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  • Analysis of the Proportion and Trend of Outpatient Visits for Pediatric Allergic Diseases in Beijing from 2014 to 2021

    Subjects: Medicine, Pharmacy >> Preventive Medicine and Hygienics submitted time 2024-04-01 Cooperative journals: 《中国全科医学》

    Abstract: Background  The prevalence of allergic diseases is rapidly increasing among the global population,affecting 10%-40% of people worldwide. Allergic diseases often begin in childhood. So far, data for analyzing the trends in the incidence of pediatric allergic diseases in China over the past decade are scant. This study aims to provide an epidemiological support for the prevention and management of pediatric allergic diseases in China by mining electronic medical record data from a single-center institution. Objective  To analyze the annual proportion and trend of outpatient visits for allergic diseases among children aged 0-18 years in the Beijing Children's Hospital,Capital Medical University from 2014 to 2021. Methods  A retrospective analysis of outpatient electronic medical records from the hospital information system of Beijing Children's Hospital,Capital Medical University from 2014 to 2021 was conducted to examine the annual proportional composition and changes in the trend changes of allergic diseases. The gender- and age-based proportions of different allergic diseases including eczema,urticaria,allergic rhinitis,bronchial asthma,allergic cough,allergic conjunctivitis,food allergies,drug allergies,pollen allergy,and anaphylaxis were calculated. The trend of changes in the proportion of allergic diseases with stable annual composition ranking in the top 10 was further analyzed. Results  From 2014 to 2021,there were a total of 1 231 890 outpatient visits for pediatric allergic diseases in our center. After excluding missing data,a total of 1 231 863 eligible cases were included,involving 727 082(59.0%)boys and 504 781(41.0%)girls. The majority of children visited for allergic diseases were under the age of 3 years(46.9%). There were significant differences in the gender and age among children visited for allergic diseases(P<0.05).Non-IgE mediated allergic diseases,such as henoch-schoenlein purpura,bronchitis,and respiratory tract infections were excluded,and the remaining 1 208 265 cases included in the disease spectrum analysis. From 2014 to 2017,the top 5 allergic diseases visited in the outpatient department were eczema,urticaria,allergic rhinitis,bronchial asthma,and allergic cough. From 2018 to 2021, allergic rhinitis,eczema,urticaria,allergic conjunctivitis,and bronchial asthma ranked the top 5. The trend analysis for an annual proportion of pediatric allergic diseases showed that the ratios of allergic rhinitis,allergic conjunctivitis,and food allergies among all allergic diseases from 2014 to 2021 showed an increasing trend,with peak ratios of 45.4%,11.1% and 2.8%,respectively. The ratios of urticaria,eczema,and bronchial asthma showed a decreasing trend,with peak ratios of 46.5%,24.9% and 11.3%,respectively. Conclusion  From 2016 to 2021,the proportion of outpatient visits for pediatric allergic diseases in Beijing Children's Hospital,Capital Medical University showed an upward trend. Between 2014 and 2021,the annual proportions of allergic rhinitis,allergic conjunctivitis,and food allergies exhibited an increasing trend,while the annual proportions of eczema,urticaria,and bronchial asthma demonstrated a decreasing trend.

  • 微时代手机客户端时政新闻的互动性传播

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> New Media submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《中国传媒科技》


  • Issues and Solutions on Grassland Restoration and Conservation in China

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The area of grassland in China is about 392.8 million hm2, covering 40.9% of land surface of China. Grasslands not only serve as important green barriers for national ecological security but also as basic means of production for local farmers and herders. However, the grasslands in China have been unevenly deteriorating since 1980s in large areas. To date, the overall condition of grasslands in China remains worsening, with some area getting better. Such a situation severely constrains the developments of ecological civilization and social economy in China. Here, we analyze the current state and issues in grassland restoration and conservation and suggest some countermeasures, aiming to restore, conserve, and sustainably use the grasslands in China.

  • Development and Test of Mental Cognition Scale for College Students in COVID-19

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology submitted time 2022-10-18

    Abstract: The campus life of college students has undergone a tremendous change since the outbreak of COVID-19. Due to the constant adjustment of the policy, the closure of schools and dormitories, students’ communication and leisure activities are restricted, so their mood fluctuates, which cannot be fully reflected by traditional scales. College students live a group life, their mentality has social and group attributes, whose formation and change involve many factors and is not simply the accumulation and mechanical superposition of individual mindsets. The Population Mental Health Measurement (DASS) tends to be the measurement when negative emotions are severe, so it cannot fully express the “positive” attitude when the epidemic is getting better.SCL-90 (90 Symptom Checklist) and SDS (Depression Status Scale) usually tend to measure individuals rather than studies on risk perception and psychological behavior. After research, the mental awareness scale during the COVID-19 was prepared and tested. Our research has positive implications for the public’s mental perception under COVID-19. Only by understanding the changes in the mindset of the public can we carry out targeted psychological counseling and win the people’s war against the epidemic.

  • 美国放牧地管理政策的历史演变

    Subjects: Biology >> Ecology submitted time 2017-04-28

    Abstract:摘要 美国经历了草地退化、治理和管理政策调整三个时期。我国在经过放牧地退化和治理阶段之后,目前也正在面临“禁牧”政策适时调整问题。为此,本研究以文献综述方法,回归了美国放牧地政策的历史演变过程,总结其中值得我国制定相关政策的借鉴之处。美国放牧地管理政策演变如下:1, 1862年《宅地法》颁布后,中西部州公共放牧地的私有化面积也限制为160英亩,因此保留了大量公共放牧地。随着中西部畜牧业的高速发展,美国放牧地退化和荒漠化达到非常严重的地步。 2,在罗斯福新政背景下,国会于 1934年颁布《泰勒放牧法》,对联邦放牧法案进行分类管理,要求在公共土地上放牧的牧民申请放牧许可证,并交纳放牧费用,并设立了行政机构对联邦公共土地进行管理。 3,国会在 1944-1962年间组建了土地管理局,上调放牧费。土地管理局开展季节性的休牧和禁牧,合理和规划放牧地,普及可持续的经营方式,并进行补播和围封等具体工程技术,初步遏制了草地退化的势头。 4,在 1960-1980年间,国会通过了《土地分类和多重利用法案》、《联邦土地政策和管理法案》、《公共放牧地改良法案》等一系列放牧地管理法案,确立了放牧地多功能管理原则,稳定了联邦对公共土地的所有权,将公共土地上的放牧权定义为许可证而非产权,具体规定了土地管理局的职责,建立了多部门协调机制,建立了美国放牧地管理政策体系。 5,在 1980年前后,美国中西部牧民发起“山艾树叛乱”,以反对美国放牧地管理政策。随着秉持新自由主义和新保守主义的里根总统上台,美国放牧地管理2 政策开始回调。草地的放牧用途在草地管理中的地位回升。环保组织此时转向法庭诉讼来推动美国公共土地保护。 6,近期,美国政府通过信贷、保险、补贴等经济手段调节私有草地的生态环境,但是效果不甚理想。美国环保利益集团基于市场化生态补偿的“购买—禁牧”模式,没有取得法律地位。 7,美国放牧地管理政策的创立、发展和回调,与美国政治经济潮流密切相关。 最后,本文总结了美国放牧地管理政策中一些值得我国借鉴的方面。