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  • 知识可视化设计研究脉络分析

    分类: 图书馆学、情报学 >> 各种文献工作 分类: 图书馆学、情报学 >> 图书馆学 提交时间: 2024-04-18

    摘要: 目的 知识可视化设计研究综述反映了人们对知识新形式的探索路径。 文献范围 国外文献来自Web of Science的核心合集数据库论文1377篇。国内文献来自知网518篇论文数据。 方法 研究借助文献计量分析工具Vosview、Citespace 以及自主梳理方法,以“知识可视化设计”为关键词对1985-2022年间国内外文献进行检索和分析,解析了知识可视化设计研究的辩证发展路径。 结果 发现目前可视化定义研究的局限,研究对知识可视化设计的本体论和认识论上缺乏思考,以及过于依赖单一的研究视角缺乏辩证思维。 局限 由于国内外数据库不统一较难用同种方法进行统一分析。 结论 中国知识可视化设计者和研究者应用唯物辩证法把握知识可视化设计领域研究脉络和规律,了解其辩证发展过程,找到中国知识可视化领域的发展道路。

  • A Statistical Fields Theory underlying the Thermodynamics of Ricci Flow and Gravity

    分类: 物理学 >> 普通物理:统计和量子力学,量子信息等 提交时间: 2023-02-17

    摘要: The paper proposes a statistical fields theory of quantum reference frame underlying the Perelman's analogies between his formalism of the Ricci flow and the thermodynamics. The theory is based on a $d=4-\epsilon$ quantum non-linear sigma model (NLSM), interpreted as a quantum reference frame system which a to-be-studied quantum system is relative to.The statistic physics and thermodynamics of the quantum frame fields is studied by the density matrix of them obtained by the Gaussian approximation quantization. The induced Ricci flow of the frame fields and the Ricci-DeTurck flow of the frame fields associated with the density matrix is deduced. In this framework, the diffeomorphism anomaly of the theory has deep thermodynamic interpretation. The trace anomaly is related to a Shannon entropy in terms of the density matrix, which monotonically flows and achieves its maximal value at the flow limit,called the Gradient Shrinking Ricci Soliton (GSRS). A relative Shannon entropy w.r.t. the maximal entropy gives a statistical interpretation to Perelman's partition function, which is also monotonic and giving an analogous H-theorem to the statistical frame fields system. We find that a temporal static 3-space of the GSRS spacetime is in a thermal equilibrium state, and Perelman's analogies between his formalism and the thermodynamics of the frame fields in equilibrium can be explicitly given in the framework. As a possible underlying microscopic theory of the gravitational system, the theory is also applied to understand the thermodynamics of the Schwarzschild black hole. The cosmological constant in the effective theory of gravity at cosmic scale is also briefly given.