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Your conditions: 2021-2
  • 河西内陆河流域水生态安全评价研究

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Hydrology submitted time 2021-02-28 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: 水安全评价相关研究已有较多成果,但绝大多数采用 P-S-R(压力-状态-响应)及其扩展模 型,且评价指标体系的优化校准几乎从未提及。本文将 W-SENCE(与水有关的社会-经济-自然复 合生态系统)模型引入水生态安全评价领域,从水生态安全的自然属性和社会经济属性方面构建 水生态安全评价指标体系,结合模糊系统分析及改进生态位理论对指标体系分析、优化,以优化后 指标体系对河西内陆河流域 2014—2017 年的水生态安全状况模糊综合评价。结果表明:指标 B3(工业增加值)、B13(河川基流量)、B17(产水系数)、B20(引水量)的改进生态位宽度值相对最大, 对指标体系影响相对最小,建立优化指标体系时剔除。优化后指标体系中,指标 C11(多年平均降 水量)、C16(蓄水量)、C17(地表水源供应量)、C18(地下水资源供应量)、C24(生态环境用水量)、 C29(节水灌溉面积)权重最大,为流域水生态安全主要影响因子,表明加大水利基础设施投入,发 展节水灌溉农业,保护生态环境是提高内陆河流域水生态安全状况的最有效措施。2014—2017 年,黑河流域水生态安全状况持续好转,石羊河和疏勒河流域水生态安全状况均呈持续恶化趋势, 应作为重点治理区域,内陆河流域水生态安全状况“整体改善,局部恶化”趋势仍在持续。结果可 为河西内陆河流域水行政、生态环境管理、生态风险决策提供理论支持。

  • 克里雅河尾闾绿洲浅层地下水位埋深变化特征研究

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Hydrology submitted time 2021-02-28 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: 地下水位埋深的动态变化极大程度上控制着荒漠植被。达理雅博依位于克里雅河尾闾, 是塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地现存面积最大的一处由荒漠河岸林构成的天然绿洲,在这里对地下水位埋 深动态变化的监测有助于研究其对地表植被的影响,从而进一步揭示天然绿洲形成与维系的机 理。由于复杂的地理环境和闭塞的交通,尚未有学者在该绿洲获得连续的地下水位埋深监测数 据。于 2012 年 10 月在尾闾绿洲腹地设立了观测井,获取了 2012—2018 年间地下水位埋深数据,从地下水位埋深的日极值分布特征、日极差分布特征、年内和年际波动特征 4 个方面分析了该井近 6 a 来水位埋深的动态变化过程,并结合胡杨的生长习性探讨了尾闾绿洲地下水位埋深变化对生态 系统的可能影响。对该绿洲地下水位埋深数据观测结果的初步分析表明:(1)测井每日水位埋深 最小值多出现在 16:00、20:00 与 04:00;每日水位埋深最大值多出现在 16:00,分布于 4—10 月,尤 以 9 月为多。(2)地下水位埋深日极差波动范围为 0~0.5 m。大于 0.1 m 的日极差主要分布于 7—8 月,并以 2017 年最为显著。(3)地下水位埋深基本在 1.0~3.0 m 波动,月峰值主要出现在 2—3 月与 8—9 月。(4)地下水位埋深多年平均值为 2.0 m,水位埋深总体呈缓慢上升,约 0.08 m·a-1。(5)各年 水位埋深在 1.0~2.0 m 的总天数呈增加趋势,利于胡杨种子萌发与植株扎根;在 2.0~4.0 m 的总天数 呈减少趋势,青壮胡杨生长可能受限。

  • 陕北黄土高原红枣种植区水热资源变化及未来趋势预测

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2021-02-28 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: 为了揭示陕北黄土高原红枣种植区水热资源变化特征,给当地红枣产业适应气候变化提 供科学依据,利用陕北黄土高原红枣种植区 8 个气象站 1971—2019 年的气温、降水资料,及中等(RCP4.5)和高等(RCP8.5)排放气候情景下 2021—2050 年的气候变化预估数据,采用线性倾向估 计、M-K 检验、Morlet 小波分析方法对气温、降水变化特征进行分析。结果显示:近 49 a,红枣种植 区年和生长季平均气温呈显著上升趋势,分别在 1991 年和 1993 年发生突变,存在 44 a 的周期变 化。年和生长季降水量呈不显著增加趋势,存在 31 a 左右的周期变化,未发生突变。2021—2050 年,RCP4.5、RCP8.5 两种情景模式下,年和生长季平均气温呈上升趋势,RCP8.5 排放情景下升温更 显著,年平均气温在 2027 年发生了突变。两种排放情景下,年和生长季平均气温存在 31 a 左右的 周期变化。年和生长季降水量在 RCP4.5 排放情景下呈不显著减少趋势,在 RCP8.5 排放情景下呈 不显著增加趋势;降水量没有发生突变现象。RCP4.5 情景下,年和生长季降水存在 23~31 a 周期变 化;RCP8.5 情景下存在 7 a 的变化周期。陕北红枣种植区应积极适应气候变化,调整种植布局,选 择适宜的红枣品种,促进陕北红枣产业可持续健康发展。

  • 海冰和海温对西北地区中部 6 月降水异常的协同影响

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Atmospheric Sciences submitted time 2021-02-28 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: 利用 1961 年以来美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)月平均再分析风场、高度场、NOAA 重构 海表温度以及西北地区中部 54 个气象站 6 月逐日降水资料、1979 年以来北极 10 个区域的海冰面积,通过分析 2019 年 6 月西北地区中部降水异常的成因,揭示出对该区域 6 月降水具有显著影响的 关键海区海冰面积及时段、北大西洋三极子(NAT)关键影响时段,结合厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO) 事件,分析其协同作用及影响机制。结果表明:1990 年以来春季 3—4 月楚科奇海海冰面积异常容 易激发欧亚中高纬度 EU2(欧亚 2 型)遥相关型(即夏季 EU(欧亚)遥相关型),有利于西北地区中部 降水异常,1992 年以来春季 NAT 对 EU2 遥相关型有明显影响,但其影响小于楚科奇海海冰面积的 影响;当楚科奇海海冰面积偏少和 NAT 正位相(海冰面积偏多和 NAT 负位相)协同作用时,西北地 区中部降水偏多(偏少)的概率明显增大;ENSO 事件对西北地区中部 6 月降水无明显直接影响,但 厄尔尼诺事件次年使得副热带高压异常偏强、偏西。2019 年楚科奇海海冰面积异常偏少,春季 NAT 异常偏强,两者协同作用下使得 EU2 遥相关型正异常(“+ - + -”),尤其使得贝加尔湖附近的 阻塞高压异常偏强,鄂霍次克海和乌拉尔山附近低压异常深厚,厄尔尼诺事件使副热带高压异常 偏强、偏西,将西太平洋的水汽输送至北太平洋,与鄂霍次克海附近的深厚低压相接,充足的冷空 气和水汽导致西北地区中部出现异常降水。研究成果可为短期气候预测提供依据,同时,气-冰- 海之间的相互作用需要更进一步研究。

  • 基于相对湿润度指数的西北地区春季第一场透雨研究

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Atmospheric Sciences submitted time 2021-02-28 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: 目前西北四省区春季第一场透雨标准的确定主要来自业务人员长期的工作经验积累,针 对此,利用陕西、甘肃、青海、宁夏 249 个气象站 1960—2016 年的日资料,通过分析西北地区相对湿 润度指数,结合潜在蒸散特征,确定了春季第一场透雨阈值。与已有研究相比,本方法充分考虑了 研究区各地相对湿润度指数的气候特征与各地的能量及水热平衡,理论依据明确,选用的指标能 充分反映各气象要素对气候干湿状况的综合影响,因此确定的透雨阈值稳定,月差异小。随后按 照这一指标分析西北地区春季第一场透雨特征,结果表明:该地区春季第一场透雨自东南向西北 逐步推进,陕南南部出现最早,主要在 3 月,关中、陕南北部出现在 3、4 月的概率之和>80%;甘肃河 东大部、宁夏大部、青海东部出现在 4、5 月的概率之和>70%;青海西部是出现最晚的区域,基本上 出现在 6 月。从出现日期的年代际变化看,甘肃河东出现时间最稳定,宁夏、陕西出现日期变化最 大,青海西部与甘肃河西较一致,介于二者之间;同时,甘肃河西、陕西关中、陕南春季第一场透雨 出现时间变晚趋势明显,其余地区变化趋势不明显。研究结果可供在透雨监测、预测中使用,也可 供在制定西北地区春季第一场透雨标准时参考,以便于区域气候评估使用。

  • 气候变化背景下陕西冷暖冬事件的多尺度特征研究

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Atmospheric Sciences submitted time 2021-02-28 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: 基于陕西省 1960—2019 年 94 个气象站点冬季逐日气温资料,分陕北、关中和陕南 3 个气候 区,从时间和空间 2 种尺度分析了陕西冷、暖冬事件的变化特征。结果表明:近 60 a 陕西冬季增温 明显并在 1987 年前后发生突变,冬季平均 0 °C 等温线北抬 1~2 个纬度,增温幅度以陕北最强陕南 最弱。从时间尺度上,气候变化导致暖冬指数以 9.5%·(10a)-1 增加、冷冬指数以 9.6%·(10a)-1 减少, 20 次区域性暖冬事件在冬季气温突变后发生 16 次,而 19 次区域性冷冬有 16 次发生在突变之前。 从空间尺度看,陕北和陕南的冷、暖冬发生频次相对较高,但强暖冬区域主要集中在关中,强冷冬 区域分布在陕南和关中。后期应重点关注区域性暖冬事件引发的作物安全越冬、疾病传播以及病 虫害发生等不利影响。

  • 极点对称模态分解下陕西气候变化特征及影响因素

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Atmospheric Sciences submitted time 2021-02-28 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: 全球变暖背景下,受人类活动和气候系统波动共同影响,气候要素响应具有非线性、非平 稳特征,如何识别气候变化多时间尺度信息,是当前研究的热点话题。基于 1970—2017 年气温和 降水逐日数据,辅以滑动平均、趋势分析和极点对称模态分解(ESMD)等方法,对陕西 3 大地理单元 气候时空特征进行分析,进而探讨不同海区厄尔尼诺指数与气温、降水变化的响应关系。结果表 明:1970—2017 年,陕北气候变化经历“暖干-冷湿-暖湿”的变化过程;关中和陕南气候在 20 世纪 80—90 年代末呈现暖干化,随后增温停滞,降水增多,近期再次呈现暖干化;利用 ESMD 对陕西气 温和降水变化信号进行分解,发现区域气温响应变暖停滞,是受年代波动影响,周期为 9.2~11.5 a 左右;从趋势项分析,除陕北气温平稳波动之外,关中和陕南气温增速并未减缓;在影响因素上,不 同海区海温异常与陕西气温、降水变化相关性存在差异。其中,气温影响主要在中国东部海区,且 与 NINO A 区、黑潮区海温显著正相关;影响降水变化的关键海区在赤道太平洋,即赤道太平洋中 部海温异常偏高时,关中和陕南降水呈现下降,而赤道太平洋东部海温异常偏高,陕北降水减少更 为明显。

  • 利用树木年轮重建阿勒泰地区 1572—2014 年初夏平均温度

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2021-02-28 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: 利用阿勒泰地区 3 个高海拔西伯利亚落叶松(Larix sibirica)采样点的树轮样本,建立树轮宽 度区域标准化年表(DKH)。通过相关普查发现,DKH 年表与阿勒泰地区 7 个气象站当年 6 月平均 温度显著相关,相关系数为 0.705(P<0.00001),表明 6 月平均温度是影响树木年轮径向生长的主要 气候限制因子。用 DKH 年表可较好地重建该地区 1572—2014 年共 443 a 的初夏平均温度,解释方 差达 49.6%,经验证表明温度重建序列是可信的。温度变化特征分析表明:重建初夏温度经历了 10 个偏暖和 9 个偏冷阶段,其中 1605—1622 年和 1682—1723 年分别是最暖和最冷的阶段,1875— 1913 年和 1753—1804 年分别是持续时间最长的偏暖和偏冷阶段。存在 2.37~2.39 a、2.19 a 的显著 周期(P<0.05)和 73.50 a、14.00 a、7.30 a、2.29 a、2.21 a 的较显著周期(P<0.10)。在 1684 年、1719 年 前后均出现了由冷转暖的突变。空间相关分析表明文章重建的温度序列对阿勒泰地区温度具有 较好的空间代表性。本研究重建的初夏温度序列与阿勒泰西部 5—9 月平均温度和阿尔泰山南坡 温度序列相比较,具有较好的一致性。

  • 2002—2018 年叶尔羌河流域积雪时空变化研究

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Atmospheric Sciences submitted time 2021-02-28 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: 积雪是冰冻圈中较为活跃的因子,对气候环境变化敏感,其变化影响着全球气候和水文的 变化。积雪覆盖日数(SCD)、降雪开始时间(SCOD)和融雪开始时间(SCMD)是影响地表物质和能 量平衡的主要因素。使用 MODIS 无云积雪产品提取了叶尔羌河流域 2002 年 7 月—2018 年 6 月逐 日积雪覆盖率(SCP),基于像元计算了 SCD、SCOD 和 SCMD,系统地分析了其空间分布与变化特征, 并探讨了其变化的原因及积雪面积的异常变化与 ENSO 的联系。结果表明:(1)研究时段内,流域 的积雪覆盖面积呈微弱减少趋势,与气温呈显著负相关,与降水呈显著正相关;2002—2018 年,SCP 随海拔的升高呈明显的线性增加趋势(R2=0.92、P<0.01));各海拔高度带最大 SCP 出现的月份大致 随海拔的上升往后推迟,最小 SCP 出现月份无显著变化(集中在 8 月),海拔 4000 m 以下,春季的 SCP 小于冬季,海拔 4000 m 以上,春季的 SCP 大于冬季。(2)SCD、SCOD 和 SCMD 有明显的海拔梯 度,在流域内,从东北至西南,呈现出 SCD 增加,SCOD 提前,SCMD 推迟的特征;变化趋势上,流域 91.9%的区域 SCD 表现为减少,65.6%的区域 SCOD 有往后推迟的趋势,77.4%的区域 SCMD 表现出 提前的趋势。(3)2006、2008 年和 2017 年积雪覆盖面积异常偏大,而在 2010 年则异常偏小,其原因 可能是 ENSO 影响了积雪的变化。(4)以喀喇昆仑为主的高海拔地区,包括帕米尔高原东部的部分 地区,其 SCD、SCOD 和 SCMD 分别表现出增加、提前和推迟的趋势,这种变化与其春秋温度的持续 走低以及降水量的增加有关。

  • 2000—2018 年中亚五国水分利用效率对气候变化的响应

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Atmospheric Sciences submitted time 2021-02-28 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: 水分利用效率(Water use efficiency,WUE)是研究陆地碳水循环耦合的一种常用度量指 标。基于 MODIS 的总初级生产力(GPP)和蒸散发(ET)数据,通过 Slope 趋势分析和敏感性分析等 方法,研究了中亚 WUE 的时空变化规律及其对气候因子与干旱的动态响应。结果表明:(1) 2000—2018 年,中亚年均 WUE 随着生境湿润程度的增加而升高(生长期规律与此相反),其中湿地 WUE 最高(1.820±0.10 g C·mm-1·m-2),而灌丛 WUE 最低(1.330±0.18 g C·mm-1·m-2)。(2)中亚 WUE 呈略微下降趋势,每年下降速率为 0.016 g C·mm-1·m-2,年均 WUE 的显著下降区域大于上升区域。 WUE对年降水和年气温的敏感性均表现为正值区大于负值区且均存在阈值效应,降水敏感性阈值 介于 250~300 mm(低值点)和 500~550 mm(高值点),温度阈值介于 3~6 ℃(高值点)和 9~12 ℃(低值点),且εNDV(IWUE 对 NDVI 敏感性系数)与降水变化呈正相关关系,与气温变化呈负相关关系。(3)通过 WUE 与标准化降水指数(SPEI)的相关性比较,发现 WUE 受干旱程度影响由大到小依次为灌 丛、作物、森林、草原和湿地,且不同植被类型下 WUE 随着干旱程度的增加而升高。

  • Encoding Mechanism in Directed Forgetting

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Experimental Psychology submitted time 2021-02-28

    Abstract: Abstract: Does intentional/directed forgetting require cognitive effort? In some studies, directed forgetting is deemed to be a result of passive decay, i.e., an effective rehearsal of F items (i.e., the items to be forgotten) is suppressed by the selective rehearsal of R items (i.e., the items to be remembered), and this process does not require cognitive effort. Other studies, however, have shown that directed forgetting involves forgetting-cue induced active inhibition of memory processing (this apparently requires cognitive effort), which has been evidenced by the ERPs in the frontal lobe as shown in brain cognitive research. In addition, there is also a point that directed forgetting may involve both active inhibition and passive decay, but how the two processes interact and integrate is yet to be explored. To clarify the cognitive mechanism in the encoding stage of directed forgetting, future study needs to take non-cognitive factors into investigation, and to inspect different populations.

  • An analogy with ideal gas and vacuum

    Subjects: Physics >> The Physics of Elementary Particles and Fields submitted time 2021-02-26

    Abstract: In this paper, we make an analogy with ideal gas and vacuum. Under this analogy, the inertial mass of the particle comes from its drift mass, and the mass-energy and mass-velocity relations of special relativity are obtained under some hypotheses. Then, we use mass relation to reproduce time dilation, length contraction and Lorentz transformation which are the conclusions of special relativity.

  • Influence of an individual’s own gains and losses on the evaluation of friends’ gambling results: Evidence from ERPs

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2021-02-26

    Abstract: " Previous studies have indicated that the alternative evaluation responses to watching the gambling results of one’s friends can be affected by self-interest concerns. However, until now, no systematic discussion is available addressing whether one’s own different gains and losses will have different effects on the evaluation mode on a friends’ gambling results; moreover, it remains unclear how this effect mode is modulated by the mode of an individual’s self-construction. Research in this domain is conducive to identifying the dynamic changes of self-other sharing representations in the context of complex interpersonal interactions. Furthermore, this research provides empirical evidence toward understanding people’s mentality of social interaction in the context of different cultures. This study presents a step by step discussion of the above problems via classic monetary gambling tasks in three separate experiments using the FRN and P300 as electrophysiological response indexes. This pilot study mainly investigated the evaluation model for a friends’ gambling results without involving one’s own gains and losses. This aimed to verify previous research results and provided a baseline level for investigating the responses to the evaluation of a friends’ gambling results. A total of 17 subjects and their same-sex friends participated in this pilot study. When an individual only observed but did not participate in gambling in person, such observing of a friends’ gambling results can generate an electrophysiological response mode similar to own gains and losses. Many researchers suggested that such “mirror image” processing represented evidence for sharing presentations between an individual and his friends, i.e., the part that involves friends in people’s self-concept. Experiment 1 explored the neural electrophysiological responses that occur in the two parties when one observes the gains and losses of a friend after he himself has had the experience of losing and winning money in gambling. A total of 38 subjects and their same-sex friends were recruited to participate in a number of monetary gambling tasks. The results showed that the model for one’s evaluation of the gains and losses of a friend could indeed be influenced by his own gains and losses. When one benefitted from gambling, the FRN and P300 discrepancies resulting from seeing the gains and losses of a friends were no longer significant. However, when one suffered monetary losses from gambling, although the discrepancy in FRN regarding seeing friends’ gains and losses remained significant, friends’ gains no longer elicited a higher amplitude of P300 than their losses. Experiment 2 further addressed the previous situational self-reconstruction initiation pattern and investigated whether the neural response modes for the influence of one’s own gains and losses on the evaluation of friends’ gains and losses would differ under different modes of self-construction. The results indicated that in the interdependent self-construction initiation group, the electrophysiological response mode that results from watching friends’ gambling was consistent with the result obtained in Experiment 1. However, after initiation of the independent self-construction of the subjects, the evaluation mode of the gambling results of a friend differed from that of the interdependent self-construction initiation group. In terms of the FRN index, regardless of one’s own gains and losses, the differences in FRN for friends’ gains and losses were no longer significant. In terms of the P300 index, the P300 discrepancy resulting from watching the gains and losses of a friend after suffering own losses was not significant. However, after having gained benefits, a higher P300 amplitude was induced by watching friends losing money in gambling than when watching them gain money. In summary, this study shows that: (1) the evaluation model for one’s friends’ gains and losses differs depending on the own experienced gains and losses. Under favorable conditions, an individual is more inclined to show indifference to his friends’ gains and losses, which may be because the individual employs stronger egocentric tendency in such a case. (2) The independent self-construction initiation group shows more indifference and competition when observing the gains and losses of a friend than in case of the interdependent self-construction initiation group.

  • Effects of Trial History on Cross-modal Non-Spatial Inhibition of Return

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Experimental Psychology submitted time 2021-02-25

    Abstract: Background: Previous laboratory studies have shown that an individual’s response in the current trial can be influenced by a previous trial, and this has been described as an effect of trial history. Existing studies have shown that there is a trial history effect with visual spatial inhibition of return (IOR), and some studies have shown that changes in stimulus modalities also affect reaction times (RTs). The present study used the “prime-neutral cue-target” paradigm to examine the trial history effect in cross-modal, non-spatial IOR and attempted to decrease the trial history effect. Method: In two experiments, we mainly manipulated the cue-target modalities in the current trial (auditory-visual vs. visual-auditory modalities), cue validity in the current trial (cued vs. uncued) and cue validity in the previous trial (cued vs. uncued). Thirty participants were recruited in Experiment 1. The visual prime cue was a red or blue disk with a radius of 2° visual angle, and the auditory prime cue was a verbal sound in Chinese at 75 dB (\hong\ or \lan\). The visual neutral cue was a green disk with a radius of 2° visual angle, and the auditory neutral cue was a verbal sound in Chinese at 75 dB (\lv\); The visual target was a red or blue disk with a radius of 2° visual angle, and the auditory target was a verbal sound in Chinese at 75 dB (\hong\ and \lan\). During the experiment, each trial began with a 400 ms fixation cross in the centre of the monitor, and a 300 ms visual or auditory prime cue was followed by a 200 ms fixation cross. After the 300 ms visual or auditory neutral cue, another fixation cross was presented for 300 ms, and then a 300 ms auditory or visual target was presented. The participants were asked to discriminate the identity of the target(i.e., either a colour disk or vocalization of \hong\or \lan\) within 1500 ms. Following a 1500 ms intertrial interval (ITI) with a blank screen, the next trial was initiated. Twenty-nine participants were recruited in Experiment 2, the ITI was 4500 ms, and the other parameters were identical to those in Experiment 1. Results: Regarding the RTs results, Experiment 1 showed that the RTs for cued targets in the current trial were larger than RTs for uncued targets, which was a colour-based non-spatial IOR. The IOR effect size in the current trial showed an interaction between the cue validity in the previous trial and the cue-target modality in the current trial. The IOR effect size on the current trial after a valid cue trial was larger than the IOR effect size with an invalid cue in the previous trial when the current trial was a visual cue and auditory target; however, there was no difference in the IOR effect size when the cue was auditory, and the target was visual in the current trial. Furthermore, the analysis of the target modality across trials revealed that the valid cue, but not the invalid cue, in the previous trial, could induce a larger IOR effect size in the current trial with visual cues. A longer ITI (4500 ms) was used in Experiment 2 compared to Experiment 1, and the results showed that there was a difference in the IOR effect size in the current trial between the visual cues and auditory cues in the current trial. The IOR effect size in the current trial was not influenced by the validity of the previous trial or whether the current trial had auditory cues or visual cues. Conclusion: These results suggested an interaction between trials on cross-modal non-spatial IOR, but the effect was related to the cue-target modality. There was not only the cue validity effect across trials but also the target modality switch effect between trials. Increasing the time interval between trials can reduce the effect of the previous trial on the IOR effect size in the current trial."

  • An electrophysiological investigation of the temporal asynchrony effect on character-speech sound integration in Chinese typically developing children and children with dyslexia

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2021-02-25

    Abstract: " The neural mechanism of orthographic-phonological integration was influenced by the temporal relationship of cross-modal stimuli. However, previous studies mainly investigated the neural mechanism of letter-speech sound integration in precise temporal synchrony or small temporal asynchrony conditions. In this study, character-speech sound integration was investigated in a relatively wide temporal window. Chinese characters were presented synchronously to the onset of speech sounds or before speech sound by 300 or 600 ms (referred as AV0, AV300 and AV600). ERP responses evoked by congruent condition (speech sounds were paired with congruent visual characters) and baseline condition (speech sounds were paired with Korean characters) were compared. Different electrophysiological markers were found in the temporal synchrony and temporal asynchrony conditions. In the AV0 condition, developing dyslexia (DD) and typically developing (TD) children showed similar congruency effect on P1, N170 and N300 components, demonstrating the influence of speech sound on visual character processing. In the AV300 condition, DD group showed left-lateralized congruency effect on N200, whereas TD children showed bilateral congruency effect on N200. Both groups showed bilateral congruency effect on N200 in the AV600 condition. We speculate that the insufficient character-speech sound integration exhibited by dyslexic children in the AV300 condition was probably caused by their slow visual processing speed. The results provide unique insight into the neural mechanism of print-speech integration in a wide temporal window and point out the necessity to investigate neural mechanism of print-speech integration in a relatively wide temporal window.

  • Development of X-ray spectrometer automatic adjustment system based on global optimization algorithm

    Subjects: Physics >> Nuclear Physics submitted time 2021-02-25

    Abstract: In high energy resolution X-ray spectroscopy beamlines of synchrotron radiation (SR) facilities and laboratory XAS/XES spectrometer, it is important to keep X-ray spectrometer operating in optimal conditions. The adjusting process is normally very time consuming due to the irregular light source beam point, and it is difficult to get global optimum. This study aims to develop an intelligent adjusting system based on global optimization algorithm for spectrometers on SR beamlines and on laboratory x-ray source. First of all, based on the two dimensional experimental data, automatic adjustment process was established. Then the automatic optimization was applied to adjust X-ray spectrometer practically, and upgraded iteratively. The online testing is carried out on a self-developed laboratory XAS spectrometer. Online tests results show that this automatic adjustment process converges to the optimal solution quickly, and the convergence time is about several dozens to hundreds steps, more efficient than manual optimization process. After automatic adjustment, we can get correct X-ray absorption spectrum based on the adjusted spectrometer.

  • Effects associated with long-term training in sports requiring high levels of strategy on brain white matter structure in expert players: a DTI study

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2021-02-25

    Abstract: Previous brain imaging studies have shown that the specialized experience achieved by expert sports players after years of training contributes to plasticity in both brain function and structure. However, changes in brain plasticity related to participating in various types of sports, specifically sports that involve higher-level strategies and cognitive function, remain unclear. Table tennis is a sport requiring high levels of strategy. Thus, the present study investigated the white matter structure of the brain in expert table tennis players who had undergone long-term training. Given the accumulating evidence that action processing in the brain occurs along two distinct pathways—dorsal and ventral—we hypothesized that, in addition to changes in the white matter of the dorsal sensorimotor system, the white matter in the ventral pathway linking brain regions related to higher-level cognitive function would differ between expert table tennis players and nonplayers. An investigational group of 31 expert table tennis players (20.06 ± 1.69 years of age) and a control group of 28 college students (20.68 ± 1.66 years of age) who had no professional training in table tennis were recruited for the study. The table tennis players were members of university teams, and each player had more than 7 years of table tennis training. Diffusion tensor imaging techniques were used to compare white matter microstructure properties of the brain between expert players and nonplayers. Statistical analyses were performed using independent t-tests. Further analysis was conducted for the expert player group to assess whether any correlation existed between fractional anisotropy (FA) values and training time. Consistent with our hypothesis, the white matter microstructure properties of both the dorsal and ventral pathways in expert table tennis players significantly differed from those in nonplayers. Specifically, FA values in the bilateral corticospinal tracts, which mainly connect brain regions in the dorsal sensorimotor system, were higher in experts than in nonplayers. Compared with nonplayers, expert players also had higher FA values in the left inferior longitudinal fasciculus and bilateral inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus of the ventral pathway, which are involved in higher-level cognitive processing, such as semantic processing or thinking. By contrast, no white matter region showed a higher FA value in nonplayers than in expert players, and no region was found with axial diffusivity difference between the groups. Additionally, radial diffusivity was lower in the left superior longitudinal fasciculus and bilateral inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus in experts than in nonplayers. Correlation analysis of the expert group showed significant positive correlations between training time and FA values in both the left superior longitudinal fasciculus in the ventral pathway and bilateral corticospinal tracts in the dorsal pathway. Taken together, these findings suggest that enhanced structural integrity of the white matter in both the dorsal and ventral pathways is associated with long-term, expert table tennis training. The observed structural plasticity is conducive to promoting cognitive processing of concrete sensorimotor and abstract information, which would enable expert players to excel at sports requiring a high level of strategy. "

  • The Equal Districting Problem: Model, Algorithm and Applications

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography Subjects: Mathematics >> Control and Optimization. submitted time 2021-02-24

    Abstract: Districting problems have been widely applied in geography, economics, environmental science, politics, business, public service and many other areas. The equal districting problem (EDP) arises in applications such as political redistricting, police patrol area delineation, sales territory design and some service area design. The important criteria for these problems are district equality, contiguity and compactness. A mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model and a hybrid algorithm are proposed for the EDP. The hybrid algorithm is designed by extending iterative local search (ILS) algorithm with three schemes: population-based ILS, variable neighborhood descent (VND) local search, and set partitioning. The performance of the algorithm was tested on five areas. Experimentation showed that the instances could be solved effectively and efficiently. The potential applications of the EDP in emergency services are also discussed.

  • Negative discounting in intertemporal choice

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology submitted time 2021-02-22

    Abstract: "

  • Ecosystem quality comprehensive evaluation and stability analysis of Yellow River Basin in 1980—2019

    Subjects: Hydraulic Engineering >> Basic Disciplines of Hydraulic Engineering submitted time 2021-02-22

    Abstract: Quality and stability are the basic characteristics of the ecosystem, which comprehensively reflect the structure, process, and functional integrity of the ecosystem and the ability to resist interference, self-regulation, and dynamic balance. The Yellow River Basin is a complex giant system composed of many elements. The management and protection of the river basin ecosystem has received more and more attention. It is necessary to start from the integrity of the ecosystem, make overall considerations, and implement comprehensive policies to improve the quality and stability of the ecosystem, and promote a virtuous cycle of the ecosystem, so the quantitative description of system quality and stability is very important. This paper uses the entropy weight model to establish a multi-index long-term series of Ecosystem Quality Index (EQI) to quantitatively describe the changes in ecological quality in the Yellow River Basin in the past 40 years; at the same time, use the dissipative structure theory and the Brussels model to establish the steady-state transformation of the ecosystem Quantitative indicators and methods provide ideas for the study of steady-state transformation of the Yellow River Basin ecosystem. The study found that: (1) The average EQI value of the Yellow River Basin ecosystem over the past 40 years is 0.64, the maximum value is 0.70, and the minimum value is 0.59. The overall quality is showing an oscillating trend for improvement; (2) The steady-state conversion power value of the system is less than 0, indicating that the steady-state conversion power of the ecological-human-society coupling system in the Yellow River Basin is low, but the overall trend is oscillating upward, and the overall trend is getting closer and closer to the critical conditions for achieving steady-state conversion.