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  • Honor culture and face culture: A comparison through the lens of the dignity, honor, and face cultural framework and indigenous social theory

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract:荣誉文化与面子文化虽都较重视个体行为应尽量符合社会期望及相应的社会文化规范, 但它们有诸多差异。尊严-荣誉-面子三分框架下荣誉文化的自我价值来源包括同等重要的自我认知与他人评价, 而面子文化以他人评价为主; 荣誉文化社会等级结构不稳定, 讲究竞争、暴力与美德并重, 面子文化社会等级较稳定, 讲究谦虚、和谐与合作。本土概念下荣誉中自我形象与社会形象相对一致, 包括道德、性别与家庭荣誉等维度, 会以暴力手段捍卫荣誉; 面子中自我形象与社会形象通常不一致, 主要包括道德与社会成就, 表现为挣面子与避免丢面子两个维度, 注重彰显地位与维护权威。在此基础上, 从都较重视社会规范的理一视角出发, 将两个文化的分殊之处归为社会文化规范的道德化与工具化, 并基于此提出两点展望: 改善测量工具; 探究不同文化变迁内容对社会规范道德化和工具化的影响。

  • 双元领导对双元绩效的影响: 基于人力资本理论

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Based on the "both/and" cognitive thinking, ambidextrous leadership reconciles the conflicting leadership behaviors and provides novel insights into solving the paradox of innovation-efficiency in organizational development. However, extant research has most focused on the effect of ambidextrous leadership on ambidextrous performance (i.e., balance between innovation and efficiency) as well as its underlying mechanism. To address this issue, we propose the concept of ambidextrous performance and examine the effect of ambidextrous leadership on the ambidextrous performance from a multi-level perspective. We draw on the theory of human capital and build amoderated mediation model with flexibility-oriented HRM practices and accumulation of human resource flexibility as serial mediators. In doing so, the implications of ambidextrous leadership are extended, i.e., the relationship between ambidextrous leadership and ambidextrous performance is integrated with HRM practices to reveal a new mechanism through which ambidextrous leadership leads to desirable outcomes. Implications for how organizations can achieve ambidextrous performance are also provided.

  • 在什么情况下员工会汇报差错?基于秘密分享视角

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Errors are not rare in organizations. However, prior studies have mostly focused on error management to highlight the important role of organizations to deal with errors, while overlooking the importance of error detection. Since error detection works as the initial and key step for error management, it is important to investigate how errors are detected in organizations. It has been well acknowledged that external error monitoring and individuals’ proactive error reporting work as two main ways for error detection. External error monitoring is shown by colleagues and system error detection. Colleagues can detect errors by supervising others’ tasks, while systems can monitor errors when data fail to reach or exceed the thresholds. However, colleagues may fail to detect errors when they lack the knowledge about others’ work goals and work schedules, and system monitoring is not designed to monitor every work flow, which leads to some equally important errors go undetected. Hence, individuals’ proactive error reporting behavior become rather important. Focusing on employees’ proactive error reporting behavior, this study tries to show the factors that contributing to employees’ error reporting behavior in organizations. Errors are defined as individuals’ unintentional deviance behavior, which is potentially avoidable. After error commission, individuals tend to hide rather than report errors. Following the above, we treat errors as individuals’ workplace secrets and apply secret revealing framework to build our model. In secret revealing framework, the visibility and severity of secrets would lead to individuals’ emotional (i.e., anxiety) and cognitive stress (i.e., rumination), which then lead them to take secret revealing behavior. In this line, we propose that error characteristics as shown by error visibility and error severity to have positive relationships with employees’ anxiety and rumination. In particular, error visibility describes how easily the errors can be noticed by colleagues, while error severity shows the extent to which the errors can have impact on organizational performance. High error visibility or high error severity can lead to employees’ high anxiety and rumination, which then led to employees’ error reporting behavior. Hence, anxiety and rumination mediate the positive relationships between error characteristics and error reporting behavior. Moreover, we further propose that felt obligation to report, which refers to the evaluations about whether the self should report errors after error commission, can also impact employees’ reactions towards their errors. Specifically, when errors have high visibility or severity, employees will generate high obligation to report to ultimately enhance error reporting behavior. Furthermore, whether will employees take error reporting behavior is also influenced by the context. In secret revealing framework, individual characteristics, the relationship with the partner, and environment can exert important influence on the relationships between secret characteristics and individuals’ secret revealing behavior. In consideration of the error management literature, we come to propose that employees’ personal characteristic - conscientiousness, leadership behavior - leader tolerance, and team climate - team psychological safety moderate the relationships between error characteristics and employees’ anxiety, rumination, and felt obligation to report as well as the indirect relationships between error characteristics and error reporting behavior. In short, applying the secret revealing framework, this study builds an overall framework to show how error characteristics may impact employees’ rumination, anxiety, and felt obligation to report to influence their error reporting behavior; moreover, it shows how individual differences, leadership behavior, and team climate may impact the above relationships to exert influence on employees’ error reporting in organizations.

  • 员工授权期望的效应及其理论机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Most of previous research on empowering leader behavior has adopted a leader-centric approach to examine its effectiveness. With the arising of followership theory, more research has emphasized the importance of examining leadership effectiveness from the follower-centric approach. Expectation plays an import role in management. Employee empowerment expectation refers to a set of norms that employees perceived about the responsibilities and obligations the leader should shoulder in terms of empowering. Most of the existing empirical research concentrate on the effect of employee and leader empowerment fit and emphasize that employee’s leadership role expectation has a direct impact on individual behavior from the perspective of congruence. However, previous review of empowerment mainly focused on leader empowering behavior and pay little attention to employee empowerment expectation. From the perspective of the theoretical explanation of the role of employee empowerment expectation in the process of empowerment, the theories used are relatively scattered, based on which, there is a lack of systematic review of the findings and shortcomings. The concepts, measurements and related theories involved in the effect of employee empowerment expectation were systematically reviewed. To date, the measurement of employee empowerment expectation is realized by changing the subject of measurement items, referring to Ahearne’s (2005) leadership empowerment behavior scale. Previous empirical studies have mainly explored the effect of employee empowerment expectation from the perspective of employee and leader congruence, while there is no empirical study has focused on the separate influence or formation mechanism of it. There are two type research on the congruence of employee and leader empowerment expectation: (1) The congruence of expectation and experience, which is the congruence of employee’s empowerment expectation and leader’s empowering behavior. And the measurement of leader empowering behavior is divided into employee-rated and leader self-rated. (2) evaluators congruence, such as employee self-rated and leader-rated employee empowerment expectation. In addition, from the role set theory, leader categorization theory and met expectation theory, this paper summarized the effect and research conclusions of employee empowerment expectation. Further research can expand current research based on the congruence perspective with the help of more accurate measurement of employee empowerment expectation, or break through the existing research paradigm and recognize employee empowerment expectation as a more important separate variable based on the following theory or implicit leadership theory, as well as systematically explore its antecedents and outcomes: (1) Based on the implicit leadership theory, future research can enrich the measurement of employee empowerment expectation. (2) Drawing on the person-environment fit theory (especially the employee-leader fit), future research can explain the empowerment congruence of employee and leader, such as exploring the path of “employee and leader empowerment expectation congruence → leader relational identity→ employee proactive behavior” based on the relational identity theory. (3) Future research can discuss the main effect of employee empowerment expectation, exploring the path of “employee empowerment expectation → employee following behavior (e.g., proactive behavior) → leader empowering behavior” based on the following theory. (4) In view of the fact that employee empowerment expectation can be used as a moderator and a separate variable to influence employee’s attitude, behavior and leadership effectiveness, future research can analyze the antecedents of employee empowerment expectation. (5) Future research can discuss the antecedents and outcomes of employee empowerment expectation from the perspective of segmentation dimension.

  • “一个序曲”与“两个阶段”:智慧心理学近50年研究历程的写照

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: The psychological study of wisdom is becoming more and more widespread. To better carry forward the past and usher in the future, the research history of wisdom psychology in the past 50 years is comprehensively reviewed, critically drawing on the work of Sternberg and Glück. The symphony of the development of wisdom psychology consists of “one prelude” and “two movements”. Specifically, “one prelude” refers to Vivian Clayton’s wisdom research, which started no later than 1976 and ended abruptly in 1982, when Clayton left academia. Clayton elevated the concept of wisdom to scientific status for the first time, paving the way for empirical research on wisdom psychology. The brief period of Clayton’s academic career devoted to the study of wisdom psychology ignited the enthusiasm of scholars for research on wisdom psychology. The “two movements” are “one flower blooming with two buds” and “all flowers bloom together”. The first stage of wisdom psychology, begun in the early 1980s, was characterized by the leading position of the Berlin wisdom model, which shed light on an expert knowledge system dealing with the fundamental pragmatics of life, as well as neo-Piagetian theory and the balance theory of wisdom by Robert J. Sternberg. At that time, the uniqueness and importance of wisdom were uncovered, and these three theories together formed a solid theoretical foundation for the future development of wisdom psychology. The second stage of wisdom psychology began with Monika Ardelt’s critical review of the Berlin group’s definition, operationalization, and particular measurement of wisdom in 2004 and has continued to this day. It is characterized by vigorous development in the field of wisdom psychology and fruitful results, mainly demonstrated by two aspects. First, wisdom was treated as more important than knowledge. Accordingly, a variety of theories and measurements of wisdom were presented, promoting the development of wisdom research, such as the explicit three-dimensional wisdom model (3D-WM), the H.E.R.O.(E.) model of wisdom, wisdom as self-transcendence, and the two-dimensional theory of wisdom that integrates virtue and wit. Second, a wide array of research hotspots of wisdom emerged, which further deepened and broadened the field of wisdom psychology. To elaborate, research of wisdom psychology nowadays focuses on the controversies and resolutions of wisdom connotations, wise reasoning, the relationship between wisdom and self, wisdom education, and so forth. In reviewing the research history of wisdom psychology over the past half-century, two conclusions can be drawn. First, the study of wisdom psychology has evolved from spontaneity to consciousness, from dispersion to organization, and from sporadic discussion to systematic research. Second, the research object of wisdom has gone through an alternate spiral change process that from characteristics of the wise person to characteristics of wisdom per se, and back to characteristics of the wise person, until finally, integration of the two. Furthermore, future research on wisdom psychology should be promoted in two areas. One aspect is to develop a maturely experimental paradigm for studying wisdom directly and revealing its brain mechanism. The other is to pay more attention to the study of applying wisdom to real-life situations.

  • “一个序曲”与“两个阶段”:智慧心理学近50年研究历程的写照

    submitted time 2023-03-25 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: The psychological study of wisdom is becoming more and more widespread. To better carry forward the past and usher in the future, the research history of wisdom psychology in the past 50 years is comprehensively reviewed, critically drawing on the work of Sternberg and Glück. The symphony of the development of wisdom psychology consists of “one prelude” and “two movements”. Specifically, “one prelude” refers to Vivian Clayton’s wisdom research, which started no later than 1976 and ended abruptly in 1982, when Clayton left academia. Clayton elevated the concept of wisdom to scientific status for the first time, paving the way for empirical research on wisdom psychology. The brief period of Clayton’s academic career devoted to the study of wisdom psychology ignited the enthusiasm of scholars for research on wisdom psychology. The “two movements” are “one flower blooming with two buds” and “all flowers bloom together”. The first stage of wisdom psychology, begun in the early 1980s, was characterized by the leading position of the Berlin wisdom model, which shed light on an expert knowledge system dealing with the fundamental pragmatics of life, as well as neo-Piagetian theory and the balance theory of wisdom by Robert J. Sternberg. At that time, the uniqueness and importance of wisdom were uncovered, and these three theories together formed a solid theoretical foundation for the future development of wisdom psychology. The second stage of wisdom psychology began with Monika Ardelt’s critical review of the Berlin group’s definition, operationalization, and particular measurement of wisdom in 2004 and has continued to this day. It is characterized by vigorous development in the field of wisdom psychology and fruitful results, mainly demonstrated by two aspects. First, wisdom was treated as more important than knowledge. Accordingly, a variety of theories and measurements of wisdom were presented, promoting the development of wisdom research, such as the explicit three-dimensional wisdom model (3D-WM), the H.E.R.O.(E.) model of wisdom, wisdom as self-transcendence, and the two-dimensional theory of wisdom that integrates virtue and wit. Second, a wide array of research hotspots of wisdom emerged, which further deepened and broadened the field of wisdom psychology. To elaborate, research of wisdom psychology nowadays focuses on the controversies and resolutions of wisdom connotations, wise reasoning, the relationship between wisdom and self, wisdom education, and so forth. In reviewing the research history of wisdom psychology over the past half-century, two conclusions can be drawn. First, the study of wisdom psychology has evolved from spontaneity to consciousness, from dispersion to organization, and from sporadic discussion to systematic research. Second, the research object of wisdom has gone through an alternate spiral change process that from characteristics of the wise person to characteristics of wisdom per se, and back to characteristics of the wise person, until finally, integration of the two. Furthermore, future research on wisdom psychology should be promoted in two areas. One aspect is to develop a maturely experimental paradigm for studying wisdom directly and revealing its brain mechanism. The other is to pay more attention to the study of applying wisdom to real-life situations.

  • 地高辛标记Ucp2 基因RNA探针的制备和应用

    Subjects: Biology >> Bioengineering submitted time 2018-07-11 Cooperative journals: 《中国生物工程杂志》

    Abstract:目的:为了制备用于检测小鼠胚胎早期Ucp2基因表达的地高辛标记的特异性RNA探针。方法:提取小鼠胚胎脑组织总RNA,设计引物,通过RT -PCR方法获取Ucp2基因片段,将其克隆到pGEM -T载体。分别利用Sp6、T7和Ucp2特异性引物,PCR扩增获得转录模板,通过Sp6及T7 RNA聚合酶,获得地高辛标记的正义、反义Ucp2 RNA原位杂交探针。检测标记探针的效价后,通过全胚胎原位杂交分析制备探针的特异性和杂交效果。结果:成功获得Ucp2基因正义、反义探针,反义探针能高效灵敏检测到Ucp2基因在小鼠胚胎Ed9.5、Ed10.5神经系统呈现高表达,而正义探针未能检测到表达信号。结论:成功制备了特异高效的地高辛标记Ucp2 RNA 原位杂交探针,为进一步研究Ucp2基因在小鼠胚胎组织中的表达,尤其在神经组织的定位奠定基础。