优化具有重要意义。利用非线性浅壳理论,并使用Ritz法和Newmark直接积分法研究了内表面受热冲击作用的四边简支各向同性浅壳的动态突跳(snap-through)行为。分析结果表明:浅壳在足够强的热冲击下会发生动态突跳,而在突跳前后都会发生较剧烈的热振动; Budiansky-Hutchinson准则可用于判定发生动态突跳的临界热冲击条件。

  • 读屏时代高校图书馆文献流通率提升路径探析

    分类: 其他 >> 综合 提交时间: 2024-06-13 合作期刊: 《高校图书馆工作》

    摘要: 读屏时代传统纸质阅读受到巨大冲击,高校图书馆文献流通率趋于下降,提升文献流通率成为业内 关注的焦点,开展读屏时代高校图书馆文献流通率的研究具有一定的理论和实践价值。文章采用文献研究 法、社会调查法、比较研究法等,深入分析“ 读纸” “ 读屏” 的社会认知以及“ 读屏” 对高校馆藏文献流通的影 响,指出高校图书馆文献流通面临的困境。基于 “读屏”“读纸” 两种阅读方式及其影响,文章指出,“读屏时 代”改变的是阅读载体和读者获取信息的方式,读者对目标信息的需求仍旧不变,“读纸”“读屏”两者可以共 存共融发展。构建文献资源适宜性评价体系、增加文献资源有效供给和合理引导读者需求是“读屏时代” 高 校图书馆提升文献流通率的重要路径。

  • Effects of interstitial cluster mobility on dislocation loops evolution under irradiation of austenitic steel

    分类: 核科学技术 >> 辐射物理与技术 提交时间: 2024-06-14

    摘要: The evolution of dislocation loops in austenitic steels irradiated with Fe+ is investigated using cluster dynam ics (CD) simulations by developing a CD model. The CD predictions are compared with experimental results in the literature. The number density and average diameter of the dislocation loops obtained from the CD simula tions are in good agreement with the experimental data obtained from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations of Fe+-irradiated Solution Annealed 304, Cold Worked 316, and HR3 austenitic steels in the liter ature. The CD simulation results demonstrate that the diffusion of in-cascade interstitial clusters plays a major role in the dislocation loop density and dislocation loop growth; in particular, for the HR3 austenitic steel, the CDmodel has verified the effect of temperature on the density and size of the dislocation loops.

  • 基于静态凝聚法的蜂窝芯轴向变胞元非均匀排布优化

    分类: 力学 >> 固体力学 提交时间: 2024-06-17 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 为了有效改善蜂窝结构的强度与刚度,提出利用静态凝聚法实现变胞元的几何参数和非均匀排布同时优化的方法。根据卡氏定理,推导胞元的等效弹性模量和泊松比; 沿轴向均匀划分蜂窝芯为若干列子结构,利用有限元法得到子结构的刚度矩阵; 采用静态凝聚法建立超单元刚度矩阵,依据超单元节点编号装配获得蜂窝芯的整体刚度矩阵; 计算蜂窝芯在剪切载荷作用下的结构变形,并与ANSYS结果比较分析。以子结构的个数以及胞元的夹角、夹板宽与斜壁长之比为设计变量,胞元的等效弹性模量最大和蜂窝芯的变形最小为设计目标,利用改进的粒子群算法进行优化并研究蜂窝芯优化前后的静、动态特性变化规律。结果表明:变胞元非均匀排布优化后,最大的位移、应力、应变均明显减小,且激励频率等于第二阶固有频率时振动最为强烈。研究结论可为蜂窝结构变胞元排布的优化设计提供指导。

  • 含表面双裂纹的钻杆管体断裂性能研究

    分类: 力学 >> 固体力学 提交时间: 2024-06-17 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 钻杆刺漏是钻杆在服役过程中最常见的失效形式,而钻杆表面裂纹的扩展是钻杆发生刺漏的直接原因。为更有效地评估钻杆表面含有多条裂纹时的安全性能,以某超深直井G105钻杆井口段为研究对象,建立管体外表面双裂纹有限元模型,分析了拉扭载荷下裂纹间距、次裂纹尺寸以及走向对环向主裂纹前缘J积分的影响。结果表明:轴向排列的环向次裂纹是相对最安全的,可大幅消减钻杆主裂纹前缘的J积分; 环向排列的环向次裂纹相对最危险,可大幅增大钻杆主裂纹前缘的J积分; 轴向次裂纹可增大钻杆主裂纹前缘或部分前缘的J积分,但增幅相对环向排列的环向次裂纹来说要微弱得多。次裂纹对主裂纹前缘J积分的影响强度随两裂纹间距的增大或次裂纹尺寸的减小而减小。因此在对含表面双裂纹的钻杆进行分析时,在次裂纹尺寸较大且距离较近的情况下应考虑次裂纹的影响; 在次裂纹尺寸较小或距离较远时则可忽略次裂纹,将模型简化为单裂纹钻杆模型进行分析。

  • The outermost edges of the Milky Way halo from galaxy kinematics

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We measure for the first time the outermost edges of the Milky Way (MW) halo in terms of the depletion and turnaround radii. The inner depletion radius, $r_\mathrm{id}$, identified at the location of maximum infall velocity, separates a growing halo from the draining environment, while the turnaround radius, $r_\mathrm{ta}$, marks the outermost edge of infalling material towards the halo, both of which are located well outside the virial radius. Using the motions of nearby dwarf galaxies within $3\mathrm{Mpc}$, we obtain a marginal detection of the infall zone around the MW with a maximum velocity of $v_\mathrm{inf, max}=-46_{-39}^{+24}\mathrm{km s^{-1}}$. This enables us to measure $r_\mathrm{id}=559\pm 107 \mathrm{kpc}$ and $r_\mathrm{ta}=839\pm 121 \mathrm{kpc}$. The measured depletion radius is about 1.5 times the MW virial radius ($R_\mathrm{200m}$) measured from internal dynamics. Compared with halos in the cosmological simulation Illustris TNG100, the factor 1.5 is consistent with that of halos with similar masses and dynamical environments to the MW but slightly smaller than typical values of Local Group analogs, potentially indicating the unique evolution history of the MW. These measurements of halo edges directly quantify the ongoing evolution of the MW outer halo and provide constraints on the current dynamical state of the MW that are independent from internal dynamics.

  • Early Solar System instability triggered by dispersal of the gaseous disk

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Solar System's orbital structure is thought to have been sculpted by an episode of dynamical instability among the giant planets. However, the instability trigger and timing have not been clearly established. Hydrodynamical modeling has shown that while the Sun's gaseous protoplanetary disk was present the giant planets migrated into a compact orbital configuration in a chain of resonances. Here we use dynamical simulations to show that the giant planets' instability was likely triggered by the dispersal of the gaseous disk. As the disk evaporated from the inside-out, its inner edge swept successively across and dynamically perturbed each planet's orbit in turn. The associated orbital shift caused a dynamical compression of the exterior part of the system, ultimately triggering instability. The final orbits of our simulated systems match those of the Solar System for a viable range of astrophysical parameters. The giant planet instability therefore took place as the gaseous disk dissipated, constrained by astronomical observations to be a few to ten million years after the birth of the Solar System. Terrestrial planet formation would not complete until after such an early giant planet instability; the growing terrestrial planets may even have been sculpted by its perturbations, explaining the small mass of Mars relative to Earth.

  • An effective field theory of holographic dark energy

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: A general covariant local field theory of the holographic dark energy model is presented. It turns out the low energy effective theory of the holographic dark energy is the massive gravity theory whose graviton has 3 polarisations, including one scalar mode and two tensor modes. The Compton wavelength is the size of the future event horizon of the universe. The UV-IR correspondence in the holographic dark energy model stems from the scalar graviton's strong coupling at the energy scale that marks the breaking down of the effective field theory.

  • Strategies to reduce the thermoelastic loss of multimaterial coated finite substrates

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Thermoelastic loss is one of the main energy dissipation mechanisms in resonant systems. A careful analysis of the thermoelastic loss is critical to design low-noise resonators for high-precision applications, such as gravitational-wave detectors. This paper presents an analytical solution to the thermoelastic loss in multimaterial coated finite substrates with realistic assumptions on the model structure and the elastic fields. The mechanism responsible for thermoelastic loss is taken as a function of material properties, operating temperature and frequency, and other design parameters. We calculate the thermoelastic loss for specific applications over a wide range of frequencies (1 Hz to 10 GHz) and temperatures (1 K to 300 K), and for a variety of substrate and coating materials. The result is relevant for gravitational-wave detectors and for experiments sensitive to mechanical dissipation.

  • Machine Learning for Discovering Effective Interaction Kernels between Celestial Bodies from Ephemerides

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Building accurate and predictive models of the underlying mechanisms of celestial motion has inspired fundamental developments in theoretical physics. Candidate theories seek to explain observations and predict future positions of planets, stars, and other astronomical bodies as faithfully as possible. We use a data-driven learning approach, extending that developed in Lu et al. ($2019$) and extended in Zhong et al. ($2020$), to a derive stable and accurate model for the motion of celestial bodies in our Solar System. Our model is based on a collective dynamics framework, and is learned from the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab's development ephemerides. By modeling the major astronomical bodies in the Solar System as pairwise interacting agents, our learned model generate extremely accurate dynamics that preserve not only intrinsic geometric properties of the orbits, but also highly sensitive features of the dynamics, such as perihelion precession rates. Our learned model can provide a unified explanation to the observation data, especially in terms of reproducing the perihelion precession of Mars, Mercury, and the Moon. Moreover, Our model outperforms Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation in all cases and performs similarly to, and exceeds on the Moon, the Einstein-Infeld-Hoffman equations derived from Einstein's theory of general relativity.

  • Slow Neutron-Capture Process: Low-mass AGB stars and presolar silicon carbide grains

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Presolar grains are microscopic dust grains that formed in the stellar winds or explosions of ancient stars that died before the formation of the solar system. The majority (~90% in number) of presolar silicon carbide (SiC) grains, including types mainstream (MS), Y, and Z, came from low-mass C-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, which is supported by the ubiquitous presence of SiC dust observed in the circumstellar envelope of AGB stars and the signatures of slow neutron-capture process preserved in these grains. Here, we review the status of isotope studies of presolar AGB SiC grains with an emphasis on heavy-element isotopes and highlight the importance of presolar grain studies for nuclear astrophysics. We discuss the sensitives of different types of nuclei to varying AGB stellar parameters and how their abundances in presolar AGB SiC grains can be used to provide independent, detailed constraints on stellar parameters, including 13C formation, stellar temperature, and nuclear reaction rates.

  • Using the Climate App to learn about Planetary Habitability and Climate Change

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Simple climate models have been around for more than a century but have recently come back into fashion: they are useful for explaining global warming and the habitability of extrasolar planets. The Climate App (https://www.climateapp.ca) is an interactive web-based application that describes the radiative transfer governing planetary climate. The App is currently available in French and English and is suitable for teaching high-school through college students, or public outreach. The beginner version can be used to explore the greenhouse effect and planetary albedo, sufficient for explaining anthropogenic climate change, the Faint Young Sun Paradox, the habitability of TRAPPIST planets and other simple scenarios. There is also an advanced option with more atmospheric layers and incorporating the absorption and scattering of shortwave radiation for students and educators wishing a deeper dive into atmospheric radiative transfer. A number of pedagogical activities are being beta tested and rolled out.

  • Messenger Monte-Carlo MAPPINGS V (M^3) -- A self-consistent three-dimensional photoionization code

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Messenger Interface Monte-Carlo Mappings V (M^3) is a photoionization code adopting the fully self-consistent Monte-Carlo radiative transfer technique, which presents a major advance over previous photoionization models with simple geometries. M^3 is designed for modeling nebulae in arbitrary three-dimensional geometries. In this paper, we describe the Monte-Carlo radiative transfer technique and the microphysics implemented in M^3, including the photoionization, collisional ionization, the free-free and free-bound recombination, and two-photon radiation. We put M^3 through the Lexington/Meudon benchmarks to test the reliability of the new code. We apply M^3 to three HII region models with fiducial geometries, demonstrating that M^3 is capable of dealing with nebulae with complex geometries. M^3 is a promising tool for understanding emission-line behavior in the era of SDSS-V/LVM and JWST, which will provide high-quality data of spatially-resolved nearby HII regions and highly turbulent local and high-redshift HII regions.