您选择的条件: 2020-03-05
  • 梓醇全丙酰化产物的微波合成及其神经保护作用初探

    分类: 化学 >> 应用化学 提交时间: 2020-03-05

    摘要: [目的] 微波辅助合成具有潜在神经保护作用的梓醇全丙酰化产物(CP-6)。 [方法] 以梓醇、丙酰酐为原料,吡啶为溶剂和缚酸剂,微波辅助合成梓醇全丙酰化衍生物。CP-6经FT-IR、HRMS、NMR表征,采用MTT法筛查其神经保护活性。 [结果] 当丙酸酐与梓醇摩尔比为18,微波反应器反应温度 80 ℃,反应时间6 h, 梓醇在吡啶中浓度 25 g/L时梓醇全丙酰化产物产率可达98.51%。CP-6具有潜在的神经保护活性。 [结论] CP-6可经微波合成制得,其具有神经保护作用,是一种潜在的神经保护作用药物。

  • Effective Treatment of Severe COVID-19 Patients with Tocilizumab

    分类: 医学、药学 >> 临床医学 提交时间: 2020-03-05

    摘要: Background: In December 2019, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was identified in Wuhan, China, which spread rapidly and has become a world-wide public health challenge. We aimed to assess the efficacy of tocilizumab in severe patients with Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) and seek a new therapeutic strategy. Methods: The patients diagnosed as severe or critical COVID-19 in The First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China (Anhui Provincial Hospital) and Anhui Fuyang Second People’s Hospital were given tocilizumab in addition to routine therapy between February 5 and February 14, 2020. The changes of clinical manifestations, CT scan image, and laboratory examinations were retrospectively analyzed. Findings: Within a few days, the fever returned to normal and all other symptoms improved remarkably. Fifteen of the 20 patients (75.0%) had lowered their oxygen intake and one patient need no oxygen therapy. CT scans manifested that the lung lesion opacity absorbed in 19 patients (90.5%). The percentage of lymphocytes in peripheral blood, which decreased in 85.0% patients (17/20) before treatment (mean, 15.52 ± 8.89%), returned to normal in 52.6% patients (10/19) on the fifth day after treatment. Abnormally elevated C-reactive protein decreased significantly in 84.2% patients (16/19). No obvious adverse reactions were observed. Nineteen patients (90.5%) have been discharged on average 13.5 days after the treatment with tocilizumab and the rest are recovering well. Interpretation: Tocilizumab is an effective treatment in severe patients of COVID-19, which provided a new therapeutic strategy for this fatal infectious disease.

  • Brain Functional Specialization is Enhanced among Tai Chi Chuan Practitioners

    分类: 心理学 >> 认知心理学 分类: 心理学 >> 心理学其他学科 提交时间: 2020-03-05

    摘要: Objective: To investigate the effect of long-term Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) practice on practitioners’ brain functional specialization compare with the TCC novices. Methods: 22 TCC practitioners (52.4 ± 6.8 years; 7 males; educated years:12.18 ± 3.03 years) and 18 healthy controls (54.8 ± 6.8 years; 8 males; education years:11.78 ± 2.90 years) matched by age, sex, and education were enrolled. Participants underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanning and cognitive test to measure the differences in functional specialization and cognitive function. Functional specialization was evaluated by voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity (VMHC) method. Results: Lower middle frontal gyrus (MFG) VMHC in TCC practitioners compared to controls. For TCC practitioners, the longer they practice, the lower their VMHC in precentral and precuneus. TCC practitioners showed better cognition performance. Limitations: Relatively small sample size. Conclusions: Changed VMHC indicated that TCC practice could enhance functional specialization in the middle frontal cortex of practitioners, which may be associated with higher-order cognitive ability.

  • 基层干部何以担当作为?测量、动机与前因机制

    分类: 心理学 >> 管理心理学 提交时间: 2020-03-05

    摘要: 基层政府职能转变和担当离不开广大基层干部的担当作为。但是, 什么是基层干部的担当作为, 如何测量?基层干部担当作为是出于怎样的动机?受到哪些因素的影响, 如何促进?这些问题尚未得到系统研究。因此, 基于行为公共管理学视角, 首先以实证的方式研究基层干部担当作为的内涵结构和具体的测量; 第二, 突破传统动机研究对利他的依赖和内外动机二分的束缚, 以自我决定理论为基础, 从自主动机(内在调节、整合调节、认同调节)和受控动机(内摄调节、外在调节)精细化研究担当作为动机; 第三, 关注从动机到行为的整合框架, 提出担当角色认同的中介变量, 关注个体因素和组织因素的交互以及中介过程中的调节作用, 解释担当作为动机将如何产生担当作为行为, 并有何种权变因素。通过实证研究, 最终回应基层干部担当作为的测量、管理和激励问题。