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Your conditions: 2022-7
  • Is older adult happier with more filial Piety children? The role of filial responsibility expectation of older adult

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2022-07-31


    Filial piety is an essential variable the influences the intergenerational interaction in the context of Chinese culture. Filial piety is a model of China’s refined traditional culture which guides family interactions based on blood relationships. It is, therefore, a social moral and normative behavior standard. Filial piety plays a vital role in older adults’ lives. However, conclusions from previous studies concerning the relationship between filial responsibility expectation and older adults’ quality of life are not consistent. This is partly because the studies did not consider filial support behaviors from adult children and filial discrepancy.

    Few studies have investigated whether older adults’ filial responsibility expectations match filial support from children and the effects of filial discrepancy on their life satisfaction and loneliness. To bridge this gap, the present study aimed to test whether filial discrepancy affects older adults’ life satisfaction and loneliness using a quadratic polynomial regression with response surface analysis.

    Our results showed that older adults’ life satisfaction was higher when emotional expectation and support, as well as contact expectation and support matched compared with when these expectations and supports did not match. The slope of the matching line was significantly positive (β = 3.23, p < 0.001). Specifically, a good match between emotional expectation and support linearly increased life satisfaction. Life satisfaction was higher when contact expectation and support matched than when they did not match. Moreover, the slope of the matching line was significantly positive (β = 1.74, p =.010). Specifically, when the contact expectation and support matched, life satisfaction increased with the increase in these two variables. Notably, older adults’ high life satisfaction was associated with children’s high instrumental support, but not the instrumental expectation. It was found that when emotional expectation and emotional support were mismatched, older adults felt lonelier when the emotional expectation was higher than emotional support compared with when the emotional expectation was lower than emotional support. Low loneliness was associated with high contact support and information support. However, loneliness was not related to contact expectation, information expectation, instrumental expectation, or instrumental support.

    In summary, our study found significant differences in the impact of filial discrepancy on the positive indicator of happiness in older adults (life satisfaction) and the negative indicator (loneliness). For life satisfaction, matching emotional expectation and emotional support, as well as contact expectation and contact support, are critical factors which improve older adults’ life satisfaction. In terms of loneliness, higher emotional expectation compared with emotional support increases older adults’ loneliness.

  • Application and Prospect of the CIPP Evaluation Model in Nursing Education in China

    Subjects: Nursing >> Nursing submitted time 2022-07-31

    Abstract: Based on the need for education evaluation to improve the development level of nursing education and promote educational reform activities, the CIPP evaluation model has been widely applied in education evaluation. The evaluation model of CIPP is a decision-oriented evaluation method, which runs through the whole education process and continuously improves and improves the quality of education. Based on the feasibility of applying the CIPP evaluation model to nursing education, the paper analyzes the prospects and challenges of the CIPP evaluation model in nursing education and tries to provide suggestions for the smooth development of the CIPP evaluation model in nursing education in China.

  • Research progress of traditional Chinese medicine life quality assessment tools

    Subjects: Medicine, Pharmacy >> Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Materia Medica Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2022-07-30

    Abstract: Objective To collate and analyze the current status of published tools for TCM quality of life assessment, to provide a reference for researchers to select appropriate tools for TCM quality of life assessment, and to develop and improve tools for TCM quality of life assessment. Methods The TCM life quality assessment tools since the establishment of CNKI, Wanfang Database, and VIP Database were retrieved, and the retrieval results were organized and counted. Results A total of 57 assessment tools for Chinese medicine quality of life were retrieved. The development time of each assessment tool ranged from 2015 to 2019, and the number of items was mainly distributed in the range of 30 to 60. There were 51 assessment tools with good reliability after the reliability test, mainly in the physiological, psychological, social, and life dimensions. Limitations Due to the late development of some evaluation tools, their application effects need further study. Conclusion The dimensions and item division of different TCM life quality assessment tools are different, so more attention should be paid to a standard evaluation in developing TCM life quality assessment tools. Objective To collate and analyze the current status of published tools for TCM quality of life assessment, to provide a reference for researchers to select appropriate tools for TCM quality of life assessment, and to develop and improve tools for TCM quality of life assessment. Methods The TCM life quality assessment tools since the establishment of CNKI, Wanfang Database, and VIP Database were retrieved, and the retrieval results were organized and counted. Results A total of 57 assessment tools for Chinese medicine quality of life were retrieved. The development time of each assessment tool ranged from 2015 to 2019, and the number of items was mainly distributed in the range of 30 to 60. There were 51 assessment tools with good reliability after the reliability test, mainly in the physiological, psychological, social, and life dimensions. Limitations Due to the late development of some evaluation tools, their application effects need further study. Conclusion The dimensions and item division of different TCM life quality assessment tools are different, so more attention should be paid to a standard evaluation in developing TCM life quality assessment tools.

  • Research progress on therapeutic evaluation criteria of diabetic nephropathy in hemodialysis patients treated with traditional Chinese medicine

    Subjects: Medicine, Pharmacy >> Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Materia Medica submitted time 2022-07-30

    Abstract: Objective Diabetic nephropathy is the most common and serious microvascular complication of diabetes and has become the primary cause of end-stage renal disease in developed countries and regions. Assessment of the efficacy of diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is conducive to the joint management of the symptoms. Methods This paper reviews the content, characteristics, and application of traditional Chinese medicine evaluation methods for the clinical efficacy of patients with diabetic nephropathy on hemodialysis. Results Efficacy evaluation criteria can be summarized as follows: patients' conscious improvement is taken as the efficacy evaluation criteria; doctors' judgment on improvement is taken as the efficacy evaluation criteria; and self-made efficacy evaluation criteria. Limitations Due to the late development of some evaluation tools, their application effects need further study. Conclusion It was suggested that according to the characteristics of the existing universal tools and in combination with the disease characteristics of patients with diabetic nephropathy on hemodialysis, a specific efficacy evaluation tool for patients with diabetic nephropathy on hemodialysis be developed to provide the basis for improving the treatment of diabetic nephropathy by effective management.

  • A standardized checklist on reporting meta-analysis in open science era

    Subjects: Psychology >> Statistics in Psychology submitted time 2022-07-30

    Abstract: Meta-analysis is a crucial tool for accumulating evidence in basic and applied research. In the open science era, meta-analysis becomes an important way for integrating open data from different sources. Meanwhile, because of the great researchers’ degree introduced by multiple-step and multiple-choices in each step of meta-analysis, the openness and transparency are crucial for reproducing results of meta-analysis. To (1) understand the transparency and openness of meta-analysis reports published in Chinese journals and (2) improve the transparency and openness of future meta-analysis by Chinese researchers, we developed a Chinese version of checklist for meta-analysis, which was based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis protocols (PRISMA) and the principle of openness and transparency, and then surveyed the methods and results of 68 meta-analysis papers in mainstream Chinese psychological journals in last five years. Our results revealed that openness and transparency of Chinese meta-analysis reports need to be improved, especially in the following aspects: the date/time and limitation of literature search, the details of screening and data collection, the flow chart of article screening, the details of effect size transformation, and the evaluation of individual research bias. The checklist we present, which lists almost all aspects that an open meta-analysis should include, can be used as a guide for future meta-analysis.

  • Penetration of Arbitrary Double Potential Barriers with Probability Unity: Implications for Testing the Existence of a Minimum Length

    Subjects: Physics >> General Physics: Statistical and Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information, etc. Subjects: Physics >> Interdisciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology submitted time 2022-07-29

    Abstract: Quantum tunneling across double potential barriers is studied. With the assumption that the real space is a continuum, it is rigorously proved that large barriers of arbitrary shapes can be penetrated by low-energy particles with a probability of unity, i.e., realization of resonant tunneling (RT), by simply tuning the inter-barrier spacing. The results are demonstrated by tunneling of electrons and protons, in which resonant and sequential tunneling are distinguished. The critical dependence of tunneling probabilities on the barrier positions not only demonstrates the crucial role of phase factors, but also points to the possibility of ultrahigh accuracy measurements near resonance. By contrast, the existence of a nonzero minimum length puts upper bounds on the barrier size and particle mass, beyond which effective RT ceases. A scheme is suggested for dealing with the practical difficulties arising from the delocalization of particle position due to the uncertainty principle. This work opens a possible avenue for experimental tests of the existence of a minimum length based on atomic systems.

  • Expert Consensus on Long-acting Injectable Antipsychotic in the Treatment of Schizophrenia in Community

    Subjects: Medicine, Pharmacy >> Clinical Medicine submitted time 2022-07-29 Cooperative journals: 《中国全科医学》

    Abstract: Schizophrenia is a chronic,recurrent and disabling psychotic disorder. Enhancing patient adherence and preventing recurrence are the key factors of treating schizophrenia, and the core determinants of prognosis and social functional recovery of these patients. Recommended by guidelines/consensuses as one treatment for schizophrenia, long-acting injectable(LAI)antipsychotics have been an important intervention for treating schizophrenia and for preventing its recurrence, At the same time,as community settings are important sites for the rehabilitation of schizophrenia, considerable efforts have been made to explore models of community-based management of schizophrenia. Currently, the use of LAI antipsychotics in community-based management of schizophrenia has been highlighted in multiple policies and documents of China, but its application is negatively influenced partially by community physicians' insufficient understanding and application skills regarding LAI antipsychotics, which has become a bottleneck that hinders the comprehensive rehabilitation of schizophrenics. In view of this, a consensus was developed based on clinical evidence, previous guidelines and consensuses, expert individual practice and features of community settings in China, by a group of 13 experts, including psychiatrists from the Chinese Schizophrenia Coordination Group,Psychiatric Society, Chinese Medical Association, and general medicine experts from the Chinese Society of General Practice, Chinese Medical Association. This consensus will significantly contribute to the solving of problems in the use of LAI antipsychotics for community-based management of schizophrenia, and the improvement of patient adherence and prognosis.

  • Study on Non-uniform Temperature Field and Thermal Deformation of Antenna Alidade

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2022-07-29 Cooperative journals: 《天文研究与技术》

    Abstract: In order to solve the problem of non-uniform temperature thermal deformation caused by antenna alidade under solar radiation, environmental parameters, solar irradiation parameters and the geometric model of the alidade structure are derived, and the thermodynamic simulation of antenna alidade structure under multiply operating conditions is realized, and Based on the integrated model, the temperature characteristics of antenna alidade are analyzed. 24 fiber Bragg grating temperature sensors are installed on the antenna alidade structure, and the relative accuracy of the measured temperature and the simulated temperature field is higher than 85%, which verifies the correctness of the simulation method. Combined with the geometric relationship between the shift field of the antenna structure and the data of the deviation of the antenna azimuth axis and the measured temperature characteristic data, the rapid calculation of the deformation from measured temperature to the alidade structure is realized, and the causes of the deviation of the antenna alidade shaft are analyzed.

  • When Expectation-maximization-based Theories Work or Do Not Work: An Eye-Tracking Study of the Discrepancy between Everyone and Every One

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2022-07-29

    Abstract: Mainstream theorists in risky decision-making have developed various expectation theories with the ambitious goal of capturing everyone’s choices. However, ample evidence has revealed that these expectation theories could not capture every individual’s (“every one’s”) actual risky choice as descriptive theories. With doubts about the default compatibility between everyone (full set) and every one (subset), we used an eye-tracking technique to explore whether a theory for everyone would work well for every one. We found that expectation theories could capture the choice of an individual when making decisions for everyone and for self in a multiple-play condition, but could not capture the choice of an individual when making decisions for self in a single-play condition. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of the boundaries of expectation theories and those of heuristic/non-expectation models, and may shed light on the general issue of the classification of risky decision-making theories.

  • I Can’t See Your Pain: The Relationship Between Vulnerable Narcissism and Pain Empathy

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Personality Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2022-07-28


    Narcissism and its clinical analogue, Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), comprise a set of personality constructs characterized by pervasive patterns of grandiosity in fantasy and behavior, feelings of uniqueness and superiority, excessive need for admiration, a sense of entitlement, arrogance, self-centeredness and low empathy. With some evidence suggesting that trait narcissism levels are increasing in the world, understanding its consequences is increasingly pressing. As the capacity to recognize and understand others’ emotional states and to feel a similar emotion to another person, a lack of empathy in grandiose narcissistic individuals and NPD patients has long been observed. However, the narcissistic trait can also be manifested in a lesser-studied form, vulnerable narcissism, which shares the features of self-absorption, entitlement, conceit, disregard for others and interpersonal antagonism, but presents with low self-esteem, introversion, shame, psychological distress, and fragility. Given its variants in self-regulatory functioning, studies have found that vulnerable narcissism may differently relate to empathy. Will the vulnerable narcissistic trait be negatively associated with empathy for pain? According to the Dynamic Self-Regulatory Processing Model, vulnerable narcissistic individuals need to reduce their attention to pain of others and reduce their level of pain empathy to regulate their emotions and thus maintain a positive view of themselves. In the present research, we systematically test this hypothesis by two studies.

             In Study 1, we investigated whether the attentional bias toward others’ painful faces mediates the relationship between trait vulnerable narcissism and pain empathy. The level of trait vulnerable narcissism was measured by using the Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale (HSNS). The attentional bias toward others’ painful faces was measured by using the dot-probe paradigm, in which a painful face and a neutral face were presented simultaneously for 500 ms, and the participants had to indicate the positions of the probes after the face presentations. The empathy for pain was measured by using a pain judgement task, in which participants were asked to rate the intensity of pain portrayed by faces of 10 Chinese models. The results of Study 1 showed that, trait level variations in vulnerable narcissism were negatively associated with attentional bias toward painful faces, which in turn led to lower levels of empathy responses to painful faces. In addition, the results also revealed that such an association held even when the effects of control variables, including age, gender, education, positive affect and negative affect, were controlled.

             In Study 2, we further investigated whether the eye movement pattern in pain perception mediates the relationship between trait vulnerable narcissism and pain empathy. In this study, participants were asked to complete a pain judgment task, in which painful faces or neutral faces was presented for 2000 ms and participants had to indicate the intensity of pain portrayed by those faces in 10-point-scale. Eye movements were tracked by the SMI RED 500 eye-tracker when participants were viewing the faces. Four areas of interests were selected (i.e., areas of forehead, eyes, nose, and mouth). The results showed that trait vulnerable narcissism was negatively associated with the fixation duration within the eye areas of painful faces, which in turn led to the decreasing of empathy for pain.

             In summary, the results of the present research support our hypothesis which suggest that vulnerable narcissistic individuals have deficits in their ability of pain empathy, which is caused by their reduced attentions toward others’ painful faces.

  • The unified higher-order corrected Komar formulas for mass and angular momentum

    Subjects: Physics >> The Physics of Elementary Particles and Fields submitted time 2022-07-28

    Abstract: It is of great convenience to apply Komar integral to define mass and angular momentum of asymptotically-flat spacetimes.However, their expressions
    differ from each other in form due to the existence of a different factor. In order to eliminate the difference between them, by utilizing the method
    in which the conserved current is generated via the action of the degree-preserving differential operators on a 1-form vector field, we modify
    the conventional Komar potential by including a nonlinearthird-order derivative term of Killing vector.Conserved charges based on the higher-order corrected Komar potential unify the definitions of mass and angular momentum for asymptotically-flat spacetimes.

  • A Network–Based Theoretical Model of Substance Use Disorder

    Subjects: Psychology >> Clinical and Counseling Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Psychological Measurement submitted time 2022-07-28


    Substance addiction involves multiple factors, ranging from biological, social, to cultural. But the dominant biological reductionism-based explanations focus primarily on the brain, potentially hindering a more comprehensive and inclusive research of substance addiction and its recovery. We propose that network theory, focusing on feedback loops formed by interactions between myriad psychological disorder variables, will provide a better holistic framework to understand the complexity of substance addiction. Applying network theory to substance addiction may provide new insights in (1) understanding the interrelationships and interactions between symptoms, (2) understanding the systematic integrity and dynamic changes in symptom networks, and (3) integrating multiple levels of factors into a unified theoretical framework. Also, network theory may generate new approaches for future interventions and treatments. In sum, networktheory, as a theoretical model, provide a new perspective for understanding substance addiction and its intervention. We believe this reframing will encourage more empirical research toward various other hypotheses within this framework, thus, promoting the treatment and recovery of substance addiction.

  • A Selection Method of Representative Papers that Integrate Innovation and Influence

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2022-07-27

    Abstract: Purpose/Significance The paper proposes a method for the selection of representative papers, which provides support for the selection and evaluation of representative works. Method/Process Considering the innovation and influence of the papers comprehensively, the paper designs a representative index, and takes the papers with the highest representative index as the representative papers of scholars. Taking an outstanding scientist as an example, the paper selects his representative papers, and uses the main path analysis method to test the innovation and influence of the selected representative papers. Result/Conclusion The empirical results show that the representative index can effectively select the representative papers of scholars, and it is feasible to use the method to select the representative papers.

  • Key issues in the process of open access

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2022-07-27

    Abstract: " Purpose/significance This paper combs the key nodes of open access, analyzes their causes and consequences, and provides reference for related researchers in the field. Method/process By using the methods of literature research, induction and case analysis, this paper systematically combs the key nodes of open access, and interprets the key problems and their causes and consequences from five aspects: origin, main effects, obstacles, development status and prospects. Result Open access plays an important role in the process of academic exchange, and its effectiveness is increasingly prominent, but at the same time, there are also problems from funding, quality control, intellectual property protection, commercial publishers, academic circles and so on. Conclusion Analysis of the development of open access can provide meaningful reference and thinking for stakeholders. In addition, in the current unstable period of academic publishing, it is necessary for all walks of life to contribute more wisdom to jointly promote open access.

  • The Application of Paper-level Classification System inJournal’s Discipline Distribution Analysis

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2022-07-27

    Abstract: Purposes Journal’s discipline distribution is one of the key issues in the current stage of developing journal in china. In order to solve the limitations of the journal-level discipline classification system in the analysis of journal’s discipline distribution, this article intends to introduce a paper-level discipline classification system. Methods The comparative analysis was used to exemplify the advantages of the paper-level discipline classification system in the research related to journal’s discipline distribution. Results In the analysis of journal’s discipline distribution, paper-level discipline classification system effectively revealed the obvious discipline distribution differences and discipline emphasis between the multidisciplinary journals Nature and Science Bulletin, the Science China-Chemistry and Journal of the American Chemical Society. In the analysis of the discipline evolution, through the mining of the paper-level discipline classification system, we revealed that Sensors has expanded from focusing on sensor-related topics to across multiple disciplines. Based on the analysis of the overlap of journal topics, we found that Acta Oceanologica Sinica and Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, which belong to different disciplines, overlap in many research topics. In the analysis of journal impact, we take JCR “Statistics & Probability” journals as examples to analyze the difference in journal impact rankings under the two classification systems. The paper-level classification system can more effectively eliminate citation differences within disciplines, and provides a better objective classification reference for journal impact evaluation. Conclusion Compared with the journal-level discipline classification system, the paper-level discipline classification system classifies the paper as a unit, with fine granularity, fast update, and more suitable for the research practice of journal’s discipline distribution.

  • Research on the Application of Partial Randomisation Mechanism in Grant Peer Review

    Subjects: Management Science >> Science ology and Management submitted time 2022-07-27

    Abstract: Currently, peer review is playing the key role in research funding. The fairness of the review process and the reliability of the review results determine whether truly valuable research can be funded. However, conflicts of interest, non-consensus among reveiwers and review bias often occur in the review process, which makes the funding decisions unreliable and random to a certain extent. And the Matthew effect in science further amplifies this implicit randomness in future resource allocation. A list of changes and modifications have been proposed and tested to solve the aforementioned problems of peer review in funding allocation, among which a transformative initiative -- partical randomisation or lottery-style mechanism -- attracts growing attention. Specifically, funding institutions randomly fund those proposals with similar academic value, non-consensus among experts, and original innovation that have been pre-selected by peer experts. In this paper, we systematically review the funding schemes that have adopted the randomisation mechanism, and analyze the applicability and acceptance of this idea. The application of partial randomisation in grant peer review is still in an embryonic stage, and its scope of application, effectiveness and impact on the evaluation system are still unclear. Future research could focus on the theoretical mechanism of random allocation itself and its potential implementation impact to explore the possibility of applying this mechanism to foster fair and efficient funding allocation.

  • Foresight Community Service for Scientific and Technology Information Policies

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2022-07-27

    Abstract: Based on a full investigation of the Technology Foresight (TF), Strategy Foresight (SF) and Policy Foresight (PF), the case of China Institutional Repository Implementation Group (CIRG) was described as a practical experience of the foresight community applied in the S&T information policy field. As a decentralized, future-oriented, and policy practical group, the foresight community’s characters are common discovery, common discussion, common direction and common declare for the forthcoming needs of social economy, to meet national policy objectives.

  • Foresight Activities Organization for Science and Technology Information Policy

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2022-07-27

    Abstract: The features of the organization actives of the “Policy Foresight” include common discovery, collaborative innovation, condense consensus, creating future development condition. Based on a full investigation of the S&T information environment changing and the policy foresight relevant studies, the case of the first China open access week was described as a practical experience of the policy foresight applied in the S&T information field. This study shows that it is of significance by using policy foresight to build up the policy communication constructing elements and to shape the future direction of the S&T information communication.

  • Foresight Intelligence Work for Scientific and Technology Polices

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2022-07-27

    Abstract: Foresight intelligence can improve the collaborative efficiency between the organization, policy and knowledge. based on the Decision-supporting as the framework, basic intelligence work as the core, technology road mapping as method, foresight institution brings the positive impact on technological, social and policy aspects.

  • Development of Africa Open Access Scientific Journal ——The case study of Africa Online Journal (AJOL) and its Journals

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2022-07-27

    Abstract: Africa is an important part of the world and is also the important international collaboration partner of China. There are many countries and/or publishers in Africa build up the Africa Online Journal (AJOL), which is one of the main source of global open access scientific information. By using literature review and desk research, this study reveals its development conditions, platform management, and usage benefit, in order to provide references for the international development of Chinese S & T journals, and the opportunities and chances for Chinese researchers to build international collaboration on scientific and technology research, global open access movement, and journal development. .